

"Falynn, help! I've been trapped in the museum!"

The panicked plea of her best friend echoed in Falynn Ward's mind as she dashed towards the city museum.

"The Exhibit Hall C!"

Falynn looked up quickly as she reached the door. There, in bold letters, was the sign: "Exhibit Hall C." This was the place Laney had texted her about when she called for help.

Without wasting another moment, Falynn pushed the door open and stepped inside. The large hall was dimly lit, filled with shadows that stretched across the floor and walls, making it hard to see clearly. She called out as she entered, "Laney! Where are you?”

When the door swung open under her hand, she was greeted by the darkness within. Suddenly, a strong hand clasped around her wrist and dragged her into the dark room, followed by a loud thud as the door slammed shut.

"Hey—who are you, and what do you want?!" Falynn shrieked, her eyes darting around wildly as she tried to make out her surroundings.

More confusion aroused in her, as the only thing she could make out of the room was thick darkness.

The windows were shut tight giving no room for a single ray of light.

"Settle down, and I'll treat you well." A man's deep and husky voice spoke close to her ear.

The next second, Falynn was tenaciously tossed onto the couch, and before she could scurry to her feet, a lean and strong body pinned her down.

She let out a stifled cry when a pair of lips that tasted like peppermint captured hers.

The man on top of her felt burning hot to the touch. A sense of hopelessness brought tears to her eyes as she tried to struggle against the man, but in the end, she was too weak to struggle and could do nothing but endure the man's ferocity.

An hour later, Falynn staggered out of the room, looking weary. She had only just been through a nightmare, but that didn't distract her from worrying about her best friend's safety.

She was just about to call Laney's number when she saw a group of men and women walking out the side door. Under the lights, she instantly recognized the two of the women in the group.

One happened to be Laney, her best friend who had cried for help on the phone earlier, and the other was the adoptive Ward's daughter, Linda Ward.

The two girls walked side by side with their arms linked as if they were the closest of friends.

Shock and rage colored Falynn's features when she saw them. "Stop right there, Laney!" she called out loudly over the distance as her fists clenched tightly at her sides.

Upon hearing this, Laney and Linda swiveled around to face her. Falynn glowered at them, burning red as she demanded of Laney, "Why would you lie to me?!"

Laney smirked instead. "It's not my fault that you're always so susceptible, Falynn."

"Did you have a good time with your boyfriend back there?" Linda asked in a sing-song voice, smiling wickedly.

It was only then that Falynn realized that both of them had set her up. The chastity she had held dear for the past nineteen years was now sacrificed for their horrendous glee.

Presently, Falynn's eyes were frosty as she seethed, "Did you think I was your friend, Falynn? I've been living in your shadow ever since we met! I hate you, and I want nothing more than to ruin that face of yours!"

Linda quickly retorted, mocking her, "I have the evidence I need to show Dad that you've been meeting guys secretly at the museum. It won't be long until you're out of the house!”

"You two—" Falynn was so furious that she swayed. Her body was in tatters after the ordeal she had been through, and the collective weight of her friend's betrayal and her sister's cruelty nearly knocked her down.

"Come on, Laney! We shouldn't be seen with trash, should we?" Linda said, looping her arm through Laney's as she led her towards the sleek sports car parked nearby.

Three days later, inside the Ward residence, a deep male voice reverberated with fury, "I entrusted you with a simple task – to retrieve a valuable art piece from the museum. And what do I find out? You've degraded yourself to selling your body for money! ,How could I have a daughter who would betray her principles in such a despicable manner?"

"Dad, I didn't—"

"You didn't? But you did, Falynn! How could you sink to such disgraceful depths? Have we neglected you, or denied you anything? I can't fathom how you would sell yourself to strangers in some grimy den! Did you really just cheapen yourself like that? In a museum, no less? I didn't give birth to a dog!”

""For your sake, I hope you haven't brought any trouble back to this house. Who knows what my daughter and I could have been dragged into because of you," the woman, dressed in jewels and fine clothes, sneered from her seat on the couch.

"Dad, I swear, I didn't—" Falynn began to protest, but was interrupted.

Thompson did not want to hear another word from her. He glowered at her maliciously as he snapped, "Still lying to me, I see. Get out of this home right now! I will not stand to have you under my roof. No daughter of mine could be so shameless. From now on, you are not my child!"

Meanwhile, on the staircase landing, Linda observed the unfolding drama, casually leaning against the banister with her arms crossed, a smirk playing on her lips.

Everything was going exactly the way she had planned. In a matter of minutes, Falynn was going to be cast out of the house and wander around like some pathetic loser.

Downstairs in the living room, Falynn fell silent when she saw the thunderous and disappointed look on her father's face. She wordlessly rose from her seat and walked up the stairs to pack up her things.

She had barely reached the landing when Linda intercepted her. Standing with her arms folded defiantly across her chest, the younger girl glared at her with contempt. "Leave now! We don't want you here, so don't stick around like a nuisance. You're not welcome in this house anymore!”

Falynn clenched her fists as she glowered at Linda's pleased expression.

Seeing the hatred and anger in Falynn's eyes, Tiana leaned forward, her voice dripping with sarcasm. "What, are you going to slap me now?" She turned her cheek towards the fuming girl, a smug smile playing on her lips. "Go on, give it your best shot!"

Without hesitation, Falynn's hand connected with Tiana's cheek, the sound echoing through the room as the force of the slap left a red mark on her skin.

"Ah!" Linda's cry pierced the air, her hand flying to her cheek where Falynn's slap had landed. "Mom, Dad, Falynn just hit me!" She yelled, her voice trembling with indignation as she dashed down the stairs.

Cynthia Ward rushed to her daughter's side, her eyes flashing with anger as she glared up the stairwell. "How dare you raise a hand to my daughter, Falynn! What on earth has gotten into you?!"

Thompson Ward's disappointment was palpable as he observed the scene. When did my oldest daughter become a terrorist?

"Dad, it really hurts..." Linda whimpered, exaggerating her pain as she sought solace in her father's arms.

Thompson's jaw clenched with frustration. "Leave now, Falynn! I won't tolerate this behavior in my house!" he bellowed, his voice echoing through the tense atmosphere.

With her bags packed, Falynn descended the staircase, her heart heavy as she observed her father holding Linda in his arms with tenderness. A bitter chill washed over her as she realized the depth of his favoritism.

" imagine! She's nothing but a snake in sheep's clothing!," Falynn seethed inwardly, biting back the words she wanted to spill out.

As she looked upon the scene before her, Falynn accepted the painful truth: she was a stranger in her own father's heart. Thompson had chosen to believe Linda's version of events without ever seeking Falynn's side of the story.

Since her mother's passing, Falynn had endured years of feeling like an outsider in her own home, forced to witness her father build a new family with his mistress and their illegitimate child.

Her mother had never suspected her husband's infidelity, not even in death.

"I will never return to this place," Falynn vowed silently, her resolve hardening with each step she took towards the door.

Inside the house, Linda smirked triumphantly as she watched Falynn drag her suitcase across the threshold. "Good riddance to bad rubbish," she thought gleefully.

As if to add insult to injury, the heavens opened up, drenching Falynn and her belongings in a relentless downpour.

"Leave and never darken our doorstep again!" Thompson's words cut through the air like a knife, sealing Falynn's fate with finality.

As she stood in the rain, soaked to the bone, Falynn made a solemn promise to herself and to those who had betrayed her.

"I swear, Linda, Laney, and Cynthia, I will have my revenge."

And to her father,

who had chosen a stranger's child over his own flesh and blood, Falynn vowed to make him regret his decision.