
Talking, dressing and searching.

{Berlin, 1938, 13:49}

- And still, I think you need a name! A man should not live without it. It's unnatural and abnormal. - Once again, Agna said angrily. - The name is also very important in society.

It's been a little over half an hour since Agna, Volker, Jervas, and Nameless introduced themselves to each other. In the case of the latter, Agnes was extremely unhappy. For her, the name was always a matter of pride (and mockery, but she usually forgets such cases...). Besides, her parents were priests who were sure that the name has an important role in human life. And because of that their daughter got a similar point of view.

And that's why for her there was a crazy idea of the very existence of a man without a name. For her, it was not even a blank space on the web of world, but the real hole.

- And I'm telling you once again that the name is useless to me and is not necessary. - Nameless objected in a bored voice. - The name is a personal stamp that is given to a human at birth and serves to identify him in society. People use names to address the exact person they want to talk to without any difficulty or a waste of time.

A person needs the name more to communicate with other people. However, people on their own don't need the name. Being isolated from other people, the person may even forget it. The person's name is the "face" that they carry in society; it is a kind of sound code that defines their communication with other people. The name is a combination of sounds that other people and the person himself refer to. No more, no less.

- I understand you, Nameless. Your opinion is logical. - Volker responded. - However, there is still such a thing as the image fixed to the name, formed by historical examples, culture, fiction, and so on.

Often, people with the same name possess the general features of character. But whether it is connected with a sound which it bears, certain power, or the person is formed under the influence of an environment, the question is disputable. Thus, if you will be called any name, like Alaricus*, Erich**, or Ernst***, it is possible to get some qualities peculiar to these names. Not to mention the public opinion that's likely to be positive.

- Well done, Volker. How useful you are. - Agna exclaimed and patted him on the head. Normally it would have been a rather strange gesture, but in the case of Volker and his height just over 150 cm, it looked quite funny. - By the way, I noticed something, where are we going?

After these words, the whole group suddenly stopped and looked at Agna like a complete fool. And even though the sudden stop caused some people to crash into them, the guys were too shocked to care.

- Um, we're looking for a clothing store... You promised Nameless that you'd buy him some clothes. - Jervas responded grimly. - We thought you knew where we were going. But if we don't, then it turns out that...

- We've wasted almost half an hour of our lives... - finished for Jervas Nameless.

After this remark, Agna finally remembered her promise to buy clothes for Nameless. How embarrassing and humiliating it was for her, it's impossible to put into words. Staring at the ground, she only stood silently, waiting for further blame. At that moment she looked like a poor kitten, who accidentally broke the vase and waited for the wrath of his owners.

- Haaah, Agna, answer me, please. Do you know where you can go to get clothes? I don't want to waste any more time. - Looking at such a strange and cute scene, even Nameless became a little sorry for her. Maybe. In a parallel universe. But it's very unlikely.

- Of course, I know, who do you think I am. - After seeing the chance to regain her reputation as a strict and all-knowing commander, Agna finally led the boys in the right direction. Though the blush on her face was still visible.

{After fifteen minutes of " the most exciting " adventures, at the clothing store.)

After fifteen minutes of unbridled merriment and rambling in the city, our group finally found a clothing store. And even though they often got lost, went in the wrong place and just missed the shop, it was worth it. The clothing store itself only sold a limited amount of clothing, mostly custom-made, but Nameless still managed to get a standard set, and then buy it (of course, with Agna's money).

After changing clothes and trying them on, Nameless showed himself in all his glory.

- Oh my, what a pretty boy. These pants, shirt, and light coat, along with leather shoes, go well with your eye patch and long gray hair. And the most important thing is that all the clothes are black. - Agna gave her opinion. Though she seemed pleased with it, in reality, she was very angry at the fact that Nameless had chosen such expensive clothes. While he was changing, she managed to ask the seller the price of the set and was unpleasantly surprised. Besides, taking into account her problems with money...

- I agree that you look beautiful, but the hair down to the back is a bit too much. - Jervas also answered, while scratching his chin.

- Welp, that's very interesting and all, but why some things don't embarrass you? - But Volver was confused by absolutely different things. - For example, why he does not smell and not dirty although he had been in his coffin for more than two weeks. Or why he doesn't look thin, because he wasn't fed. The only thing that's wrong with him is his shredded hair.

Even though the remarks of the short man were logical, he seems to have forgotten that he does not live in a simple world, but in a magical one, where everything can be solved quite quickly. The rest of them realized it and therefore did not even try to explain something to him.

- I shouldn't ask you to buy custom clothes, it would be too much, right? - Nameless asked Agna. The answer was a nod and a warning look.

- I already spent money on you, and you want to waste more? Are you out of your mind? - Agna started getting angry. Although it was to be expected, given how much time she'd spent normally. - Do you know how much everything you picked costs? You should be grateful to me for bringing you here, not to someplace for plebs and poor people.

- O glory to the great Agna, the mighty warrior, sorceress, mother of dragons, and buyer of clothes. May your name be praised for eternity. - With sarcasm, Nameless began to praise her. - I ask you to have mercy on a commoner like me and forgive my impudence.

- Haaah, I am sick of you... - Agna said tiredly, cursing herself for accepting Nameless' deal. - Anyway, let's go get something to eat now and at least have a snack. I haven't had a crumb in my mouth since this morning. Besides, you'll have to find a place to sleep. I don't think you'll get a small apartment or at least a place in a barracks right away. I doubt you're even in the military database right now.

- Poor girl, if you're so hungry, then I suggest we go to some restaurant. - Volver offered. - Let me just ask the seller about its whereabouts. I don't want to wander around for another half an hour.

After that Volver turned around in search of a salesman, but he was nowhere to be found. Walking around the room, Volver found a small door to the utility room, which had also been opened. Thinking that the seller had just gone in there, the short man approached it and slowly opened it. To his surprise, however, there was no one inside, but a dusty room filled with boxes, shelves of various tools, and a couple of closets by the wall. The only light source was a dirty lamp standing on one of the drawers. The room was not even exposed to sunlight. Already at that time, Volver began to suspect something wrong, however nothing but the gloomy atmosphere pressed the little one.

- Guys, there's nobody here. Come on, help me find somebody. - Volver called the others, slowly going around the room. - I don't like this.

- What is it, Volver, scared of the dark? - In his usual tone, the Nameless smirked. - How old are you to be afraid of such little things?

- Nameless, be quiet. I know the tone is good for jokes, but I don't like it here either. - Agna roared out, entering the room and opening one of the closets. - Besides, I feel a rather strange aura. Pretty unusual for a clothes shop, don't you think?

- Come on, don't be mad.- Nameless teased he while entering the room with Jervas and opening one of the boxes. - There's nothing unusual about the boxes. Clothes, all kinds of fabric and stuff. It's okay. By the way, Jervas, what do you think?

- I think it's bad. - Jervas responded grimly while he walked up to one of the closets. - As you all probably know, I'm a death magician. All magicians can feel their elements like fire magicians feel the fire, wind magicians feel wind, and so on.

- Everyone knows that, even idiots. - Agna was getting mad already. - Don't waste our time in vain.

- Huh, okay. So the magicians of death can feel death - With these words, Jervas opened the door of the closet, from which the corpse of the seller fell out. - As you can see, we have a dead body.

Slowly approaching the body and checking it for traps and curses, Nameless began examining it. To his surprise, the seller's face did not express fear or fright, it seemed as if he had not even understood that he was dead.

- Look at his wound. - Volver pointed on a hole in his chest. - The blood is still fresh and not coiled. He was most likely killed about two or three minutes ago.

- Also, the wound isn't from a blade or a bullet. The hole is more suitable for a cannonball. - Noticed Nameless. - Also, the edges of the wound are a little charred. Normal weapons can't do this. Which means only one thing. There's magic involved.

As soon as the group of magicians realized it, Volver quickly summoned daggers, Jervas a spear, and Agna took out a whip. After that, the three of them got up in the fighting stands and started looking for the attackers. Only Nameless remained calm.

- Calm down, no need to panic. - Relaxedly, he began to explain. - Look. First of all, space wasn't affected in any way, I'd feel it. So there are no barriers nor pocket dimensions. Also, no one has teleported from here. Second, no one felt any strong fluctuations in mana. What does that mean?

- What does that mean? - Volver still had no idea what happened. He should have been ashamed, though, because he was a hereditary magician.

- That magic wasn't used here, or rather wasn't exactly used. - Agna figured it out. - There are such things as sealed spells. Often used as traps or shit like that. To activate them enough to use mana at the slightest. It's hard to even feel that much, if not concentrate. Mages often seal powerful spells like "The Falling Star" or "The Gates of War". But you can also seal weak spells, in our case, it was "Fireball". And pretty weak 'cuz it made such a small hole.

- That's right. Well done, Agna. - Nameless complimented her. - So the enemy is most likely an ordinary human being. Even if the average man is extremely weak in magic, so much so that he can't even feel the supernatural phenomena. However, even his mana is enough to activate a weak sealed spell. All that remains is to understand why the seller was killed.

- It's really simple. As far as I can tell from his face, he's Jewish. - Jervas responded carelessly.

- What are you, a racist? What does this have to do with the murder? - Nameless didn't get it this time.

- Let's go get something to eat, and I'll explain everything to you. And no, I'm not a racist. I deservedly hate Jews.



*Alaricus. Alaricus means omnipotent, ruler of all.

**Erich. Erich means lord, ruler.

***Ernst. Ernst means fighter against death.

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