
Nameless Despair ( The True Void )

In a world steeped in cruelty, where the sole imperative is the law of the strongest, we will tread the path of devotees venerating not deities, but rather entities embodying a purity that challenges all conception...

TheEndlessStories · Histoire
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25 Chs

Sand discovery

As the group resumed their journey, relieved to have escaped the Vorak, the sky began to change quickly. Clouds of sand formed on the horizon, announcing the approach of a devastating storm. The group looked at each other, understanding the challenge before them.

The desert wind rose suddenly, raising swirls of sand that darken the sky. The storm descended on them with ruthless force, making visibility almost zero. The grains of sand whipped their faces, and it became increasingly difficult to maintain a steady progression.

Arion raised his voice above the howl of the wind. "Let's find shelter quickly! Sandstorms can be dangerous and disorienting."

Guided by Arion's experience, the group sought refuge behind a large sand dune. They knelt to protect themselves from the violent wind and covered their faces as much as possible. The storm roared around them, wrapping the desert in a chaotic dance of sand particles.

Lucie, the mystical cat, huddles against Alice, seeking comfort in this whirlwind of hostile winds. Despite the difficult situation, the group remained united, supporting each other in this natural ordeal.

The sandstorm seemed endless, but the group resisted with determination. Everyone focused on protecting their eyes and airways, waiting for the fury of nature to subside.

Finally, after hours that seemed an eternity, the storm began to weaken. The winds decreased, and visibility slowly improved. The group emerged from its improvised shelter, shaken but still determined to continue its quest.

The desert, transformed by the storm, now offered a new and ethereal vision. The dunes had been redesigned by the wind, creating an almost unreal landscape. 

But the road was not finished, exhaustion weighed heavily on the group, their forces decreasing as the hours of walking stretched. Even Alice and Arion began to feel weariness, though their determination remained unwavering. The infinite desert seemed to stretch endlessly, and hope began to waver in the hearts of the followers.

Suddenly, in a moment of inattention caused by fatigue, one of the members of the group, overwhelmed by despair, stumbled and fell exhausted. His involuntary gesture, however, activated something unexpected. The weight of his body on a particular stone pushed a mechanism hidden under the sand.

A muffled rumble rang out, accompanied by vibrations that shook the ground. An earthquake shook the desert, causing the group members to wobble. They looked at each other, confused, wondering what had just happened.

Suddenly, a stone hatch emerged from the sand, revealing the entrance to a basement hidden for centuries. The discovery was both miraculous and mysterious. Alice, Arion and the other band members cautiously approached the newly revealed opening.

The group, revitalized by this unexpected find, carefully descended into the dark underground. As they sank into the depths, the light of the desert faded, giving way to the darkness of the underpass.

They discovered a network of corridors and chambers, a labyrinth that seemed to have been built with special intent. The walls were adorned with ancient symbols and mystical frescoes, revealing that this place had meaning far beyond what the group could have imagined.

Alice, eyes glowing with excitement, addressed Arion. "Father, this discovery might be the key we were looking for. Perhaps this underground will lead us to the lost domain and the Key of Yamir."

Arion nodded, sharing his daughter's enthusiasm. The group made their way through the underground labyrinth, navigating through the hidden passages and traps.

However one of the followers realized that he had forgotten his belongings upstairs, a collective sigh of disappointment escaped the group. The excitement of the discovery of the underground was tempered by this recklessness. However, Arion, always pragmatic and aware of the importance of every detail, spoke.

'We cannot afford to lose essential resources. Let's go back to the top and get the business back. This may be necessary for the rest of our journey."

The group cautiously ascended the spiral stairs of the underground, regaining the light of the desert. The stone hatch closed behind them, leaving the discovery of the underground in the shade. Once on the surface, they found the place where they had left their belongings.

The adept recovered his possessions, stressing his relief. "Thank you for your understanding. I would have hated to lose that, especially in such a mysterious place."

Arion looked kindly on everyone. "Every detail counts in our quest. Let's make sure we are ready for the challenges ahead."

The group prepared to descend into the underground, but before doing so, Alice turned to Arion. "Father, do you think this underground could lead us directly to the lost domain and the Key of Yamir?"

Arion shook his head cautiously. "It is a possibility. This underground was built with purpose, and we can only hope that it will guide us to our goal. Let us remain vigilant and ready to face whatever comes our way."

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