
Tan Zhenzhen

Xiao Fang walked up to the top floor of the Guild Recruitment Center, but contrary to his expectations Rong Shi wasn't there. Instead, there was a senior disciple standing on the other side of the front counter.

The senior disciple took one look at Xiao Fang then skeptically raised an eyebrow at him when she saw the Phoenix embroidered on his robes. She was a Tiger-Class disciple herself, so she thought there would be no way a guy could get into the Phoenix-Class without her knowing.

Since she didn't recognize Xiao Fang, she immediately assumed that he was a fake. However, she didn't say anything about it because it wasn't part of her job description to call out frauds.

"Hi, how can I help you?" she asked.

"I came to report some damage done to my guild house. Can it be fixed?"

"Guild house's are designed to repair themselves. If it's just a little scratch then it's nothing to worry about."