
Naive hero and I were Forced to Share the Same Body

In a fantastical world, Morsh, a sinister guy with the ability to absorb other's power by killing them and absorbing their souls, and Pete, an innocent hero, were forced to share the same body. By day, Pete, the hero, held control, using his strength and courage to protect the weak and downtrodden. But at night, Morsh, the villain, took over, relishing in the power he could gain by absorbing the life force of others. Morsh is the main character, villain mc, no harem This is my first novel so please be patient and read atleast until chapter 20 before you change your mind. Follow Instagram - https://instagram.com/suraj_gariya_5

Daoistyglf7O · Fantaisie
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101 Chs

Chapter - 33

Morsh came out of the city and summoned a dark horse and headed toward the forest where Pete saw trolls,

After half an hour, he reached the place where Pete saw the trolls,

"Dark goblins "

Morsh summoned a hundred dark goblins and ordered them,

"Spread around and find the location the trolls "

The goblins spread around the forest,

They were made out of dark energy so it was hard to see them in night,

Morsh felt a powerful goblin soul among the goblin souls he has,

"Why is this goblin soul feels strong "

Morsh summoned the soul,

A large bulky goblin around 8 feet made out of dark energy summoned,

"So this is a hobgoblin's soul "

Morsh called back the soul and waited for the goblins to come back,

**15 minutes later **

5 goblins came back and stood in front of Morsh,

Morsh said,

"I guess you found out the location, lead me there "

Morsh called back the souls of other goblins and followed the goblins that came back,

After walking for couple of minutes, they reached the location of the trolls,

Morsh stopped and called back the goblins and looked toward the troll camp,

There were nearly 500 trolls sleeping on the ground,

Some of the trolls have two heads,

Morsh said,

"Let's finish this slowly... I have time "

Morsh released dark poison smoke and surrounded the trolls with it,

Morsh then summoned 400 dark orcs and the hobgoblin and gave them swords made out of dark energy,

"Kill those trolls "

The dark orcs surrounded the sleeping trolls and were closing in toward the trolls,

Morsh summoned 400 dark goblins and gave them swords made out of dark energy and said,

"Attack the trolls when they were fighting with the dark orcs "

The goblins also ran toward the trolls,

The trolls started waking up due to the sound of the footsteps of orcs,

The trolls roared as they woke up,

All of the trolls woke up hearing the roar,

The dark orcs had already reached the trolls and already started killing the trolls,

The trolls also started attacking with their wooden clubs,

But the wooden clubs were cut down as soon as they come in contact with the dark swords,

The dark goblins were fast but not as strong, so they were running around scratching the trolls with their dark swords,

The dark energy was entering the trolls through the scratches given by the dark goblins,

A troll larger than other trolls roared from the middle,

Every troll roared after his roar,

The whole forest shook with their roar,

Morsh felt something from the roar and said,

"That must be the troll chief and he is using fear on the dark orcs by the roar"

The fear didn't affect the dark orcs and goblins,

Morsh said,

"It would have affected them if they were alive, but dead don't fear the death "

The dark orcs and goblins finished all of the trolls under an hour,

Morsh absorbed their souls and got two skills from them,

"I got the skill fear and body regeneration "

Morsh was surprised to see the body regeneration skill and thought,

'Why didn't the trolls regenerate themselves when they were cut down by the dark orcs '

Morsh soon figured it out and said,

"The dark energy must have stopped them from regenerating "

Morsh called back the dark orcs and dark goblins and summoned the dark mage,

"Incinerate the corpses of the trolls, don't leave anything behind "

The dark mage manifested a massive dark fire ball and launched it toward the corpses,

The corpses and the ground which the fireball touched all burned to crisp,

Plants turned into ashes and the whole place was shining with dark red flames,

Morsh called back the dark mage and looked at the area,

"This is where the trolls disappeared overnight, and this is the perfect place where someone forgot his sword "

Morsh took out a high grade sword out of his storage space and covered it with dark energy,

"It should be placed in the middle "

Morsh threw the sword and it landed in the middle of the burned area,

"I hope you collect some good souls for me "

Morsh then summoned the dark horse and headed toward the rose city,

He reached the city gate and called back the dark horse and entered the city,

"What should I do now "

Most of the shops were still open,

Morsh walked in a restaurant and ate some food,

He then took out his pocket watch,

"Its 2:06 in the morning, what should I do now "

Morsh just walked around the city for couple of hours,

"I have now a overview of the city, the city is fairly large "

The sun rose and the shops started opening,

Morsh checked the pocket watch,

"Pete will take over in about an hour, what should I do until then "

Morsh thought for a moment and headed toward the adventurer's guild,

"Let's take some quests from the guild "

Morsh entered the guild,

There were not many people inside the guild and it looks empty for such a large building,

Morsh walked up to the reception and asked the receptionist,

"Hey is there any other way to level up without doing quests "

The receptionist looked at Morsh and said calmly,

"Yes there is, but it can raise you to bronze level "

Morsh asked,

"Why's that "

The receptionist said,

"Because we can't let high level warriors do herb gathering "

Morsh said,

"Buy why upgrade to only bronze level "

The receptionist said,

"Well it's the level from which you can accept subjugation quests "

Morsh said,

"What's the procedure "

Receptionist took out a form and said,

"You sign here, and a silver rank adventurer will test you "

Morsh thought,

'This body is of a first rate warrior, so I guess Pete can win against a silver rank adventurer without any problem '

Morsh said,

"I will be back with some preparation "

Morsh got out of the guild and sat under a tree just outside the guild,

"Pete will handle this "

Soon Pete took over the body,

"Where am I "

Morsh said,

"You are in front of the adventurer's guild "

Pete got scared again after suddenly hearing Morsh and said,

"I told you many times to give me warning before you talk "

Morsh sighed and said,

"I found the necklace and a way to rank up your adventurer's level "

Pete quickly checked the necklace on his neck and a big smile came on his face,

"Just how did you find it "

Morsh said,

"That's not important, the important thing is your rank up "

Pete laughed and said,

"Haha... you are right, tell me how I can level up "

Morsh said,

"You just have to go in and sign a form and a silver rank adventurer will test you "

Pete quickly entered the guild and paced up to the receptionist,

"I want to level up "

The receptionist took out the form and said,

"Sing here and someone will come when they have time "

Pete said,

"But I don't know how to read and write "

The receptionist took out a stamped and said,

"You can use your thumb print too "

Pete quickly dipped his thumb on the stamped and printed his thumb on the form,

The receptionist took the form and said,

"Come back or wait for the afternoon and we will arrange your level up "

Pete said with a big smile on his face,

"Thank you "

Pete then sat on a chair and just waited,

After couple of hours, the receptionist came up to Pete and said,

"Your examiner has arrived, your test will begin in 15 minutes "

Pete stood up with excitement and asked the examiner,

"Can you tell me something about the examiner "

The receptionist nodded and said,

"You should be wary of him, he tends to bully the low level adventurers "

Pete said with a serious expression on his face,

"Don't worry I will beat him "

The receptionist smiled and said,

"Follow me "

Pete nodded and the receptionist took him to a ground,

The ground was in the back side of the guild and various weapon stands could be seen there,

Pete happily asked the receptionist,

"What are these weapons for "

The receptionist said,

"These weapons are used specifically for sparring and level up sessions "

Pete walked up a swords rack and took out a sword,

"Wow... these weapons are great "

The receptionist said,

"I will take my leave then... the examiner will be here shortly "

Pete said,

"Ok... thank you "

The examiner left and after couple of minutes a tall muscular middle aged man entered the field,

He grabbed a sword from the rack and said,

"Are you the one who wants to level up "

Pete nodded and said,

"Yes sir, I want to level up "

The guy started laughing and said,

"Haha... your test starts now "

He leaped toward Pete and swinged his sword at him,

Pete jumped back to dodge the attack,

The examiner said,

"Oh... so you got some skills "

Morsh said inwardly,

'This examiner guy is second rate warrior, but Pete's body is of a first rate warrior so dodging his attacks is no problem '

Pete replied to the examiner,

"Thank you sir... "

The examiner covered his sword in aura and rushed toward Pete and started attacking him,

Pete was dodging the attacks by jumping here and there,

Morsh said,

"Don't jump like a monkey, Analise his attack patterns and counter attack "

Pete said while dodging the attacks,

"It's taking my fullest to just dodge "

Morsh sighed and thought,

'He will always be a stupid '

The examiner said,

"Why are you talking to yourself... have you gone insane "

He then kicked Pete on chest and Pete went flying to the other side of the ground,

Pete said while standing,

"That didn't hurt much "

Morsh said,

"Pete attack with all your might otherwise you will fail the test "

Pete nodded and ran toward the examiner with his full speed,

Before the examiner could realize what's happening, Pete punched the examiner with his left hand,

The examiner went flying while spinning and dropped on the other side of the ground,

He coughed blood as soon as he hit the ground and lost consciousness,

Pete was surprised by his strength and said,

"When did I became this strong "

Morsh said,

"This must be the blessing of the goddess "

Pete had a big smile on his face and said joyfully,

"Yes you are right, this must be blessing of goddess "

The receptionist walked in the field at that moment,

He saw the unconscious examiner and Pete standing on the field,

"Hmm... To think he was this skilled "

He then walked up to the examiner and examined him,

"He just lost consciousness but is alive "

The receptionist then walked up to Pete and said,

"Please wait inside while we call a healer for the examiner "

Pete felt sad as he heard this and said with teary eyes,

"Did I hurt him "

The receptionist said,

"That much is nothing for an adventurer, he will be back to normal after some healing "

Pete nodded and walked in the guild and sat on a chair,

The receptionist said after Pete left the ground,

"He defeated a second rate warrior in this short amount of time, he must be a first rate warrior, but why didn't I feel anything form him "