
Nahjul Balagha

Nahj al-balāgha (Arabic: نهج البلاغة) (the Peak of Eloquence) is a collection of sayings and writings of Imam 'Ali (a) which have been compiled by al-Sayyid al-Radi in late 4th/10th century (finished in 400/1009-10). The criterion for selecting the sayings has been the eloquence of speech. The eloquence in this compilation is at such a high level that even though al-Sayyid al-Radi was a great poet and distinguished man of literature and had great works, regarded this compilation an honor for himself. Nahj al-balagha has been organized into three parts: sermons, letters and short sayings. Throughout the sermons, Imam (a) calls people to obey God's orders and abandon prohibitions and in his letters advises his agents to observe the rights of people. Kalimat al-qisar (short sayings) of Nahj al-balagha are a collection of wise sayings stated at the Peak of Eloquence. Subscribe to my Youtube Channel: KnowledgeNurture https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpojNt6eHdaheiU-c8XD2cQ Follow us on Tiktok/Insta: KnowledgeNurture

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Saying Number 9

Amīr al-mu'minīn Imam Ali (as), peace be upon him, said:

When this world advances towards anyone (with its favours)

it attributes to him other's good;

and when it turns away from him

it deprives him of his own good. 4


4. The meaning is that when a man's fortune is helpful and the world is favourable to him then people describe his performances with exaggeration and give credit to him for others' actions as well, while if a man loses the favour of the world and the clouds of ill-luck and misfortune engulf him, they ignore his virtues and do not at all tolerate even to recall his name. They are friends of him whom the world favours and the foes of him whom the world hits.

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