
na yea na yea

After death, Amon's soul is sent through space-time to Hunter X Hunter. Reborn as Killua's twin brother. How will Amon, from being an 18 year old high school graduate morph into a ruthless assassin of the Zoldyck Family. First Few Chaps are 1st Person, changes later. ------------------------ Doing this for fun. Novel cover from- https://www.deviantart.com/al-lamp If artist wants it taken down please send a message to https://www.deviantart.com/nightrox18 or my discord nightRox#9968 Disclaimer: I do not Own Hunter X Hunter

nightRox · Anime et bandes dessinées
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38 Chs


"No... I will fight against Hisoka, even if I won't win, I still have to try my best." Gon said with shining eyes.

"Ugh, fine do what you want, why should I care if a pedo comes after you." Amon replied.

Amon had given up, Gon was just too stubborn. He could only hope that Hisoka doesn't go overboard, if he did, Amon was ready to intervene.


Match 2- Hisoka vs. Hanzo


"I forfeit."

"You bastard-" Just as Hanzo was about to argue, Hisoka quickly shut him up with some hostile nen.

The spectators watched in silence, most were confused, but the perceptive ones already knew Hisoka was aiming for Gon.


Match 3- Hisoka vs Gon

"Match 3 participants, Hisoka and Gon, please step forward." The referee announced.


Hisoka smoothly walked over, he seemed relaxed as ever, his thin smile though, had morphed into a demonic grin, full of lust and excitement.

Gon slowly came face to face with Hisoka. He looked determined, determined to try his best. Sweat beaded his head, even though outwardly he looked unafraid, he was very nervous but also somewhat excited. All his friends had already advised him to forfeit, saying that fighting with Hisoka was too dangerous.

He clenched his fists, as he went through his plan. First he would build some difference between Hisoka and him, then dash around to find an opening, even if he didn't win, a few punches in would sate Gon's satisfaction.

All of Gon's friends were tense, they did not trust Hisoka, if he came even close to severely harming Gon's life, they would all interfere. Amon was surprised when he heard that, Killua he could understand. But Kurapika and Leorio, Kurapika needed to pass the exam if he wanted information on the Troupe and more resources, and Amon also mentioned that the Hunter Association would provide a Nen teacher.

Leorio also really needed the money to pay the fees for becoming a doctor.

Of course both of them could take the next exam, but that would not be ideal as the more they wait, the more lives Phantom Troupe ruins in Kurapika's case. While for Leorio, more poor people die to illnesses that could be easily treated with money (Leorio wants to provide free services).

"Time to start the match!" The ref said.

Gon physically got prepared, while Hisoka looked even more hungry.


Gon quickly dashed away.

Hisoka remained in his original spot, he was just observing Gon.

Gon soon started running around Hisoka, after he found a 'blind spot' he jumped right at Hisoka with a kick aimed at him.

Hisoka easily dodged the attack.

This type of confrontation continued on for a few more minutes, until Hisoka retaliated.

After stepping away from a punch, Hisoka suddenly appeared right infront of Gon and jabbed his hand forward, locking onto Gon's neck. Gon though, somehow used that to his advantage by twisting around and then kicking Hisoka in the face.

Soon, a very creepy and lustful laughter echoed around the room.

[A/N: I don't really like Hisoka, sometimes I have temptations to just kill him off, but he is pretty important to the storyline for now, anyway I came across this post on Hisoka, and it was something like 'The best time ever to be a boy and a minor'. Bruh commit sudoku]


Medical Room, Hunter Exam

"Yo Gon." Amon said.

Gon who was lying on the bed asleep, suddenly woke up.

"Amon... what happened to the exam?" Gon quickly asked.

Amon sighed, even after the beating he had taken from Hisoka, his will power hadn't been affected much.

"You passed, as did Me, Kil, Leorio and Kurapika."

"Ehhhh, really!" Gon said while jerking up from the bed.

"Oi, calm down, the exam ended just a few minutes ago, I'll tell you what happened."

Amon then proceeded to tell the events of what happened after Gon passed out from one of Hisoka's punches, and how Hisoka had then forfeit.

When Gon heard about Hisoka forfeiting, his eyebrows narrowed and his fists clenched. Even though he had kicked Hisoka, after Hisoka retaliated the difference between them was clear as glass.

Then during the match of Hisoka and Bodoro, Hisoka easily won by punching Bodoro's arm which rendered Bodoro to only have one arm. (It didn't fall off or anything, it just got paralyzed kinda)

Then Killua beat Pokkle, who then lost to Gittarackur. Speaking of him, Amon still hadn't told Kil, that he was actually Illumi...

Anyway, against Kurapika, Pokkle lost again. Finally against Leorio, Pokkle lost again... mostly because Leorio was more bigger, and Pokkle was really tired, and added with the trauma of facing against two Zoldyck assassins, who used malicious intent on him.

In the final match with Bodoro and Pokkle. Pokkle won, Bodoro was old, and his injured arm from Hisoka, had only just started to move. Pokkle used that to his advantage to win.

"GON! You're awake!" Killua's shout echoed around the room. He quickly ran over to Amon and Gon's side and gave them a fist bump.

Soon Kurapika and Leorio also walked in.

"Yo, check this out." Killua said while pulling out his Hunter's License card.

"Ah, where's mine?" Gon asked.

"This is yours, young man." A new voice said.

Everyone jumped and then realized Satotz was holding Gon's license.

After a brief laugh, and after Satotz left, they all asked Gon, how his injuries were. Turns out they weren't too severe, only a few bruises here and there with a minor concussion. He would be healed easily with some rest.



Today was the day all the applicants were leaving, they had already finished the lessons given by the Association.

Apart from the studying, Amon and Killua had also invited Gon, Kurapika and Leorio to the Zoldyck estate. Gon obviously accepted, but also said that they had to go to Whale Island. Kurapika declined, but soon accepted when he heard of the training. Leorio would also decline, but Amon somehow managed to make him accept by saying that he might need the self defense to fight against criminals that might come after him.

The training wasn't Nen related. It was the one they had done in canon to push open the testing gates. Amon would just leave all of them in Killua's hands, and then go off on his own adventure. Look around, maybe for legendary beasts, or ancient civilizations. Visit Meteor City, or he might even do some jobs for the family, the possibilities were endless.


A/N: Okay, imma do this from now on, whatever I end up writing in two days, whether that be the usual 1200 words, or something less, I will just publish. So some chapter may be as short as 800 words, or even as long as 2000. But they should be released every 2 days.

Oh yea, finally amon is going off canon route and seeing what the world has to offer. I already have some ideas on what to do, but give me some more.