
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantaisie
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43 Chs

Little Master

I imagined what life would be like, with our son, our firstborn, my son that turned out to be my daughter. "Slave supper is done," Master said, I smiled at him as he held our son.

"Coming Master, and little Master," I said, smiling at them as I went over and kissed our son on his forehead before giving Master a kiss, filled with passion and love that I held for him. "Little Master, go eat, while we talk for a few minutes," I said, he nodded and ran off to the warehouse. "Master, promise me whatever happens you'll protect him," I said.

"I promise slave, but I'll be here to protect you as well, I love you, little slave," Master said.

"I love you too Master, please never set me free I would never wish that on any slave," I said.

"I promise my perfect little slave," Master said, I smiled up at him.

"Thank you, Master, I wouldn't want to be anywhere else," I said.

"And I wouldn't want you anywhere else slave," Master said.

"Shall we go eat Master? We already kept them waiting" I said, Master chuckled but nodded and we left our house and went to the warehouse, where Master sat down with little Master at his side and I at his feet. I enjoyed the meal that the other slaves made, I kept looking up at my family, wondering how I got so lucky.

In the distance I heard a voice that sounded like Master but Master was in front of me "come back to me Jess, I need you" they said. When I felt like I was being shocked and I was brought back to reality.

"I want to go back, why did you take me from them, they need me and I need them" I cried out, I had tears falling down my face, with being forced back where I am free.

"Back where?" Master asked.

"With Master and little Master, we were eating, after they came back from practising, please just let me go back, I can't do this please" I cried out.

"What were they practising?" Master asked.

"I don't know, I was cleaning, please just let me go home," I said, looking at him.

"You are home Jess, I need you here, I love you," Master said.

"I'm not home, my Master promised never to set me free, he promised," I said, standing up and storming out of the house, I went to the woods and I went to a random tree and I climbed it. I was bigger than I remember, but it didn't stop me from getting high enough and sitting down. I realised I had clothes on, and I hated it, so I climbed down and took it off, before heading back. I went to the warehouse, and since no one was there I went to where Master put the gun and I grabbed it. I checked for bullets before leaving the warehouse, I headed for the trees, to go to the spot Master took me as his slave.

"Jessica wait" Master called out, I turned to him, before running into the woods. I didn't want to deal with him. As I reached the area where I submitted to Master I knelt down and I cried.

"I'm coming home Master," I said, as I held the gun to my head. "And this time I won't leave," I said.

"Wait just please Jess wait," Master's voice said, he sounded out of breath.

"What's the point? I can't do this, I'm broken and just want to be whole" I said, my voice breaking as I looked at him.

"Please, I can't lose you, Jess, please don't make me watch you leave me," Master said, his voice cracking as he tried to hold back tears.

"I'm sorry I just, I can't, I can't do this," I said.

"Put the gun down slave," another voice said, and instinctively I put it down, not wanting to be bad.

"What are you doing?" Master asked.

"Giving her what she is clearly craving, the only reason she became catatonic is because you freed her, she's a slave you know that, and slaves aren't able to function as anything else. You seem to have forgotten how you came to get her" Jorge said, coming into view.

"She knew if she disobeyed an order again she would be freed," Master said.

"She didn't want to call another slave a title that says they were over her, can you really blame her for that? Would you call someone lower than you Master?" Jorge asked.

"It's different," Master snapped.

"She's a slave, Tiana is a slave, but you made her address Tiana as if she was higher than her, that's why she was hesitant," Jorge said.

"She's mine" Master growled.

"You freed her," Jorge said.

"She's my wife," Master said.

"She'll be my slave," Jorge said.

"Please I love her" Master pleaded, his voice breaking.

"Then prove it. She just wants to be owned, she's willing to kill for it" Jorge said, Master looked at me and the gun next to me.

"Do you know what area you're in?" Master asked.

"Of course I do, it wasn't a mistake I came here to be free again," I said, looking up at him.

"Were you really going to kill yourself?" Master asked.

"Of course, I would, I can't live like this, I need to submit, it's not a want, it's not something I have a choice in, it's something I need to live, at least with death I would be free once more, where no one would wake me up and I could live forever with Master and little Master, I could be happy," I said, as tears fell down my face and my voice broke.

"What about our little bean?" Master asked.

"He would've joined me, I would be selfish for once in my life, because never in my life have I done something for myself, but this would be for me, so I could be happy, everything I've done since I was young was for someone else, this would be the first thing I did for me," I said.

"I'm sorry," Master said, coming in front of me, I looked away being defiant because I was angry. "Don't turn your head at me" Master growled.

"Or what?" I growled back, standing up and getting in his face.

"Know your place" Master growled.

"I do, I'm your wife, nothing more nothing less" I snapped.

"You are a slave" Master hissed.

"No, you took that away from me" I snapped, I knew I was pushing his buttons, but I needed him to prove to me that he wants me as much as I need him.

"Careful slave, I'm warning you," Master said, his voice going even and it sent a shiver down my spine.

"No I'm warning you," I said as I poked his chest. "You do not own me, you set me free," I said.

"You carry my brand or have you forgotten slave," Master said, touching my thigh where his brand was.

"Meaning you never should've set me free" I snapped, I'm sure he knew I was testing him.

"Do not snap at me slave, you will be respectful" Master growled, pulling my hair back to the point I was kneeling before him. I slowly blinked my eyes up at him, when he set my hair go I immediately went to his legs.

"Please don't ever set me free again Master" I whimpered.

"Don't worry my little slave you are mine, now how about we go home and put your collar back where it belongs" Master said.

"I'd like that Master," I said.

"You'll crawl slave as punishment for pushing back," Master said, I smiled, and crawled after him, I could feel the rocks leave imprints on my knees but I wasn't complaining.

"Master, may I ask a question?" I asked.

"What is it, slave?" Master asked.

"How long has it been?" I asked.

"Five weeks slave I was getting nervous you wouldn't come back," Master said.

"I didn't want to, I was happy," I said.

"I'm glad you did, I was a wreck without you," Master said.

"I'm telling you, if you ever set me free again I will not survive it. So I'm trusting you with my life, to keep me enslaved because I can't be free" I said, as I crawled by his side.

"You needn't worry slave, you won't be free again, I can't lose you your way too important to me," Master said.

"And you are important to me Master, you're the reason I live and breathe, without someone to submit to a slave doesn't have a reason to live, and the longer I am a slave the more I depend on my Master to keep me in my place, I need a Master to survive, it's not a choice it never has been, but now I will willingly try to kill myself to be free. Being set free, it felt like you ripped my heart out of my chest, you were practically telling me I'm not good enough to want, and that hurt Master, think about everything you care about, how much it means to you, and then imagine it tossing you aside, that's what you did to me Master, everything you care about for me is just one person" I said.

"I'm sorry slave, please forgive me," Master said.

"Of course, I forgive you, Master, I'll always forgive you, I don't have a choice, I can't live mad at you," I said, he lightly petted my hair.

"You're such a good slave," Master said.

"I try Master, I do try," I said.

"I know you do, and I see that," Master said, when we broke the treeline and headed into the warehouse, I knelt downstairs as Master headed up. When Master came back down with my collar and cuffs I held my wrists out as he put them back in place. A smile spread across my face.

"Master, I'm tired," I said, a yawn leaving my mouth.

"It's time for food slave," Master said.

"Just a small nap, my arms and legs are like jelly, just a small nap" I whispered, curling up on the floor and everything went dark.

"Slave no wake-up slave" Master shouted, but my eyes wouldn't open. I could feel clothes being put on, and my body moving but I was too tired to complain or do anything.