
N: Gang Slave

Jessica Green is a young, 23-year-old woman who finds herself tied in the trunk of a car after her boyfriend decides to sell her off to a wealthy gang leader.

Jayyline_Graze · Fantaisie
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43 Chs


We landed back in Natria, "so Jake have you decided?" Master asked.

"We can ride, it'll take pressure off her feet," Jake said.

"Choose what you want, not because you think it'll harm me. Being a slave inherently is painful, but the pain is half the fun of it" I said.

"I want to, it'll be something new and I believe in trying new things no matter how terrifying it is," Jake said.

"Well Nickki should've brought the horses over so they should be around somewhere, I'll see you when you get home slave," Master said.

"Yes Master," I said, Master nodded and got in a car before driving off.

"Was that his car?" Jake asked.

"No one owns anything, besides their slave, house and horse, everything else is shared between the communities and we have three provinces a governor and second in control person in each province, while Master is king when our son is older Master will pass him the title of king, it took four pregnancies to finally birth a male, but firstborn had to be male as he was going to take over Masters gang and continue saving for our country if Master wasn't able to get enough," I said.

"What happened to the other four kids?" Jake asked.

"Three abortions because they were female and a miscarriage which we weren't able to find out the gender," I said.

"So it's very sexist here?" Jake asked.

"Our belief is that females have a natural need to submit, look around, all the females are happy, while males have a natural need to control. So here we are able to accept nature and go back to our basic instincts. The females enslave themselves to be happy and to please men while the men are happy having the females kneeling at their feet. Look at the difference between everyone here to everyone in any other country, everywhere else your lucky to get 60% of the people happy here, on average 98% of our people are happy, the 2% are when they are being disobedient, it sucks knowing our Masters don't find us pleasing, or if we break a rule most of the time the punishments are for the slave to forgive themselves, or just because a Master feels like it. We don't have many kids, there are my two, and six others, all under the age of five. And when those girls reach 18 they will be able to be enslaved, like any other female and some of them are already excited for that day, the day of submitting to their Master, having someone willing to train, enslave and care for them, it's what even as young girls they desire, but they should also have a childhood so they help their mothers out taking care of their fathers. My daughter, she loves helping clean around the house, she loves helping care for the crops, and she loves helping with the horses, even at three she has a need to submit, but she also loves playing with the other kids and learning, we're lucky one of the slaves that came over was a teacher, she teaches the students everything they'll need to know. So if that's sexist then yes, but everyone is proud of our country and there's nothing an outsider will change, not when it's natural" I said.

"So how did the two of you meet?" Jake asked.

"Well, it's a long story, when I was 23 I started dating a guy named Brandon Gray, I was trying to put a man in jail for kidnapping and enslaving a female, I was working on becoming a lawyer that helped women put their rapists in jail. Anyways Brandon and I met at a bar, and he then asked me on a date, after two months of dating he brought in the idea of roleplaying as a Master and slave, I thought of it as a fun game, he had rules I was to follow, but I was young and naive that just wanted to be loved. When he told me he was going to drug me and take me on a vacation, I tried to contest it, but he reminded me I was a slave and that if I didn't he would punish me. I thought it to be a game and I trusted him not to hurt me so I allowed it. I woke up in the trunk of a car with Master and Brandon looking down upon me, they talked about me like I was some object that could be bought when Master inevitably paid Brandon for me, and I learned that while I thought of it as a game Brandon didn't. I was punished for acting out and then cuffed in a room with seven other girls, I was the last to fall asleep and the first to wake up, I was on high alert because I was terrified. But I very quickly came to terms, I accepted it because it felt right, it felt natural and I didn't wish to fight anymore. I've been set free a few times, but I came back to Master, or Master came back to me, but ask any slave around if they are happy and I can guarantee with absolute certainty they will all say yes, you can't say that from a free woman, they aren't happy, not like we are" I said, when we came to the centre of our country, where I saw the person who kidnapped me bound where Kennedy was and I saw red. I got off Hunter grabbed a whip and I whipped him as hard as I could, I was angry and wanted to cause him as much pain as he caused me.

"Stop it, slave, you know slaves are not to wield a weapon," Jorge said, and I snarled at him and continued to whip him. His screams filled the air as he pleaded for mercy to be shown, but I wasn't going to show mercy, not when he took my daughter from me.

"Slave enough" Master snapped and I stopped, putting the whip down and lowered my eyes. "What do you think you were doing?" Master asked.

"I'm sorry I couldn't help myself, Master," I said.

"Yes, you could've," Master scolded.

"I'm sorry Master, don't be mad please I could've asked permission or just watched," I said, looking up at him.

"Not mad, disappointed because I already told you no" Master said.

"That's worse Master, you know it is, I'm sorry please" I whimpered, as tears fell down my face.

"Lock the chain around your neck," Master said, I silently begged him not to, but he didn't take it back, slowly I went to the chain I got off this morning and locked it around my neck.

"Hey, maybe this isn't the best thing for her," Jake said.

"Stay out of something you know nothing about, she needs this, and she is craving it aren't you slave?" Master asked as I felt the lick of the whip against my back.

"Yes, Master I am" I cried out.

"She broke a rule she knew was in place, she knew the second she whipped him that it would cause herself a punishment," Master said, and for the first time since being enslaved instead of fighting the pain the whip caused I welcomed it, I allowed it to engulf me. I don't remember much, but I could feel the pleasure take me. I screamed out as my belly spasmed as I orgasmed. "My my little slave," Master said, I had tears falling down my face, as I stood there. When Master came in front of me, I couldn't make eye contact with him, I was ashamed of the fact that I orgasmed by him whipping me. "Don't be ashamed slave," Master said, making me look at him.

"Can't help it, it's embarrassing" I said.

"Do not find it embarrassing, slave" Master said, I couldn't find it in me to be embarrassed.

"What's there to be embarrassed about? I'm a slave" I said.

"That you are," Master said.

"Please may your slave be released from the chain?" I asked.

"Of course slave, you did so good," Master said, unlocking the chain from my collar.

"May she hug you, Master?" I asked, he nodded, I wrapped my arms around him and hugged him close. I was proud that he found me pleasing. "I love you, Master," I said, looking up at him. Master smiled down at me and kissed me.

"I love you too, my little slave," Master said when he pulled back.

"Master, I should've known better I'm sorry," I said.

"You should be sorry, but you're forgiven," Master said

"I am Master," I said.

"So you're just going to forgive him?" Jake asked.

"Why wouldn't I? I'm a slave, there's nothing else I would rather be. Of course, I would forgive him, he is the most important to me, just watch, hey Julia, Tiana, Langley come over" I said as they passed us.

"Hey Jess, what's up?" Tiana asked.

"I'm just trying to explain how much slaves enjoy their place, why we'd forgive our Masters for punishing us," I said.

"Well of course we all enjoy our place in this world, it's natural for females to submit to men," Langley said.

"And when we act out, of course, we are going to be put in our place. We are slaves, less than the free, so we need to be reprimanded when we break the rules. Of course, we will accept our Masters back when the punishment is over, we are property to be owned" Julia said.

"And there's nowhere else we would rather be, most fought back in the beginning but we have all accepted it and find a great deal of comfort in it, we are property and we are owned and we love it. Any slave here can tell you that" Tiana said.

"We all love our place, it's natural we hate our life being free, and from someone who was set free on multiple accounts, it sucks, I couldn't function, and one of those times I became catatonic. It hurts to be freed, it hurts when our Masters are disappointed in us because all we wish to be is pleasing and when we're not it hurts. So of course there's nowhere else any slave here would rather be, even the slaves that were bought to be freed went back to the slave house to be auctioned to a new Master to someone who will own them, and those Masters were put on a six-month ban from buying slaves, they get three strikes and then they aren't permitted to purchase slaves" I said.

"Is that for everyone?" Jake asked.

"Ask any female, and they'll say the same thing along the lines," Master said.

"So any female here enjoys being a slave?" Jake asked.

"Any female, most would hate to be set free, we have two females who are free, but the second they forget their papers stating they are free they can be reenslaved, but we don't hound them, but if they wish to get anything, they have to prove they are free, or if they get stopped, but since they don't have citizenship nor do they have money so they can't leave, passports cost money for slaves to get, and only the ones that are owned and have permission from their Master can they own it, it also doesn't help that our Masters change our names depending on them, we are animals in eyes of our laws, our name is because our Master wishes us to have a name, though they rarely call us by our name," I said, Master wrapped his arms around me and kissed my forehead, and I relaxed in his arms.

"Mommy, are you okay?" MJ asked as he and Kaitlyn came out.

"Of course I am little Master," I said smiling as I picked them both up. "These are our kids, MJ and Kaitlyn, kids, this is a doctor from the States Jake," I said.

"Hello Sir, nice to meet you," Kaitlyn said.

"Hi," MJ said.

"Are you seriously raising children to accept slavery?" Jake asked.

"It's natural, and my mommy is doing a pretty good job helping daddy run our country. It's legal here, so I suggest you not disrespect all the slaves in our country" Kaitlyn snapped.

"Don't disrespect the way we chose to raise our kids, watch the slaves around, see how happy they are. They feel fulfilled with their life, knowing that they have nothing to worry about. Here and across a few countries slavery is legal and well accepted and encouraged" Master said.

"Yes, please do not disrespect the way we chose to live our life, we don't disrespect the way free females choose theirs, you'd be surprised how pleasing a trained slave can perform to be pleasing no matter who it is, some are trained specifically to please others if it's their Masters wish," I said.

"How well can these 'slaves' be pleasing?" Jake asked.

"Depends on how good they are trained, but we take our pride in being pleasing," Tiana said.

"We also don't hide our sexuality, sex is natural, you can see most of the time slaves and Masters engaging in sex, it's a natural part of life," I said.

"So you would have sex in front of your kids? In the open?" Jake asked.

"Of course, if Master wishes for me to please him I will gladly do it, if he wishes for me to please another I will because it pleases him. I am and will always be a slave before I am his wife or the mother to his children, I am a slave" I said.

"Has he had you have sex with others before?" Jake asked.

"Of course, it's how I helped him get the money, also during my training, or just because he wants me to entertain his guests, I'm okay with that, I enjoy when I please my Master, and I enjoy pleasing others," I said.

"Beg to please him, slave," Master said, I put my kids down, before I got down and crawled over to Jake.

"Please Sir, please allow me to please you Sir I beg you to allow me please you Sir" I pleaded, looking up at him, I had a need, a desire to please him, because it would please my Master. "Please Sir I wish to please you please allow me to, please allow me to show you how well this slave can be found pleasing, it's all she wishes for please Sir please this slave begs you to allow her to please you" I begged.

"Is there somewhere a little more private we can go to?" Jake asked, I looked back at Master, wondering what his answer will be.

"Take him to the slave's house, there will be a private room there that you can use," Master said.

"Please allow me to take you, Sir," I said, looking up at him.

"Okay, fine," Jake said, I stood up, running my hand up his thigh with a smile on my face.

"Thank you, Sir," I said, leading him to the slave house.

"Be pleasing slave" Master called out, I smiled as we walked.

"What happens if you're not pleasing?" Jake asked.

"I'll get punished, or he'll just punish me because he feels like it, but I love being punished, the pain it brings is nice, but Master knows what is best, he knows what I can handle and I trust him with my life," I said, we were quiet as we walked to the slave house.