
Myths in the shadows

I have been waiting for the downfall of the humans for over one thousand five hundred years now,The humans shall soon be cleared out of the surface of the earth.The bearer of the crest mark would be the destruction to the the human world,He shall unite all the supernatural race and bring defeat and choas to the humans.This has been prophesied long before the war.

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11 Chs


*Sitting on her throne*

I think its time I released my nine warriors to the earth.My chosen is almost ready to have his powers activated. This is going to be just more than a war but also the death of the world.My specie has been in captivity for too long,I could have freed them long ago but I don't want to interfere in the affairs of fate.Once the fourth prophecy is fulfilled,the countdown to the end of the world begins..

Quavo,the god of all vampires who is my mate, happens to be interested in this war as well since his specie is also caught up in this tangled web.Rising up,I teleported to my mate kingdom..He seems surprised to see me since I don't come unannounced.

"Qauvo,I need your help on something.I said.

I knew you had something on your mind when you appeared.You look so bothered m'love,ask me anything and I promise I shall grant it even up to half of my kingdom.

I smiled,He surely knows how to ease my tensioned nerves.He looks more handsome and breathtaking as usual,With his usual boyish smile..I can never feel content watching him,his facial structure is what I study every time we are together.He has a thick eyebrow which a well a sculpted jaw line with the brightest brown eyes ever..I blushed just thinking of his god like body.

"You like what you see m'love? he asked.

"feeling slightly embarrassed,I tried to straightened myself to discuss the reason why am here.Quavo,I need to discuss something really private with you.

Ohh,really?Motioning to my guards,I gave them a signal to exit the room.I stepped down from my throne to lead the way to my inner chambers .

So what would be so bothering that would make the Luna come unannounced?.

Its about the war coming,I need to know if you have seen the vessel worthy to aid the Chosen one in his quest to annihilate the human race..

Quavo replied,Thats not a problem.I have a vessel ready,but I won't reveal who he is until almost all the prophecies are fulfilled.

"OK,I had a vision two days ago that the human race shall seek help from a very powerful witch and also some of my wolves shall betray their own to join forces with the human race.I feel very unsettled because something is not just right.I felt a raw power like in the ancient from the witch when I tried to peek to know who she is. "I sighed".

That's not a problem Aurora and you know it..Seeking help from just some few wolves and a witch shouldnt be a problem.

Yea,its shouldn't..Only if the witch is a god and my rival.

I felt like I heard my dead heart start beating..why would Nyx want to take sides with the humans?she hated them with a passion!!

Unless if its was personal,She knows its will be a way to get back at Aurora,she knows joining the human forces will draw me and Aurora to earth to come aid the the chosen to destroy the human race as she is too powerful.And there isn't any being on earth that is a match for her..I should have known.!



Quavo,I just need you to clear my doubts on this.You claim you are not in love with her but you marked her! you this bloodsucking leech,I should have known you were using me all along.

I didnt use you Nyx,we were just never destined to walk the path of love together..If its wasn't for my father,I wouldn't have agreed to be betrothed to you,Yea I marked Aurora because she is my mate and my beast likes to be around her always..She is everything you are not Nyx.I just hope you get this as a red signal and keep off.You will eventually find the one thats met for you Nyx.


With tears dripping from my eyes,I replied him.

"Wow! Quavo you knew you never wanted me and yet you gave me fake promises.You led me on even when you knew you wouldn't still choose me.You chose that whore over me?!. I gave you my love endlessly but this is how you repay me.By using and dumping me?.Tears keeps dropping from my eyes in fast rhythm".

You can't give me children Nyx,you are barren.! My kingdom needs a heir,My kingdom needs a strong ruler not a pathetic excuse of a witch.


I feel so shocked,choked and suffocated.Am sure my heart stopped beating when I heard him call me a barren.Is it my fault I can't give you an heir?

Crying uncontrollably,Quavo I did everything for you.I exchanged my womb for your life when you were cursed by the council of the gods.I stood by you and nursed you to health together with my mum..And this is how you repay me!?I am still in love with you and I hate myself for it.

"I pray you have a blissful life with your whore.But I put a curse on you this day that the day you see your child is the day you die." And for your worthless mate,"The day she holds her child is the day she dies".

Quavo (POV)

Stepping down from my throne,I keep moving towards her in calculated steps.Getting to her,I tilted her chin up..Now,she is staring straight into me with hate. You were never important to to me right from the onset,I just needed you to pass time Nyx..You are good being a concubine to me,You are free to make your choice or you leave my kingdom forever.

"I will gladly leave your kingdom blood sucking leech.Nyx replied.


Giving my guards signal to throw her out of my kingdom,I turned to make my way back to my throne.

The guards keeps dragging her out of the room.

She abruptly stopped|

Quavo,Tell your dogs to take their Filthy hands off me..I shall honorably leave..But remember,The kingdom you built from the scratch shall be scattered before your eyes..And for your dogs,they shall never see the rise of the dawn again.Destruction shall come upon you and your dogs,They shall live in fear and uncertainty..So shall it be!.

*End of flashback*

I should have knowm this was her plan all this while.Now everything is beginning to make sense.The kingdom signifies my vampires, my subjects. They were scattered before my eyes and had to live in fear and uncertainty.Most of my peasants vampires couldn't see the rise of the dawn again.As they,either get burnt or fade away.Except the direct bloodline of my ancestors who weren't affected.I should have known all along.This is going to be more than a war..Its shall be the day I reset history. Nyx is too smart to depend on human forces,am sure she has some tricks up her sleeves.She shouldn't be taken lightly.I need to get my vessel very fast.


its a bad time for the human council,as more prophecies kept coming to pass concerning the death of the world.Most of their best warriors died a horrible death in the hands of the Goddamn leeches.

No solution has been proffered towards the impending doom,The land of the living is bothered.The valley of dead is shaken.Both the living and the dead knew something big would soon hit the earth..


You! motioning to one of the guards beside him.Get me the ministers as soon as possible.Tell them I need their fucking asses in here right now.

Bowing down,the guard left.

Thinking," I thought those two idiots would be dead by now.I never knew that those bastards were lurking in the shadows staying unidentified,I should have known better.I should have paid more heed to the nonsense prophecies.


The four ministers arrived in a majestic stride,walking in a calculated step like they had to account for every of their steps..They all stood straight on getting to my seat. After in what seems like an eternity,be seated. Rohr said.

What's the meaning of this?

Throwing stacks of papers concerning the prophecies and details about the the chosen and his father.

All of them,immediately wore a look of worry on their faces.Lacking that majesticeness they came in with at first.You all know the results of not executing this threats very soon?

Hmm,Do you fucking know?Rohr screamed

Well,in case you all have forgotten..Or you damned brain can't comprehend.The Governor is gonna be having our heads and feed our bodies to the birds.

Failure to execute the chosen is the end of the Human race!.The public are getting bothered but I had to keep lieing everything is under control to ease their nerves,while its not!

Excuse me,replied one of the ministers whose name is Peter and obviously the youngest too.I really think,our equipments are not really that sophisticated to apprehend the world predators.They are far more than that,most of our warriors who were sent to kill them never made it back alive.To fight a supernatural,you need the help of a supernatural as well..We need someone who's not only powerful,we need someone who could rewrite the history.

With this,I got everyone attention..

What do you mean by using a supernatural to fight a supernatural? Asked one of the ministers. I straightened myself and replied in my most soothing voice.

if the history is not wrong and if everything we were taught are not fallacies,we would observe that there is someone who is against the goddess of the werewolf clan and the king of the vampire clan. She was wronged deeply by Quavo the king of all leeches,She was supposed to be mated to Quavo but fate had something else in store for her..Since then she had vowed to bring the vampire and the werewolf race down as a revenge to the evil that was done to her.

Mother earth took pity on her and decided to take vengeance for her by bringing doom on the werewolves and the vampire clans.Mother earth cursed the both races and put them in the captivity of the humans for two thousand years as a punishment for the wrong that was done to her child.

Then who is the her? Where is she? asked Rohr,the head minister.Who's already having an impatient look plastered on his face.He made no effort to hide that his patience his running thin.

Her name is Nyx,Greatest witch of all time..She draws power from nature itself,She is a goddess in her own way..A Nightmare to the chosen,She is Death. Rumour has it that she came to Earth after the occurence and as not been heard from since.But my point is,we could join forces with her and promise her one thing she has always wanted. REVENGE.

The silence afterward was deafening,Everyone was trying their very best to digest what the young minister has said.He sounded so sure and Convincing,Looking at their faces and reading their expression I realized they were in support of the suggestion.

"But then,how do we get in contact with her?

When she was sent to Earth,she left a slight opening between the Realm of the gods and the human world and also the valley of the dead so when the time comes,so she will have an undeniable access to the power from the three worlds.We should be able to find her at the opening that Demarcate the realm of the gods and the valley of the dead.But the problem here is how to track where the opening between the Realm of the gods and the valley of the dead is.

Yeah, so how do we track the opening where the witch is?Asked leon,the most quiet of the ministers.

"Very Simple,To track a witch we need the help of a witch.