
Chapter 10 Fusion Genes

The next day, Jack Clark just sat down in the classroom when Justin Welan from the front row leaned in close again.

"Jack, did you know that Jane Aiken, who ranks first, completed her Foundation Establishment yesterday afternoon, and today, she already went to Building C to choose True Martial courses," he said.

"That's fast," Jack Clark responded, somewhat surprised.

Completing Foundation Establishment in just two days would require not only a wealthy family with abundant resources but also an extraordinary talent, as evident from their class leader Crystal Lewis.

Justin Welan nodded enviously, "Not just her, I found out that the top ten on the list will complete their Foundation Establishment in the next few days."

"Including our class leader. I heard she has already visualized the tenth petal, her Qi Blood cycles eight times in half an hour, and she's expected to achieve Foundation Establishment the day after tomorrow at the latest."

Jack Clark then curiously asked, "What about you, Mr. Willard? How far have you progressed in your cultivation?"

"Me? I'm doing okay," he replied.

Justin Welan let out a laugh, then with a hint of complaint said, "Jack, can you not call me 'Mr. Willard?' I'm such a handsome guy, 'ah Hui' would also work."

Jack Clark nodded, "No problem, Mr. Willard."

"Ah Hui, it's ah Hui, okay?"

"I know, Mr. Willard."

"...Jack, I'm going to break off our friendship for three hours." Seeing his unapologetic attitude, Justin Welan turned away in a huff, going to talk to the little beauty in the front row.

In reaction, Jack Clark just smiled.

You're just mature and honest, not old-looking. What's the deal with calling you a 'loser?' Do we have to make a cut together or what?

Perhaps due to others having completed their Foundation Establishment, Jack Clark noticed that everyone was working very hard and seriously during the afternoon cultivation class.

Unfortunately, talent really does exist.

Some people had been cultivating for three days and were still stuck in the same spot, others were making good progress, and some showed astonishing improvement.

Take the Martial Art Committee Member Matt Watkins for example.

Jack Clark didn't know how far along his visualization was, but within half an hour, he transferred his Qi Blood seven times with ease, seemingly without putting in his full effort.

As for class leader Crystal Lewis, there's even less need to mention her. In less than half an hour, she transferred eight times, then found a place to sit cross-legged and continued meditating.

Their Spirit Power was exceptionally abundant, unlike Jack Clark, who needed half a day to recover from just one round of meditation.

Clearly, they must have used resources similar to those that replenish or invigorate Qi Blood, which could supplement or activate Spirit Power.

Deep in thought, Jack Clark transferred Qi Blood twice today and then stopped practicing. Each transfer took twenty minutes, efficiency improved by +2, and his physique attribute increased by +0.1.

His cultivation progress was average, but the improvement was stable.

As the school bell rang, signaling the end of the day, Jack Clark packed up to leave. He hadn't sweated much, just felt a bit tired.

"Jack, wait a sec," Justin Welan hurried over.

"What's up?"

Justin Welan came over and chuckled, "It's only four o'clock—why go back so early? How about joining the Flower Tea Club with me?"

Jack Clark looked at him quizzically, "You still have time to join a club? Our class leader is about to complete her Foundation Establishment."

Although he had never asked about Justin Welan's family, Jack Clark felt that his family was probably well-off—as they never seemed to lack money—and his talent was good too. Shouldn't he be trying to cultivate hard to achieve Foundation Establishment sooner?

Justin Welan said nonchalantly, "No rush, no rush. My brother said that the way of cultivation should be about moderation, and there's no need to over-pursue immediate losses and gains."

"It's normal for the class leader to achieve Foundation Establishment a few days before us with her talent; it's pointless to compare with her. And besides..." At this point, Justin Welan suddenly stopped talking.

He also glanced behind him as if afraid that Crystal Lewis would suddenly appear again, which made Jack Clark want to laugh.

Facing his peculiar gaze, Justin Welan changed the subject, "Jack, don't you think cultivation is too boring? Watching beauties is more pleasing to the eye and can relax the spirit."

"Let me tell you, after my research and observation these past few days, the beauties in the Flower Tea Club have the highest beauty rankings in the Martial Arts School, with many high-quality beauties among them."

"Not to mention the beautiful senior sisters in sophomore and senior years, there are also many girls just like us in Senior One."

"Just imagine, in the blazing heat of summer, sitting together with a group of youthful beauties, sipping tea, and chatting. Doesn't that sound comfortable and refreshing?"

Justin Welan seemed to have already pictured himself surrounded by a bevy of flowers, his face brimming with contentment, which was why he failed to notice the increasingly peculiar look in Jack Clark's eyes.

"Jack, what do you think?"

Clearing his throat!

Jack Clark coughed dryly, "That's a good suggestion, but I need to go back early for something, so you go ahead by yourself."

"By the way, look behind you."

After speaking, Jack Clark patted Justin Welan on the shoulder, nodded slightly to the girl standing behind him with her arms crossed, and then turned around to leave.

Behind him!

Justin Welan was startled, whirled around, and saw Crystal Lewis giving him an indifferent glance before passing by with the word "disgusting".

Justin Welan was a bit confused. He hadn't said anything bad about Crystal Lewis this time, so why was he disgusting?


The next morning, Glenn Clark called upstairs loudly, "Bro, I'm going out to play with friends, I won't come back for lunch."

A voice from upstairs, Jack Clark, responded, "Go ahead."

Today was Saturday, no classes, but Doris Clark was working overtime and wasn't at home.

In the room, the Six-legged Salamander, which had grown to twenty-eight centimeters in length, was sprawling on the desk.

The salamander's head was wide and flat, its body was white, looking tender and delicate, with a little tadpole-like white tail trailing behind.

With those round black eyes and three pairs of red, feather-like antennae spreading backward from behind its cheeks, its limbs spread out on the ground, it looked somewhat cute and dazed.

The Avatar's Evolution value had now accumulated to 9 points, nearing the species' limit in size.

The salamander was gobbling up pieces of fish meat, chewing with its fine teeth, making smacking noises.

On the side, Jack Clark leaned back in his chair, his elbow on the desk, his palm supporting his chin as he zoned out, his consciousness immersed in another perspective.

With each piece of food ingested, starting from the salamander's stomach area, a faint heat spread throughout its body, initiating another round of growth.

The fish meat on the desk was disappearing at a visible rate while it was being eaten and digested.

After devouring two servings of food equal to more than twice its body volume, and a half-hour having passed as well as two rounds of growth, the salamander's body length had reached thirty centimeters.

At that moment, a series of texts appeared in front of Jack Clark's eyes.

"Your Salamander Avatar has gained one Evolution point through extensive feeding."

"Your Avatar has reached the biological growth limit. Further feeding will not result in more growth. The current Evolution points accumulated to 10 points, meeting the requirements for evolution."

"Do you wish to initiate Evolution?"

"Note: This Avatar has low potential, and evolving it will not significantly aid the host's combat ability. You may choose to absorb the genetic material of another creature to enhance potential during evolution."

Upon reading that last note, Jack Clark sat up sharply, his face even showing surprise, "Absorb the genetic material of another creature to enhance potential!"

Jack Clark had always been concerned about the weakness of his Salamander Avatar.

Although it could break through the biological limit through Evolution, what good would it do to grow to one meter or even ten meters in length? It would still be flesh and blood. Could it withstand a bullet?

Back then, forget about combat power, those weak limbs would hardly be able to support the massive body to run any faster.

But now...