

"Beneath the smile is a weary soul. Beneath the struggle is a dying soul. Beneath the smile is a soul in a frazzle. I desired a change. I show great perseverance in my quest to succeed, even though my inner me is in shambles. With persistent pain, I drag him along. Sometimes I want to shed him from me but then I realized he is a part of me. The inner me that is lifeless. Now I have to be it nourishment. The inner me that is weak. Now I have to be its strength. The inner me that is hopeless. Now I have to be hope Dear inner me I can't leave you alone; you are me I am you. Together we will conquer our fears, face our challenges, and comes out triumphantly." Synopsis I was in my dark until you shine me your light. Mellisa a young student nurse lost her way on the last day of completing her health campaign in a rural area of the Northern Coast. She wandered around in a mysterious wood where she was held captive by some quisling huddles, who found nothing but joy in torturing her. Rescued by Armstrong Seagull, and labeled a spy. Was she able to escape from such a traumatic experience? Who is Armstrong Seagull and what roles did Mellisa's sudden incursion in his kingdom In a world where you feel so cold, you gotta stay gold; a story about a demon Lord and an ambitious girl

Hobified_Bbensplen · Fantaisie
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32 Chs

Chapter 27: Riana and Diana who ??

(Let's have the comments rolling in 😘😘😘 Love y'all 😍😍😍)

Riana climbed inside her room, peeling off her clothes, she hurriedly rushed inside her bathroom to empty her bowls and cool off her thoughts. She soaked herself in the already prepared warm water, building bubbles upon bubbles while scrubbing herself clean. When she was done, she looks herself at in the mirror and let out a gruesome hiss. Lifting her hand and taking a look at the mirror. "I hate you McCall" she cursed inwardly; her phone started ringing, picking up her purple bathrobe, she hurriedly rushed to answer her calls before it hung up. She rolled her eyes when she saw the caller ID.

"What" she yelled on the phone.

"Don't I deserve a treat after escaping death from Mr and Mrs long lost couple"

"Cut the crap, Jasper." She scowled and Jasper snickered.

"Fineeeeeee!! But Ria you seriously get on McCall's last nerves; when I grow up I would like to be like you." He added.

"Fuck out Jackass." He chuckled and Ria smiled. She loves and adores Jasper so much.

She and Mellisa love and treated him like their kid brother they didn't have. Sometimes it bores him off and he tried to avoid them at school but before the days run out, he will end up bundling up with them again. Such a kiddo.

"Eaten dinner? "Wanna make me an order? She rolled her eyes.

"What do you want? "What's the payback? She sniggered.

"That you take care of yourself very well and apologize to McCall when next you meet him." "I rather lick a donkey...

"Anus than apologize to McCall..... jezzzzz" Jasper cut her off immediately...."I think I've heard that countlessly." Ria chuckled at his sudden tone, she can feel the scowl on his face from there.

"Also don't worry too much about Mellisa, sure she will be fine I'm very sure she is okay."

"What made you say that? She frowned and Jasper could feel the heat from his phone.

"Relax fierce goddess! I just have this feeling hovering around me; maybe she needed a break from all that is happening around her. I don't know I just think she is okay... That's my way of staying positive you know." He chuckled and Ria hissed.

"Shut up! Your positive ain't positivism enough." Ria scold and you can literally hear Jasper rolling his eyes. "Yeah! Whatever I will keep hoping for the best."

"As required from you! loser." Ria giggled.

"Hey watch your mouth Mrs McCall." Jasper backfired and Ria frowned.

"I rather fuck around with Judy the nerd of Health and Science school than bearing that name! Yuck!!" She spats.

"Should've told me sooner you dummy! I don't mind doing the matchmaking."

"Never too late kiddo" She replied and they both chuckled. "Fine! I didn't miss you okay? Bye!

"Who said I did? Get the fuck out of my phone you loser." She chuckled.

"Whatever! Bye; future Mrs McCall." "Jasper I swear..." He giggled and hung up the phone before Ria could finish her swearing. She groans, clenching her teeth.

"I need to punch that kiddo's brain." She chuckled at herself. She went back to the sitting room, seeing her mother relaxing in the comfort of the sectional couch, she walked past her to the microwave, pick her dinner and carefully plonked herself closer to her mother.

"That's not the dining table Riana." She reprimanded.

"Mom! I'm basically tired." She groans.

"Basically tired for literally doing nothing, by the way; where did you go since today?

"Not now Mom." She said, abruptly standing up and carrying her plates, walking back to her room.

"Izabela." She called out to her.

"Goodnight Mom." She waved her off, slamming the door. "Jezzzzz." She puffed out air, shaking her head. She just escapes interrogation that she might end up saying things. Laying on her bed and rubbing her eyes tiredly; her dog barked and Riana looks behind smiling, calling up to her and she hurriedly jumped on her body.

"Kiki how was your day? She snogged her pretty furry dog; Kiki barked and howled, making Riana chortle. Sure her dog misses her. She draw the blanket up, covering her and her pretty Kiki who was now resting on her body while she keep massaging her fur. She looked at the pretty dog who was never tired of her constant tantrums and pestering ever since Mellisa's disappearance, She heaved a sigh.

"Kiki, my day was horrible...She began carefully cuddling her dog." Mellisa is missing and that monster handcuffed me.' She grumbled about her awful day to Kiki who just laid and watch her, then she growled at her.

"Thanks, Kiki! You need to see the way I screamed at him! I should've punched his ugly face but Kiki I have manners right? She smiled at her but Kiki bit her hand and she screamed.

"Fuck you girl! Fine! Saying he is ugly is wrong, he can be anything but ugly. No, he is far from it; but still, he is a miserable and crazy Inspector. Yes, he dressed nicely with a sweet comforting scent emitting from his superior wears, and his hair was beautifully styled backward with his perfected nose and pinky lips... Gosh! She facepalms. He looks so fucking good but.. she hissed. He is such a fucking asshole.

"I have a lot to do and you, you are a truckload of trouble." She mimicked McCall. "I have some cookies and drink for you two, The air-conditioning is good and favorable to your body. Don't worry Princess you won't catch cold." She hissed.

"Who the fuck does he think he is? Her face scowled, disgust shown. "I rather starve to death than have a taste of that man's cookery."

Her dog howled and she raised her head, peeking at Kiki. "Don't make me believe you are telling me to apologize to him. Come on Kiki, don't take his side..look. She flipped her bathrobe upward, bringing out her bruised wrist, and showed Kiki. "You see, I was the one hurting." She pout at her and Kiki howled, snuggled up with her and she pulled her closer to her side. "Thank you, baby girl."


McCall walked inside his apartment looking sober. A well-furnished apartment with differently decorated rooms, each with its en-suite bathroom. The whole room lit up immediately after he stepped inside. An apartment he hardly sleeps on; works and activities won't allow him to enjoy his soft cruise bed, exploring his home while cooking good dishes with... He paused at his thoughts. "Not her please." He hissed, wriggling himself off his denim jacket and flinging it together with his sunglass to heaven knows where. "I hate her! I hate her and the likes of her; why did the two share the same fucking homophones? Riana, Diana. Same fucking short form Ria, Dia... Gosh..." He pulled on his face, hitting on the couch.

"I hate her, I hate her smile, I hate her eyes, I hate her lips. I hate her fucking guts.".

He hate her, everything she had ever done to her only came back to hurt his feelings again. "Of all the people to look alike, why did she choose to look like Diana? Why?

"Can't you fucking move on you stinking Diana?" He yelled, smashed his hands on the glass table and it comes out shattering. He once love her, and supported her; yet she went out of the way to break their trust and betrayed his love, she hurt him beyond repair, and now she is gone; her other self is back to haunt him. It's been ten years now yet the memories still hurt. He tried to escape and move on yet he wasn't able. He never knows he will be this weak, doesn't sound like the real HIM but what will he do, he wanted to love and to be loved but the universe is against his love story. The more he thinks about it the more he realized nobody will ever love him for who he is and what he is.

"Thought the universe said love is natural, but they lied. Love cost a lot, lots and lots of dimes." He aggressively pulled off his shoes, dragging his weary self to the wine bar, pouring himself some red wine, and lit up his cigarettes. Inhaling and puffing out the smoke. The anger he draws on his cigarettes could be seen over him.

Not even Soso can take away his pain.

"How long have you been sniggering DASP? He yelled at the young man who has been secretly watching him all these while still suppressing his laughter.

"How about you jumped off the cliff next time? DASP wrinkled up in disgust. DASP appeared in his black pant and leathered jacket, he looks so adorable leaning against the wall while watching McCall's sobering, and McCall glares at him.

"I know I'm cute you can stop staring now," DASP said and McCall hissed. He is always full of himself.

"What are you doing here? McCall said drawing deeply into his cigarettes, sipping his whiskey, and puffing out.

"Even though I love seeing you miserable I low-key hate seeing you wailing over that crazy bitch; you don't deserve better though, so don't think I care." He sneered mischievously, his hands in his pockets.

"Who said I was wailing? He sneered and pours another drink. "I can kill her anytime I want and cover up the trails." He draws in another cigarette. "Then what are you waiting for? DASP asked, plonking himself on his sectional sofa.

"Until she said the hideous thing and reopen an old wound right."

McCall shrugged, pick up his glass, and stood while staring intensively at the bar mirror. "When next she crosses my lines, I swear I'm definitely pulling the trigger." DASP snickered, his hands crossed, he loves his answer