
Mystical Bharat

A young boy recarnated in Mystical Acient india where people meditate and gain god like power. Raj join gurukul and become a Ayurveddic healer and start his journey to internal life

Vella_Jatin · Fantaisie
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8 Chs

Introduction part 2

*Author note

All the material is picked from Sanatan Dharma with help of internet and i have no intention to harm anyone faith. If i do some mistake in this story so I am sorry and please remind me my mistake and give suggestions for story.....


1. Human

2. Devas

3. Asur

4. Nagas

5. Gandharvas


1. Swargalok (Heavenly Realm): A realm inhabited by divine beings, Devas, and celestial creatures. It's a place of eternal beauty and bliss.

2. Patala (Netherworld): An underworld where demons, Asuras, and Nagas reside. It's a realm of darkness, mystery, and hidden treasures.

3. Bhuloka (Mortal Realm): The earthly realm where humans live and meditate to avatar transformation. [Limit of human upto only Avatar Realm in Bhuloka]

4. Yamaloka (Realm of the God of Death): A realm where the God of Death, Yama, judges souls. It can be a place of karmic reckoning and transformation.

5. Manidweepa (Island of Jewels or secret realm): A mystical island realm with magical forests, hidden treasures, and mythical creatures. Open time to time in other realm.

6. Sursaagar (Ocean of the sea creatures): An underwater realm inhabited by mythical creatures like Makara (like dragon), Matsya and snake etc

• Mythical, Divine and celestial creatures

~Varuna's Makara: A sea creature with the body of a fish and the head of an elephant, associated with the god Varuna.

~Kubera's Yakshas: Wealthy and protective spirits who guard treasures and are often associated with the god Kubera.

~Simhavaktra: Lion-faced beings who can be guardians of sacred places.

~Nandi: The divine bull, a loyal mount of Lord Shiva, known for its strength and loyalty.

~Sarpa-Raja: The king of serpents, a powerful and wise serpent deity.

~Surya's Horses: The horses that pull the chariot of the sun god, Surya. They can be majestic and celestial creatures.

~Matsya: The fish avatar of Lord Vishnu, symbolizing protection and guidance.

~Sharabha: A mythical creature with the body of a lion and the head of a bird, known for its ferocity.

~Mahabali's Daityas: Demonic beings who once ruled the all realm.

~Asura-Kanya: Female demon offspring, often depicted as strong and cunning.

~Gajasura: A demon who took the form of an elephant and was defeated by Lord Shiva.

~Padmini: A lotus-born fairy often associated with purity and beauty.

~Rishis and Munis: Sages and ascetics with various supernatural powers and wisdom.

~Kamadhenu: The divine cow, capable of fulfilling any wish, often associated with the sage Vasishtha.

~Pishacha: Malevolent spirits or demons known for their predatory nature.

~Tumburu: A celestial musician and sage, known for his melodious voice.

~Vritra: A powerful dragon or serpent demon, often defeated by Lord Indra.

~Chandraghanta: A warrior goddess with a fierce aspect, depicted with a crescent moon on her forehead.

~Trishira: A demon with three heads, often associated with challenges and trials.

~Raktabija: A demon whose blood created more demons when it fell on the ground, often requiring creative strategies to defeat.

~Ahura: Benevolent and divine beings who embody goodness and righteousness.

~Garuḍa: The creatures that serve as mounts for the lord Vishny, the divine eagle.

~Apsaras: Celestial dancers and entertainers in the court of the gods.

~Kimpurushas: Half-human, half-animal beings..

These all creatures are all related to gods and now the gods and creatures not exist in this Domain. There are some creatures but they are not real they are some part of real and they have some power and blood of original creatures. These all creatures lived in seculation to improve them. They abandoned this Domain to grow on own and left there some power.

(Domain is unions of realm). Our Domain name is Maheswari Domain. There are many domain. The all the domains is under of Vakuntha. Where all the supreme gods and creatures who created these all world are living.


There are countless types of beast and they are different from creatures. Beast are hunted by other species but creatures are workshiped becuase they have power of gods.

•••••Power levels...

•Yogic Intro

•Yogic Tatva

•Yogic Chakra

•Yogic Avatar

and then they breakthrough and enter other realm

• Sage (Divided into four level Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extend 1 lakh year of life.

• Sage Guru (Divided into four level Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extend 1 million year of life.

• Sage Traveler (Divided into four level Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extend 10 million year of life.

• Sage Master (Divided into four level Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extend 100 million year of life.

• Chiranjivi (Divided into four level Low, Medium, High and Peak)

Each level extend 1 Billion year of life.

• Flames level

~ Bhu level Flames

~ Swargiya level Flames

~ Mystic level Flames

~ Cosmic level Flames

There are more information that will added in future in the story.

Waiting for suggestion

Vella_Jatincreators' thoughts