
Mystic Tales : Ruined Kingdom [Draft r18+]

[Warning] this story contians sensitive , explicit , subtext and mature content with themes. Read/view at your own discretion. This is a spin-off fatnasy story from the isekai webnovel original with the protagonist Nova. This Begins in the final showdown with the Anti-Goddess , however this time its a scenario for a branch/alternative timeline if Nova , Tim and Dorothy died and didn't survive the battle.. The Focus for thsi story are the survivors Chocola and Astra. Especially Astra , the long lost triplet and identical brother of Nova. will the higher stakes motivate him for Revenge? Rather , if this new side of the story takes a turn if he stays the same way? maybe even a better change?

Mystic_Magnificous · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
30 Chs

Flutter of Affection amidst the Darkness

Then he recalled his necklace and flashes of the death of his older triplet brother and their companions' death except for Chocola who failed to help more and choked on himself before finally breathing "Right, Revenge...I still feel empty or unsatisfied yet that innkeeper out of all my outdoor activities and disguises, whenever I slip up a bit..she doesn't fear me? Or tried to understand me?"

Astra's contemplations led him to question the unexpected kindness and understanding he had encountered in Anastasia. The connection he felt with her was something he hadn't experienced in a long time. The contrast between his mission of revenge and these newfound feelings of comfort left him with a sense of inner conflict.

Scratch his head that maybe he can just get back to sleep as he coughs a bit before slowly enjoying trying to sleep in bed [the transition was a dreamlike memory of 4-year-old Astra or his nickname at the time Aldol crying easily just by tripping and Cosmos (sister) and Nova (brother) same age as him and all height and hair colors. The difference is eye colors Astra has blue eye colors, Cosmos is Heterochromatic (left eye blue and right eye green), Nova has green eye colors as they kindly help him up and say in a childish way speaking to come back to Chichue (father) and Hahaue (mother)]


As Astra drifted into a lighter slumber, his mind was transported to a vivid childhood memory. The innocence of those moments spent with his siblings provided a stark contrast to the harsh realities he had faced in his life as a revenge-driven assassin. The warmth of that memory enveloped him, offering a brief respite from the relentless pursuit of vengeance.

The dream also shows him being gently singing a lullaby by his mother to stop his crying and she speaks softly by gently hand combing his head that it's okay to cry as he mumbles in the present.." mmm..Mother..mom..mama.." Anastasia was the one to discreetly place aside the medicine and herbal medicine as she head pat him (the lullaby admit it or not was the same lullaby Astra's mother sung for him that his brain subconsciously sings whenever needed).

Anastasia's comforting presence and the familiar lullaby seemed to work wonders, soothing Astra's troubled mind and helping him drift into a more peaceful sleep. As he mumbled his mother's name, it was as though his inner turmoil had found a temporary sanctuary. The caring innkeeper continued to watch over him, silently hoping for his swift recovery.

Anastasia couldn't help but feel a mixture of sympathy and fascination as she watched Astra sleep. The contrast between his battle-worn physique and his peaceful slumber was a reminder of the many layers that made up the enigmatic man who had crossed paths with her inn. She couldn't deny that there was more to him than met the eye, and she was determined to learn more, even if it meant navigating the complexities of his past and present. For now, she simply let him rest, hoping that he would wake up feeling refreshed and renewed.

Anastasia's heart raced as the unexpected turn of events unfolded. She stood up, startled by the mysterious assassin who had appeared out of nowhere. But before she could react, Astra had swiftly dealt with the intruder, knocking them out. She was left in awe of his speed and combat skills.

However, her shock deepened as she realized Astra was engaged in a peculiar act – soul-eating. It was a dark and forbidden practice that sent shivers down her spine. She knew there was much more to Astra than she had initially thought, and the mysteries surrounding him seemed to deepen with each passing moment.

As he stop he turn to her and felt guilty as he look away "I think I should probably leave , you can keep the change"

Astra's abrupt decision to leave left Anastasia feeling a mix of emotions. She had been drawn to him in some inexplicable way, and his sudden departure left her with questions and curiosity. But she didn't want to push him. With a heavy heart, she simply nodded and replied, "Alright, Astra. Take care of yourself. If you ever need a place to stay or someone to talk to, my inn is always open to you."

As he left, she couldn't help but wonder about the enigmatic man who had entered her life and then disappeared just as mysteriously.



Then she felt a gentle voice whisper (Spinel yet she is unaware a goddess was) asking that to stop him as there's danger outside as she huffs "No no wait , how about your fever? What if it spikes up again huh?" Astra froze and his lifeless eyes lit up for a moment like blueish Milky Way "what? Oh my fever? Ughh I am f-fine.." as he felt it's spiking up again maybe due to the exertion of using his assassin skills again physically and soul-eating as he can feel the mana and life force he consume did help him regenerate his magi-reservoir to be full again yet his body still tired

Astra's hasty decision to leave had been stopped by Anastasia's genuine concern for his well-being. Despite his reluctance, her words had an impact. He felt the familiar surge of his fever, and his body ached from the recent physical and magical exertion. Reluctantly, he admitted, "You might be right... My fever is acting up again, and I do feel quite fatigued."

Anastasia, ever the caring innkeeper, guided him back to his room, where he could rest and recover. She couldn't ignore the worry that had crept into her heart. As he lay down, she gently placed a hand on his forehead, her fingers cool to the touch, and softly said, "Rest, Astra. I'll bring you some herbal medicine to help with your fever. You don't have to go out there alone. We can figure this out together."

Spinel's intervention, even if unintended, had given Astra a reason to stay and accept help from someone who seemed to genuinely care.

And she asks "AND YOU-you better te-tell em the truth okay…you already involve whoever that is" referencing the dead body, despite fresh there's no mana or SOUL in it.

Astra nodded, feeling a mixture of relief and gratitude. He knew that Anastasia was right, and his constant evasiveness wasn't helping anyone. He sighed and finally said, "You're right. I'll tell you everything, but let's deal with my fever first. After I've recovered a bit, I'll explain."

Anastasia nodded, reassured that Astra was willing to open up to her. She quickly left the room to prepare the herbal medicine, leaving Astra to contemplate the complex web of events that had brought him to this point.

Astra sighs , his alter ego slowly unchained in his mindscape as he shudders in guilt and worry "Ughh I mess up , what's happening to me? Ever since that day 2 days ago me having a glimpse of my painful avatar awakening and soon I am a ex-assassin a future fugitive…and I am still subconciously…a-attaching.? Wh-why does she want me to stay or rather why do I want to avoid her? She could be bait I could just pretend I had no combat experience and let her Di-die.." he panic breathes.

Astra's inner struggle was becoming more pronounced, with his alter ego and his own doubts battling within his mind. As he wrestled with his conflicting feelings, he remembered the compassionate presence of Anastasia. Her kindness and willingness to help him had started to break through his emotional barriers.

Astra found himself torn between his past life as an assassin and the possibility of a new beginning, possibly one where he could find solace and even redemption. The decision weighed heavily on him, but he knew he had to make a choice.

Then Anastasia called out as she hugs him before he subconsciously push her away while holding back his true strength as he spoke in sync with her "I am sorry-" she blush as his eyes dilate looking away "How long was I breathing too much?"

Anastasia reassured him, "It's alright, Astra. You were just a bit too close to me. You didn't hurt me. You were just surprised."

As Astra looked away, she couldn't help but be captivated by his complex nature. She realized that there was much more to this mysterious man than met the eye, and she was determined to uncover the truth, not only for her sake but for his as well.

She then frowns "still why push away the innkeeper hugging you for comfort-Just kidding maybe you really are the distant type.."Astra spoke as he held her hand "No no..I.." he's uttered "Just embrace me again I think my breathing is calming down"

Anastasia gave a warm smile and gently embraced Astra once more, allowing him to find comfort in her presence. She knew that beneath his cold exterior, there was someone who needed understanding and compassion, and she was determined to provide that for him.

As they shared this moment, Astra felt a strange sense of warmth and connection that he hadn't experienced in a long time. Despite his initial reservations, he was beginning to realize that maybe, just maybe, he didn't have to face everything alone.



Then a flicker of Estella's words in his childhood spoke that once he has emotional attachment the enemies can exploit that and he would burden them as he grit his teeth as he slowly let go Anastasia ask what's wrong as Astra revert to his lifeless eyes (ughh this girl is making my disguise harder than it looks) as he pants a bit "Right umm before You give me the medicine right now….how did you react when how I protected you earlier? And my eem actions.."

Anastasia looked at Astra with a puzzled expression, not quite understanding his question. She responded, "I was surprised and grateful for your help. You saved me from that assassin. I don't know what would have happened if you hadn't been there."

Astra's lifeless eyes didn't reveal much, and he sighed inwardly, realizing that he had hoped for a different answer. He quietly muttered, "I see," as he prepared to take the medicine.

Anastasia help him take it with herbal medicine "Wait , you mean when you KILLED that assassin

Astra nodded, his lifeless eyes locking onto Anastasia's as he replied, "Yes, when I took care of the threat. I wanted to make sure you were safe."

Anastasia's expression shifted, a mix of shock and concern. She hadn't realized the full extent of what had transpired. "You... killed someone to protect me?"

Astra's voice remained detached as he confirmed, "Yes, I did. I don't usually resort to such actions, but it was necessary to ensure your safety."

Anastasia was left speechless, her eyes filled with a mix of emotions as she processed what had happened.

She thought (I am starting to think him being a healer is a cover) as she ask "still what was that? I mean suddenly matching up like a fellow assassin veteran and soul-eating?"

Astra hesitated, unsure of how to explain. "It's... complicated. My abilities are a result of intense training and manipulation, and the soul-eating is a last resort when I need to regain strength quickly. I don't use it lightly."

Anastasia nodded, her curiosity mixed with concern. "You must have had a difficult past to possess such skills. But you don't have to carry that burden alone. You're safe here, and you don't need to resort to such actions."

Astra didn't respond immediately, his lifeless eyes fixed on the floor. He seemed lost in thought, wrestling with the conflicting emotions inside him.

Anastasia ask once he finish drinking and eating snacks "hey look at me Astra Ibis , you promise you would be honest you know if not I might snitch." Astra got passive aggressive as he hush her mouth before the first time he blush and spoke "I I am s-sorry Anastasia umm..no please don't tell them I thought you are not scared of me and keep your word?" Tried to act a persons but actually his alter ego (his vulnerable self is seeping out)

Anastasia's gaze softened as she looked into Astra's eyes. "I won't tell anyone if you're honest with me. I can see there's more to your story than you're letting on. You don't have to bear your burdens alone. If you want to talk or share, I'm here to listen."

Astra sighed, his inner conflict apparent. "I... I can't tell you everything, but I'll try to be more honest. Just know that my past is filled with darkness, and I'm trying to find some light in it."

Anastasia tease a little "Go onnn , are you some emo boy?" Astra frowns before his headache make him whince as she got worried as he insisted it's now or never and ask her "Heard of the Shadow Knight amongst the rank of Faction Knights?"


Anastasia raised an eyebrow, clearly intrigued. "Shadow Knight? That's a rather mysterious name. What's your connection to this Shadow Knight?"



Astra awkwardly sighs as he spoke unsatisfied "I am saying what kind of local folktales you heard about him somewhat"


Anastasia pondered for a moment and then said, "I've heard some tales, nothing too specific. They say the Shadow Knight is a formidable and enigmatic figure, an unusual knight of great skill. Some say he can control shadows and move like a ghost in the night. Why do you ask?"


Astra spoke "Because , you should be aware he is a faction knight too not in a typical sense as he has no rank and doesn't expose his name nor appearance.." Anastasia scoot close to listen as he added "and does Spy and Assassin that knighthood duties yes but at the orders of her eminence Equinox before well recently she is gone.."

Anastasia listened intently as Astra explained, her curiosity piqued. "So, you're saying this Shadow Knight operates in secret under the orders of the Equinox? What's his connection to you?"



Astra groans as he eye roll his blue eyes "take a guess.."


Anastasia thought for a moment before a realization dawned on her. She leaned in and asked in a hushed tone, "Are you the mysterious Shadow Knight?"



He nods despite his outfit Isn't like his attire (or what people rumored about as he hid it in this storage), as he speaks "Now do you get why I am trying to leave many times? Because I was also the one..that killed her eminence, Prime Entertainer, the order, and 2/3rd enemy-like faction knights myself…"

Anastasia's eyes widened in shock as she processed this revelation. She whispered, "You... you killed them? Why? What's going on? Why are you here?"


Astra stood up as he wore his shirt again despite breathy heavily "see? I say what all I can do…..it's a personal reason and let's just say the hierarchy is corrupt..". 

Anastasia still seemed shaken but nodded, "I understand there's more to this than meets the eye. But if you're not a threat to me or my inn, then maybe... we can find a way for you to avoid being hunted."