
Mystic Calling:Stone of Glory

In a single night, Elwin's tranquil life is shattered by mysterious forces, plunging him into a world filled with unknown magic and bizarre creatures. Becoming a member of the Awakened, he possesses abilities beyond ordinary human understanding, yet this power seems to awaken only when his life is in grave danger. In this perilous world, he must be brave, cunning, and rely on his newfound strength to survive. During this journey, he meets a group of extraordinary companions, and even encounters mysterious and captivating women. However, the challenges he faces go far beyond this. His past, the destruction of his home, and even his lineage, all seem to be intricately connected with the fate of this strange world. As he uncovers one astonishing secret after another, his destiny appears to be continuously rewritten. "Mystic Summon: The Glory Stone" is a thrilling blend of fantasy, mystery, adventure, and emotion, inviting readers to explore Elwin's unique origins, witness his growth in the face of adversity, challenge fate, and perhaps even blossom a flower of love amid chaos. Prepare to follow Elwin's story, exploring the endless struggle with destiny, secrets, and choices, until the final truth is revealed.

IvyWoods · Fantaisie
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53 Chs

Mystery Rituals

Elwin's eyelids lifted heavily, only to find himself bound by a giant statue. The statue's hands were clasped around his wrists, restraining him firmly, while his waist was tightly entwined by an iron hoop that extended from the statue. Looking around, he saw only dimly flickering candlelight. The feeble glow illuminated his surroundings - he seemed to still be in the church, but it felt like a sealed room.

"You big fool, I told you not to touch the thing you insisted on touching." Cassidy's voice rang out beside him, laced with both anger and worry.

Elwin turned his head and saw that Cassidy was also immobilized in the same manner by another statue. Her clothes were greatly damaged, her white skin looking even more delicate under the candlelight. Elwin's face suddenly turned red.

"Close your eyes now, don't look." Cassidy warned, her face blushing.

Elwin quickly bowed his head, shutting his eyes, his heart pounding faster than before.

Suddenly, a firelight lit up the dark podium, revealing a figure in a long black robe and hood seated upon it. Only his silhouette was visible, flickering in the firelight.

"Why did you trespass here?" His deep voice echoed in the room.

Elwin took a deep breath, forcibly swallowing his fear, and said firmly, "Please let us go, we were just trying to pass through here, hoping you could spare us." His voice was faint but filled with resolve.

The mysterious figure leaned slightly forward, the shadows under his cloak obscuring his face, only his eyes were visible, their cold light twinkling in the darkness. He listened to Elwin's plea but did not respond, instead, he stood slowly and began to approach them. His actions were silent, but they seemed to oppress the air, causing the candles in the church to dim.

Elwin clenched his teeth, even though he was unable to move, he stared firmly into the hooded figure's eyes. Behind him, Cassidy bore the pain, her body trembling slightly, but her demeanor was equally resilient.

"You're not residents of this place," the hooded man finally spoke, his voice sounded as though it came from the depths of hell, bone-chilling.

"You're right, we're just passersby," Elwin replied steadily, his gaze met the flickering eyes of the hooded man, trying to guess his intentions.

"Passersby..." the man murmured quietly, seemingly pondering something. He then turned and sat back on his throne, the candlelight gently illuminated his profile, revealing a deep and ruthless gaze.

He remained silent for a while before speaking again, "If you can help me complete a ritual, I will let you leave."

"What ritual?" Elwin asked, puzzled. He didn't want to do anything for this mysterious man, but he was well aware that they had no other choice at the moment.

The hooded man pointed forward, a fire suddenly lit up on Elwin's left, revealing an altar with a circular pattern underneath. It seemed to be some kind of rune. The altar was enclosed by a large round cage, like a giant birdcage. At the center of the cage was the red gem.

"I need the desire from the bottom of your heart to feed this gem." He turned his head to look at Elwin.

Elwin and Cassidy exchanged a glance, they knew he was talking about the red gem and understood they didn't seem to have another choice. Elwin took a deep breath and nodded, "Okay, we agree."

The hooded man seemed satisfied with their response, he snapped his fingers and two giant pig-headed monsters approached, pouring a transparent red liquid into Cassidy. The monsters then released Cassidy from her binding.

"Don't touch me, you disgusting pig monster. What did you make me drink?" Cassidy shouted in anger.

"What are you doing, what did you give her?" Elwin roared at the hooded figure.

The hooded man revealed a strange smile, saying, "Something that will make you happy, hahaha!"

The pig-headed monsters disregarded Cassidy's protests and threw her into the altar, tearing off her clothes. Cassidy screamed in pain, curling up inside the cage.

The man in the black robe sneered, "I need you and her, hahaha!" Elwin was shocked, their bodies stiffened. He hadn't expected this kind of ritual. Elwin was also thrown into the altar by the pig-headed creatures, and the door of the cage was locked.

"Don't come over, don't come over, don't..." Cassidy spoke until her body seemed to heat up, and her attitude changed. She moaned continuously, hugging Elwin and kissing his body, whispering in his ear, "Save me, save me."

Cassidy's body was filled with desire, her fingers gently caressing Elwin's skin, making his body heat up. Her fingers slid from Elwin's chest down to his abdomen, slowly probing into his underwear. His body jerked, his breathing becoming more hurried.

Cassidy giggled softly, then pulled Elwin's fingers from his underwear, making him yearn even more for her touch. She whispered to him, teasing him with enticing words, driving his desire to a peak. Her lips were close to his ear, blowing gently, making his body even more sensitive.

"Do you like it?" Cassidy's voice was full of temptation.

"I do," Elwin's voice was somewhat hoarse, filled with desire.

Cassidy's body was pressed tightly against his, her fingers lightly stroking his chest, then slowly sliding to his lower abdomen. Her fingers roamed in his underwear, making his body hotter and hotter.

Their bodies melted into each other in the passionate atmosphere, every inch of their skin tensed, as if preparing for the next friction. Cassidy's eyes glowed with passion and desire, her body seemingly yearning for satisfaction, trembling with every move. Elwin felt his body becoming more and more sensitive, every touch bringing him an irresistible pleasure. His moans grew louder, as if moaning for this ultimate pleasure.

Their breathing became more and more hurried, as if panting for each other's existence. Their bodies began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation. They held each other tightly, as if they would never part. It seemed as if the whole world consisted only of them, they were immersed in endless pleasure, enjoying each other's presence.

Their bodies intertwined, enjoying the pleasure each position brought. Sometimes, they were as wild as beasts, passionate and fiery, their mutual desire as intense as a volcano. Other times, they were as tender as lovers, whispering their love to each other. Their bodies were pressed closely together, as if they would never part.

Cassidy's fingers roamed in his underwear, making Elwin feel his body becoming more and more sensitive. He felt his body becoming increasingly uncontrollable, his moans getting louder. It seemed as if he had fallen into a frenzied desire, pleasure crawling up every nerve end, making his body more sensitive.

Their bodies began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation. Their breaths grew more and more hurried, their voices louder. They seemed to have fallen into a state of madness, pleasure engulfing their bodies.

Their bodies entwined, as if they would never part. Their moans and pants intertwined, as if forming a symphony of passion. Their bodies began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation. Their eyes were filled with passion and desire, as if conveying a silent message to each other.

Their bodies burned like flames, every friction causing a strong reaction. They seemed to have forgotten their identities and everything around them, only immersed in this passionate atmosphere. Their bodies began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation. Their breaths grew more and more hurried, as if panting for each other's existence, every touch filling their bodies with pleasure.

In this madness of desire, they enjoyed unparalleled pleasure, as if driven by love and passion. Their bodies were like musical instruments, playing a symphony of passion, every friction making their bodies hotter.

Their bodies began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation. They seemed to have fallen into a state of madness, pleasure flooding their bodies.

When they reached climax, their bodies began to tremble, their pants and moans growing louder. They seemed to be driven by an uncontrollable force, enjoying the unparalleled pleasure. When their bodies separated again, they were still trembling, as if still immersed in endless pleasure.

Cassidy's fingers were gently caressing Elwin's underwear, making him feel his body becoming increasingly sensitive. Her moans also grew louder, as if moaning for this ultimate pleasure. Cassidy looked up at Elwin, her gaze full of passion and desire.

"Do you enjoy this?" Cassidy's voice was gentle and teasing.

"Yes, I do." Elwin's voice was somewhat hoarse, filled with desire.

"How do you feel now?" Cassidy's fingers began to press harder, and her voice grew lower.

"I feel good, really good." Elwin's body began to tremble, as if anticipating more intense stimulation.

Cassidy's lips approached Elwin's ear, whispering, "I know you like this, but remember, I'm in control."

"Yes, I know." Elwin's body was becoming more sensitive, trembling in response to the irresistible pleasure.

Cassidy's fingers became more assertive, her body also began to tremble, "You must follow my command, I'll give you more pleasure."

"Yes, I'll obey your command." Elwin's body became increasingly uncontrollable, lost in wild desire.

Cassidy's fingers pressed harder, her body also started to tremble, "You have to tell me, you want more pleasure."

"I want more pleasure." Elwin's moans grew louder, as if moaning for this ultimate pleasure.

Cassidy's fingers stopped, her body stopped trembling, "You need to do something for me."

"What?" Elwin's breathing grew more rapid, as if expecting the next instruction.

"You need to give me more pleasure," Cassidy's voice was full of passion and desire, "you need to make me climax."

"Okay, I'll make you climax." Elwin's voice was filled with desire and promise.

Cassidy's body began to tremble, her breath became more rapid, "Now, let me feel your power."

Their bodies intertwined, each friction causing a strong reaction. They seemed to forget their identities and everything around them, just immersed in this passionate atmosphere. Their bodies began to tremble, anticipating more intense stimulation. Their breathing became more hurried, panting for each other's existence, every touch filled their bodies with desire and frenzy.

Their bodies slowly disengaged on the altar, their breathing began to slow, gradually returning to calm. Their bodies were soaked in sweat, their souls becoming even closer. Cassidy gently kissed his neck, then withdrew her fingers from his underwear. Her lips touched his, then gradually pulled away. Their eyes intertwined, full of gratitude and love.

In that moment, their feelings were incredible. Their bodies entwined, each touch causing a strong reaction. Their breaths became more rapid, their voices louder, as if about to shatter the entire altar. Their bodies seemed to merge into one, intertwined, depending on each other.

Cassidy's body writhed on top of him, her chest pressing against his, letting him feel her beating heart. His arm wrapped around her waist, her body lying quietly in his arms. Their skin was pressed closely together, each inch of skin rubbing against each other.

They gazed into each other's eyes, full of gratitude and love. Such a feeling made them feel very comfortable and satisfied. Their bodies and souls had merged into one, as if they could no longer be separated.

At this moment, he felt a warm liquid flowing on his body. It was a feeling he had never experienced before, making him feel incredibly content and happy. They held each other, enjoying the beauty of the moment.

After a while, they slowly separated from each other's embrace. Their bodies were soaked in sweat, but their hearts became closer. Cassidy's hand gently caressed his cheek, then softly asked, "How do you feel?"

His voice was a bit hoarse, but full of satisfaction and happiness, "Wonderful. I never thought the experience could be so wonderful."

Their bodies intertwined, each contact causing a strong reaction. Their breaths became more rapid, their voices louder, as if about to shatter the entire altar. Their bodies seemed to merge into one, intertwined, depending on each other.

Cassidy's body writhed on his, her chest pressing against his, letting him feel her beating heart. His arm wrapped around her waist, her body lying quietly in his arms. Their breathing gradually calmed down, but their hearts were still excited, as if still enjoying the pleasure just now.

"You are the best," Cassidy gently said.

"So are you," he quietly answered.

Their bodies gradually parted, but their hands were still holding each other. They stared into each other's eyes, as if silently communicating something. Their lips met again, kissing gently.

Their bodies intertwined on the altar, enjoying this beautiful moment, as if time had stopped. Their souls were deeply touched by each other, making them more cherished and grateful for this beauty.

Their bodies slowly disengaged on the altar, but their hearts were already closely connected. They held each other, as if wanting to keep this moment forever in their hearts.

This night of passionate love allowed their souls to receive each other's warmth and nourishment, and also allowed them to understand each other more deeply. Their love story had just begun...