
Mystic Academy: School of the Gifted

Espers, Individuals that have supernatural powers and the ability to destroy anything with the flick of a wrist. But what if there was a school, an academy dedicated to these Espers? What If Espers had to go through school like the rest of us? In a world where Espers live amongst the crowd of normal individuals, Makoto Kimura, a First Year, has to now adjust to this new Mystic Academy. But unlike his old academy, This academy is notorious for having some of this generations strongest Espers. Being new food for the Academy, Kimura has to start at the very bottom. But unknown to them, he hides a secret. What is this secret, Why does he hide it, and what would happen if he shows this secret of his? What challenges will come his way in this new academy? What will become of him afterwards? Those are questions that he will have to find himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 1-11 Updates come (possibly) daily. Cover was made by me, My signature is hidden.

LSen · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 2: Chapter 2

Kimura picked up bricks and bits of rebar metal that was broken off, staying after school with Yamada to clean up as promised. Yamada used his Esper ability, being tense as Kimura looked at his direction.

"Is everything okay over there Yamada?"

"Just pick up the pieces."

Kimura frowned in disappointment, hoping that their newfound friendship would have at least been farther than surface level. He sighed picking up pieces when something caught his attention. A small medallion. He picked up the medallion and inspected it.

What's a medallion doing on the ground...?

He looked on the back and saw the pin, turning it to the front and saw a dragon etched in it, coated in a silver paint. Kimura puts it away in his pocket, resuming to pick up pieces of debris. After finishing cleaning up, they walked over to the instructor that was overseeing them from afar.

"You kids cleaned up pretty well, good job."

"So, your side of the bargain?" Yamada asked.


The teacher walks over to the huge hole in the wall, tapping the bottom brick and it begins glowing green. Yamada and Kimura watched as the brick began to split and multiply, quickly filling up the hole in the wall and repairing the paint on the walls, both inside and out.

"You both are free to go."

"Thank you Mr. Takashi." Yamada shouted.

Both of them left as they stopped at a water fountain near the entrance of the academy building. Kimura looked into the fountain as he leaned in and looked down, hoping to find something valuable at the bottom of it.

Penny...Penny...A Nickel...Quarter...Is that a dollar coin?

"Hey, are you staying overnight?"

"I can stay overnight?"

"Yeah, We have student housing."

Yamada pointed behind him as Kimura leaned back and looked behind Yamada, seeing that there was in fact a third building. The third building seemed a little farther than the administration building but it wasn't too far from the main building.  Good, I don't have to take a taxi home I guess. He smiled, beginning to head towards the dorms with Yamada following beside him.

"So, How did you get in?"

"Huh?" He turned to look at Yamada.

"How did you get in? late applicants or transfer applicant students don't get in that easily."

"Well I—"

It took Kimura a second to realize the question, quickly snapping his head over to Yamada, "H-How did you know?!". Yamada raised an eyebrow to him, almost seeing him as if he was dumb or something. However, Yamada then explained it to him.

"We knew a new kid was coming to our school for a week now, but the only thing the monarch was concerned about was if they were going to be threatened. But then we got a little sneak peek this morning when you showed up to the administration building."

Kimura's hunch was correct as he remembered feeling like he bumped into someone. "Did, Did anyone have an invisibility ability?" he asked a little concerned, Yamada nodded as he replied, "He's nothing much of a bottom feeder though.". Hearing the word bottom feeder kind of surprised Kimura as he never really thought about that before.

They then arrived at the fountain of the Academy Dormitories, the pretty fountain having a mini statue of the schools founder standing at the top of it. Yamada headed first as he signaled Kimura to follow. Kimura followed him as they walked into the front entrance.



A small bell was hit by the door, signaling the receptionist. he sat up as Kimura saw it was another student behind the table.

"Oh Yamada, welcome back. How was your afterschool duty?"

"It went better than I expected."

"Is that the transfer student?"

"Yes—" Yamada sighed, feeling a bit embarrassed saying it in public "—He…is also the guy who kicked my ass…"

The student behind the table snickered a bit as Kimura looked at the student and Yamada. He then replied, "Wow, I can't believe you'd admit that he kicked your ass Yamada. I thought you would put up more of a fight with such an ability as yours!" he laughed hard, slamming his own hand on the table out of laughter.

Kimura looked down at Yamada and down to his hand, seeing that his hand was clenched into a fist tightly. quickly thinking up of a solution, Kimura added on, "Well, he put up a good fight too.". Yamada looked over at Kimura as he seemed surprised, the student in the back however looked over at Kimura chuckling a bit saying, "Do what? Hit you with a gust of air?" snickering once again.

Kimura smirked however, replying, "Well, he could do better with whatever you can do.", The snickering from behind the receptionist table suddenly stopped as the student looked over at Kimura. He pointed his finger to him, saying "You gotta watch with what you say around here new kid, I'm only being polite because you're new here.".

"We can take this outside. Or are you too scared to come out and say it to my face."

That should give him a good enough reason to come out…

The student stood up and walked out from behind, getting up close to Kimura. He stood a foot taller than Kimura, he had messy dark gray hair as his eyes were a bright cyan color. They stared at each other as Kimura gave him a death glare, his tone and aura shifting once again.

"Hey! What are you two doing!"

A demanding voice called out from the end of the hallway. They all looked down to see a staff member standing there with his arms crossed. Kimura looked a bit confused, turning his head to see that the student was already behind the receptionist counter once again.

However, the staff member walked down to us anyways, he sported casual clothing as he was about Yamadas height. His hair was combed down as well as being a magenta color. He looked at us and then walked over to the student behind the counter, checking around to see if we've done anything.

"Looks like nothing happened here."

"Y-Yep! Nothing here!"

The staff member smiled and walked off, Kimura was even more confused on what was going on, hearing a sigh come from the student. "Just…Here's your rooms." he sounded tired, handing us a key, the key had an etched number on it. Yamada picked it out of his hand and signaled Kimura to follow once again.


They walked up the stairs up to the second floor, looking for a door with the label  205. Kimura followed Yamada as he began brewing questions in his head once again, asking "What's the monarchy here like?" as Yamada simply replied, "Don't question him, you'll see yourself.". Kimura pouted at his answer as they arrived at their location, Dormitory Room 205. 

"This is it."

"Yeah, you should probably open the door, its getting late."

Yamada put the key in the door, unlocking it as they walked into the dorm they were sharing. Their dorm had two bookshelves, a window, two regular sized beds, a desk lamp, a night lamp, more books, and a ceiling fan. "This is better than the apartment I stayed in!" Kimura smiled, running over to one of the beds and falling on it, feeling the soft cushions.

"You can hang out here, I'm going to get ready for bed first."


Kimura waited for Yamada to get out of the bed as he stared at the ceiling, turning his head to look out the window. But out the window, he noticed a flicker as he sat up and walked over to the window.  What was that just now… He looked through the window as he saw the flicker again, seemingly as if it ran past their building. Concerned, he clicked open the window and pulled it up, looking out to get a better view.

It was cold outside as he stayed silent, waiting to hear or see the flicker once again. The mysterious flicker however, had never came to pass again.  I must be tired and seeing shit… he leaned out of the window and closed it shut, shutting view with some curtains.

Tick Tok Tick Tok…

Kimura lays in his bed unable to sleep, still wondering about that weird flicker outside the building. He turned to towards the window closing his eyes, trying to fall asleep by clearing up his head. it seemed to work as he slept throughout the night.


His alarm clock went off at Six-o clock in the morning, he covered his ears with his pillow trying to muffle the sound.  Let me sleep… he kept the pillows to his ears as the alarm suddenly stopped, followed up with a yawn.

Kimura lets go of his pillow as it falls over and plops to the floor. Just as he was going back to sleep, he felt a shaking sensation on him.

"Heey…Kimura…Get up, we got class…"



"I heard you the first time…"

Kimura sat up rubbing his eyes as he yawned as well, stretching his arms as he got out of bed. Yamada noticed that his pillow was gone as he scanned around the area for it. "Kimura, do you know where my pillow went?" he asked confused, Kimura looked down to see a pillow near his foot.

"Is this it?" he asked, picking it up from the floor.

"Yeah that's it."

He grabbed the pillow and cushioned it, both of them fixing their beds as they cleaned themselves up and got ready. Kimura stood outside as Yamada closed and locked their door, "Ready?" he asked as Kimura nodded. Both walked down the hallway and down the stairs to return their key, leaving the dormitories as Kimura's second day started.