
Mystic Academy: School of the Gifted

Espers, Individuals that have supernatural powers and the ability to destroy anything with the flick of a wrist. But what if there was a school, an academy dedicated to these Espers? What If Espers had to go through school like the rest of us? In a world where Espers live amongst the crowd of normal individuals, Makoto Kimura, a First Year, has to now adjust to this new Mystic Academy. But unlike his old academy, This academy is notorious for having some of this generations strongest Espers. Being new food for the Academy, Kimura has to start at the very bottom. But unknown to them, he hides a secret. What is this secret, Why does he hide it, and what would happen if he shows this secret of his? What challenges will come his way in this new academy? What will become of him afterwards? Those are questions that he will have to find himself. ---------------------------------------------------------- Chapters 1-11 Updates come (possibly) daily. Cover was made by me, My signature is hidden.

LSen · Fantaisie
Pas assez d’évaluations
15 Chs

Chapter 12

His class waited outside of the gymnasium; a line had formed as students were lined up against the wall waiting for their turn. Woosh! Boom! KRRRSH!! Sounds came in and out of the gym as they were called in one by one. "NEXT!" A commanding voice shouted from inside the gym, Kimura walked in when Yun walked out of the gym with Suzuki. The Physician, P.E. Teacher, and Mr. Vallance were there waiting. 


"Kimura Makoto."

The Physician suddenly looked up from his clipboard, looking at Kimura for a bit, Kimura looked at him confused. "Is your father Kimura Ichiro?" he asked, Kimura was surprised as he hadn't heard anyone bring up his father's name. "Yes, why do you ask?" Kimura responded, confused as the Physician looks at the paper and begins writing it.

The confusion in the gym grew as Mr. Vallance and the Gym Teacher were also confused. He unclipped his paper and handed it to Kimura.

"Here Kimura."

"But I—" before he could even ask, the Physician cuts his sentence off.

"I know what your father is capable of, I don't need you to showcase yourself."

"—I guess so…"

Kimura frowned a bit annoyed as he took the paper and left. "Why didn't you have him do the normal requirements Mr. Nishimura?" Vallance asked him, hearing a sigh from Nishimura. He turned to look at Vallance, responding, "I know who his father is, I was his classmate when we were at this school.". That made Vallance surprised as Nishimura added on, "He…let's just say, he was a powerful person." Nishimura kept it very vague as he shouted, "NEXT!".

Kimura looked at his papers as they were marked under "Very Fit". That's unreasonable… He kept walking as he noticed Fujiwara leaning on a wall, "so, how was your test?" she asked, looking up at him. "Oh, I did very well." He chuckled, stopping to strike up a conversation with her. Fujiwara stood up and took the paper out of his hand, he looked as he tried to grab it out of her hands.

"Fujiwara! C'mon!'

"No, I have to see it first!"

Fujiwara moved out of his grasp as she backpedaled and her back hit a wall, she looked back at the wall and shortly after saw Kimura's hand slam right next to her face. BAM!! Kimura looked at her since they were face to face. Her face was slightly red, her arms tucked in close as she held his paper. Fujiwara didn't hesitate as she slammed her knee up into his abdomen out of instinct. Kimura stumbled back holding his abdomen as he ached in pain, Fujiwara slaps the paper on his back as she shouts, "DON'T DO THAT AGAIN!!".

She felt the urge to kick him in the face for doing that to her, but she forced herself to walk off, angry and a bit nervous. Yun happened to stumble by as he walked past a furious Fujiwara, looking over confused before seeing Kimura aching in pain nearby. Yun rushed over and saw his paper on his back as he patted him.


Yun spoke a bit in Japanese as he wasn't used to speaking it yet. However, Kimura nodded, reaching over to grab his paper from his back, he stood up as he held his abdomen. Fujiwara has a mean abdomen knee… he shuffled his feet over to the infirmary with Yun. 

* * *

Suzuki walked with her friends down the hall as she saw Kaneko's group walking down the opposite side of the of the hallway. Oh shit… she felt her heart sink as she slowly started backing out, "Suzuki what's wrong?" One of her friends asked, Suzuki lightly chuckled as she stuttered, "N-Nothing! I forgot I had to go to…—" it took her a second to think of an excuse as one suddenly came up.

"—I left my notebook!"

Suzuki began running down the opposite way as she was getting farther and farther from Kaneko's group. After getting far enough, she ran down the stairs to the first floor, running around the corner and bumping into Yun. "Owch!" Suzuki fell back as she felt herself getting caught, she looked to see that Yun had caught her wrist.

"Are you okay?"

Yun asked, speaking in Korean as she nodded, Yun pulled her towards him as she stood up. "Where's Kimura?" Suzuki asked, looking behind him to see If he was following him, Yun shook his head, replying, "No, He's going to have to stay in the infirmary a bit longer.".

Suzuki pouted as multiple footsteps came running down the stairs, Suzuki instinctively jumped as she ran around and hid behind Yun, fixing her glasses. Kaneko and her friends ran down as they saw Yun leaning on a wall.

"Hey Pretty Boy! Have you seen Suzuki? You're usually around her all the time."


"The Infirmary? Thanks Pretty boy, Maybe I'll get you something later."

Kaneko and the rest of her group ran towards the infirmary as Yun looked behind him, seeing Suzuki sitting on the floor hugging her legs. "They're gone now." He said to her, she looked up at him as she got up from the floor. "Thank you, Yun…" she thanked him, looking down at the floor feeling guilty to bring him into her own mess.

Yun lightly smiled as he lightly patted her head and leaves, heading upstairs. She watched him walk up the stairs as she put her hands on her head, slightly blushing at that fact. Suzuki walked up the stairs shortly after him, seeing her friends crowding him. Yun had his hands up to his shoulders as he was in a bit of a pickle.

Without any hesitation Suzuki rushed over and firmly grabbed his wrist. "Come!" she commanded as Yun followed as he had no choice. Her friends looking over as Suzuki was just coming to terms with what she had done. WHYY DID I DO THAT! She didn't think it through as she took him up to the rooftop.

Why did I do that…? All I did was see them being girls around Yun…Joking around and…stuff…but…

No No No!! C'mon Suzuki! She patted her face. You're better than that! You couldn't possibly like Yun! He's your friend…A Very Nice… She looked over at Yun, who was looking down at the students passing by on the ground. …Gorgeous…Cute…Good Looking…Friend… Suzuki slightly spaced out, imagining herself being close to Yun. "Suzuki? Suzuki??" The voice called out as she snapped out of it and looked at him, her face obviously flustered.


"Suzuki, are you okay?"

"I-I uhm…—" her head filled with clouded and misjudgment thoughts as she recklessly slammed her head against the metal fence. "GET OUT INTRIGUING THOUGHTS!" she shouted at the top of her lungs as this made Yun jump a bit, surprised by it. Oh who am I kidding… her fingers gripping onto the metal fence as she felt embarrassed, slumping and leaning on the fence a bit.

Yun looked at her as he patted her shoulder, she turned as her face was completely red from her little stunt. "Here." He hands her his box of strawberry flavored pocky. Huh…but… she looked at the box as she lightly grabs it, looking in to see one left still in the bag.

"Is…Is it for me Yun…?"

"Yeah, I had one left, so I wanted to give it to you."

"O…Oh…Thanks Yun."

She took out the pocky and bites onto the strawberry coated side, smiling. Suddenly, Yun leaned over and bit the other side, taking about eighty percent of the pocky. Suzuki's eyes widened as Yun stood up, she had many emotions running through her as she dropped the empty box, her hands trembling slightly.

"If you want more pocky, we can go buy more."

Yun warmly smiled at her as he went down to the second floor. Wh…Wh…Wh… her emotions reached a boiling point as she shouted out up into the air, "WHAAAAAAATTTTTTT!!!!!".