
Chapter 12: Library

“I know who you are…” Topher whispered while narrowing his eyes.

“What? You know her Topher?!” Reina raised her eyebrow.

Topher frown. He looked at Reina and Rheo with a surprise on his face.

"Oh, I thought you guys knew her? Don't you remember?" He said.

Why did I get nervous suddenly? Did he know me? How? Have we met before? Why can't I remember? But tia Cecil already restores some of my memories.

"Remember what?" Rheo seems calm.

The thought deeply while Reina crossed her arms and rolled her eyes. Also, she was trying to remember.

I frowned at Topher when I laid my eyes on him. "Have we met before? I don't remember you."

Topher looks up while shaking his head. He looked disappointed in both of them.

"Of course, we don't. News spread like fire when you came here, and also your name, Jasmine."

"Oh, you're that girl! Now I remember."

"That explains why your name is Jasmine," Rheo whispered while looking at my necklace.

I held my necklace and slightly rubbed it. Many people noticed this necklace, and I don’t know why. I remembered that before tia Cecil took care of me, I already wore the necklace. So, tia Cecil name me after my necklace. I smiled sadly at them.

We were stunned when we heard something. We turned to Reina; she was holding her stomach while smiling shyly at me.

She turned angrily at them. “This is your fault!”

Topher looked irritated at Reina for what she said when he was about to speak when Rheo covered his mouth and pulled away.

"Don't make the little dragon mad, dude," Rheo whispered to Topher while pulling him away because he was resisting.

I chuckled while I am eating. Reina turned to me when she noticed me laughing softly.

"What's funny?" She asked innocently.

I shake my head. "Nothing."

She shrugged and continued eating her food, but she suddenly stopped again. She looked excited when she looked at me.

"What are your plans Jasmine, after this?" I can feel that her eyes twinkled for a second.

“Uh, study. I have to cope with my studies because I just went to this school,” I said while eating and reading a book without looking at her.

"I know where you can study! I’m sure you will like it!”

“Okay, then. I haven’t wandered the whole academy completely, but, first, let me get my books in my room, Reina.”

After we ate, Reina didn’t come with me when I get my books in my room instead, she told me to wait in the library.

I saw her sitting on the bench, outside the library. I can see on her face that she’s excited. She immediately stood up when she saw me. She held my arms and pulled me in front of the library’s door.

“What are we going to do in here, Reina? The library is closed.” I said and pointed the ‘closed’ sign at the door.

Reina glared at me and told me to keep quiet using her finger. She returned her gaze to the door and took a deep breath.

"Abierto," she whispered.

The door slowly opened. She suddenly pulled me inside. I was about to complain that this is not right when I didn’t expect what I saw.

Where are we?

This is not the library of our school.

Some of the people inside the library looked at us when we went in. We almost get scolded because of my annoyance, but I went quiet when I saw this.

How did we get in here? There were so many people in her, and they were so quiet because they are busy reading. Well, obviously because this is a library.

I looked up. The ceiling is also high but compared to the academy, our school’s library is bigger than this. There are stairs to the second floor, and there’s no one in there because mostly they prefer the first floor.

Reina pulled me again to the second floor. I noticed the old man at the counter shook his head at us. The librarian, I think.

Looks like the librarian knew Reina because he did not even scold her for pulling me. Reine is always here, I think.

She pulled me again to one of the rows of the bookshelf. Reina stopped and took a deep breath. She signaled me to wait.

“I’m tired!” She said and looks up.

“Uh, what?” I blink twice. “You’re tired?” I looked at the first floor. The stairs also are not that high.

“Yes, I am! This is my longest run!”

I shook my head and laughed softly.

“What? It’s true!”

“Shhh!” A woman glared at us.

"I'm sorry," I smiled apologetically at her.

She rolled her eyes at us and left. She was sticking out her tongue when I turned to her.

“She thought she was beautiful?” she whispered and rolled her eyes also.

I stopped when Reina pulled me again and let me sit. She sits in front of me.

"Reina.. how did you do that?"

Her eyebrows went up. "Do what?"

I shook my head and sighed. “What I mean is… how did we get here?”

I looked around. The wall was cement, the high ceiling on the first floor was glass, and the rest was wood.

I returned my gaze at her. “Where are we?”

She wiggled her eyebrows. “I cast a spell,” she whispered at chuckled. “Well, we’re still in our world because that man owns this place, but, technically, we’re in a mortal world.” She said in a low tone and pointed to the man at the librarian's table using her lips. The librarian she meant.

I looked at the people choosing a book on the bookshelves. I can’t identify if they are one of us or not.

I stopped when I realized. Am I one of them, or just an ordinary person? I frowned. Based on my memories, I’m not a normal person.. but how? What do you think tia’s reaction when she knew that I’m a different person?”

“Jasmine?” I turned to Reina. She was arranging her books. “Let’s study!”

I nodded and get my book. I stopped when I saw the book I borrowed from the library. I rub where the flower is. I looked at Reina. Should I ask her about this? She might have an idea… but I think she’s already busy reading her book.

I returned the book from my bag and opened the other book. I was about to start to read when Reina called my attention. I looked at her.

"I-I'm curious about you, J-Jasmine. I want to ask you a question," she said, pouting.

“What do you want to ask?”

She can’t look at me. “D-Don’t you know me?”

I frowned, confused. "Of course.. you're Reina. We just met earlier."

She took a deep breath; I can hear her sigh in relief. Why is it?

“I want to get to know each other. Can I ask some more questions?”

My lips lifted at what she said. Well, this is the first time that someone wants to ask about me.

I nodded at her. Her eyes twinkled. I started to read while listening to her questions.

"What ability do you have?"

"Enhanced senses."

"Woah! Mine is pain illusion!"

I stopped reading and looked at her. What kind of ability is that?

She smiled at me widely like she expected this to happen.

"Well, I make others believe that they are in burning pain, I'll just look in their eyes directly."

I can’t stop but to amaze at her ability. It’s not obvious on her innocent face. I can’t even imagine her crushing a plate or hurting someone.

"I'm fifteen years of age. How about you?"

"I'm seventeen--"

“What? I thought you’re on the same age as Rheo and the other two! They’re eighteen already!” She exclaimed. We received some death glares because of Reina. “You look so mature because some girls of the same age as you are so immature. I don’t like them.” She said with a weird tone like she was disgusted. She shook her head while closing her eyes.

When she ran out of questions, she went quiet. She is reading quietly right now, and that is also what I did.

It was afternoon when we went back to the academy. We did not eat yet, so we went to the cafeteria. The three of them are here. They are eating.