
Mystery of the Stars

A 17-year-old teen boy dejects himself in guilt of losing his beloved family member. Unknown to him a new world awaits him and someone else he didn’t expect joins him on his journey to the magical world. Except something was different about this new world, something he didn’t expect, or was it in fact him that was different. A mysterious family and source of magic not from this world, it was powerful and otherworldly. He ventures into the world unveiling its secrets and explores his passion of the violin with magic. Current Word Count: 43.73K Average Chapter Word Count: 2.27K Spoilers Below |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| First World: Harry Potter Other Worlds: Witcher, Cyberpunk and Elden Ring MC will have powers from Elden Ring |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| MC x ??? No Harem or Lemons |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| PATREON: If you'd like to support me: patreon.com/ArtoriasFTW |~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~| NOTE: I don't own any character other than my OCs The cover image is not mine

ArtoriasFTW · Livres et littérature
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20 Chs

First Day

Artorias Pov:

I was currently petting Theo in my lap while answering the countless questions that came from Ben. He tried touching my violin and I quickly pulled away saying "I recommend you not to touch my violin, it's worth three hundred and twenty thousand galleons." His eyes widened as he asked, "Who really are you?" I speak up, answering, "Ben, I know you are curious to know about my background, however, let me tell you another time, I'd like to relax the rest of the way." Hearing my words Ben nods and looks through the window. Fifteen minutes later we arrive at our destination, I decide to exit the train last to avoid attention.

|320,000 galleons are equivalent to 8 million USD |

Two minutes later I and Ben change into our Ravenclaw robes and leave the compartment. Stepping out of the train I spot the last group heading towards Hogwarts. It was dark and raining so I was able to have my hood up, to avoid conversation. Arriving at the carriages I hop in with Ben behind and the carriage takes off as we were the last ones in.

Entering the Hogwarts courtyard, Ben and I jump out of the carriage. I left my stuff and Theo on the train for the house elves to transfer them into my room. Thousands of steps later we enter the massive doors into the great hall. As I found a spot to sit, with Ben on my side I could hear whispers from around me like ("who is that?" "a transfer student?" "He's hot") They were interrupted by the quire students starting their performance. A few minutes later they finish walking off the podium stage as the great hall applauds their performance with claps. Dumbledore in turn walks up to the owl podium raising his hands for a few moments while speaking aloud, "Welcome! Welcome to another year at Hogwarts!"

Dropping his hands he continues to announce, "Now… I'd like to say a few words before we all become too befuddled by our excellent feast. Firstly, I'm pleased to welcome professor R.J. Lupin, who kindly consented to fill the post of defense against the dark arts teacher. Good luck professor." Professor Lupin stands up and bows as the great hall are filled with claps. He resumes his speech saying "Our Care of Magical Creatures

Teacher… has decided to retire… in order to spend more time with his remaining limbs. Fortunately, I'm delighted to announce… that his place will be taken by none other than our own Rubeus Hagrid." Numerous claps later… Dumbledore resumes "I would also like to announce a certain someone that just transferred to our school this year... This feat did not go unnoticed… he bravely repelled the dementors during the train incident, it's quite a feat for just one third-year." Hearing his words the great hall is filled with whispers. Dumbledore continues "I would like to award Ravenclaw fifty points for his efforts… Mr. Starscourge." He then points towards me. Meanwhile in my thoughts "great now everyone is staring at me, really old man did have to call me out like that." I see him just wink at me and sigh trying to ignore all the incoming questions. After a few moments,

Dumbledore resumes his announcement "Finally, on a more disquieting note… at the request of the Ministry of Magic… Hogwarts will, until further notice, play host to the dementors of Azkaban… until such a time as Sirius Black is captured. The dementors will be stationed at every entrance to the grounds. Now whilst I've been assured… that their presence will not disrupt our day-to-day activities… a word of caution. Dementors are vicious creatures. They'll not distinguish.. between the one they hunt and the one that gets in their way. Therefore, I must warn each and every one of you… to give them no reason to harm you. It is not in the nature of a dementor to be forgiving. But you know, happiness can be found… even in the darkest of times.. if one only remembers to turn on the light." When Dumbledore's speech finally ends everyone is dismissed as we head to our house's common room. I would get a lot of stares along the way, as I talked to Ben. Arriving at the Ravenclaw common room I ask Ben to give me a tour and he obliges.

The Ravenclaw common room was one of the airiest rooms at Hogwarts. It was a wide, circular room with graceful arched windows that punctuated the walls which were hung with blue and bronze silks, and a midnight blue carpet covered in stars, which was reflected onto the domed ceiling. The room was furnished with blue tables, chairs, and a divan. Next to the door leading up to the dormitories stood a tall statue of Rowena Ravenclaw made of white marble. According to Ben, the sound of wind whistling around the windows of the tower was relaxing while going to sleep. Portraits of famous Ravenclaws hung on the walls.

The Ravenclaws also had their own library within the common room, which was nowhere as big as the main library but had almost as many books. The personal library was located in a niche. During the day, Ravenclaw students had a spectacular view of the school grounds, including the Great Lake, Forbidden Forest, Quidditch pitch, Herbology greenhouses, and the surrounding mountains.

When I was heading toward the prefect rooms Ben stops me asking "why are going there, those are the prefect's rooms" I look at him answering "Dumbledore." His eyes widen as he asked, "you're a prefect, but aren't you only a third-year?" I shake my head answering, "no he just gave me access to one of the rooms." He sighs replying "well aren't you lucky, I guess I'll have room up with someone else, maaan this sucks… How did you get a prefect room anyway, does it have something to do with your background?" I smile nodding and turn away to leave saying "well, good night Ben, and good luck with your new roommate." Opening a creaky door, I'm greeted by Theo jumping into my arms barking adorably. I look at the little fox saying "there you are, I hope you didn't cause a ruckus in my new room." Looking around I witness a spacious room that looked like it once had a luxurious style but is now filled with dust and spider webs. I remember Dumbledore saying something about it being abandoned because a ghost liked to visit here, hopefully, that doesn't become an issue, I really hope it isn't Peeves, that would be a nightmare for me.

Using the scouring charm and wiping spell the room looked like new after a few minutes. I had already fed Theo and organized my notes into the desk drawers. There was one king-sized bed, a fancy bathroom with a luxurious mirror, the carpet had a Ravenclaw design and the bedroom was a circular room with graceful arched walls filled with shelves. My room had one arched window that had a view of the Quidditch pitch. While admiring the view I could feel a cold presence enter the room, turning around a see a ghost, which I identify as the Grey Lady. She notices me and the changes in the room speaking with anger in her tone "who are you?" Thinking carefully of an answer I reply "my name is Artorias Starscourge, third-year Ravenclaw, Dumbledore kindly gave me access to this room." Hearing my words her eyes widen while saying "Starscourge… Impossible your lying." Seeing her reaction I reply "I don't jest, Lady, I have nothing to hide against a ghost, how about I drank a veritaserum potion to prove I speak the truth" She raises her eyebrows as I take out the potion from my suitcase. It was my only one, I had bought one in case it would come in handy, I guess now is the time to use it. I drank the potion in one go and Helena comes closer to me asking "so who really are you?"

A few minutes go by with a stunned translucent Helana Ravenclaw floating in front of me saying "so you really are a Starscourge… to think I would meet Radahn's son…" Hearing her words I asked, "what do you mean? Have you met my father?" Looking back at me answering, "well, I've had the pleasure to meet your father on several occasions, however, he is a mystery to me, the only significant memory I have of him is when he danced with me. My mother would tell me only a little, for example, your magic is different. Your magic is channeled through the stars and you should also have a unique ability within you such as controlling the nature of gravity, although I heard your mother was not a Starscourge she had the unique gift to control ice. I don't really know much besides that and more importantly how your father conquered the stars to alter fate itself, he was escaping from something but I don't know what."

When she finished speaking I was stun locked, trying to understand what I just heard. After getting myself together I sat on my bed and said "thank you, Helena, may I call you that?" It is similar to my sister's name, so I felt a closeness to her. She smiled at my words and answered "I would be honored, Mr. Starscourge, then may I call you Art?" I nod at her words and then asked "so I presume the ghost that haunted this room was you?" Continuing to smile she answers, "yes, this was my old room from the 10th century when I studied at Hogwarts. I prefer if others don't use it as it's quite personal to me. However, I do not mind if you take its place as owner, as long as you do not mind me being around once in a while." Putting my hands on my chin thinking I reply "well, I don't mind per se, it's just that I prefer the peace and quiet." She then says "you won't have to worry about that with me." I shake my head and say "very well, I'll see how it goes for now."

8 P.M. at night, I was currently reading a book on the comfortable seat at the window. I was reading Helena Ravenclaw's diary, she didn't mind that I was reading it and was currently hovering near the bookshelf. I could feel the coldness grow as she looked over my shoulder at the book asking, "you really don't mind my presence Art? Most would dislike the feeling ghosts give off." I shake my head answering "not really, I'm already used to a nosy sister, and the cold feeling you give doesn't bother me much." She smiles replying, "thank you, Art." I give sigh and say "just don't get too comfortable around me and please give me some space when I read." Hearing my words she backs away and I swear I could hear her muffle a "hmph."

An hour later of reading and it was now 9 P.M, so I headed to bed to get some sleep, as classes started tomorrow.

Harry Potter Pov:

Remembering what happened at the great hall before, my friends were acting strange when Dumbledore announced the name of that person. It was good news for me as I knew who helped me at that time, however, when I looked over at Ron and Hermione they had wide eyes. Ron when he heard his name and Hermione when she looked at him. I asked "hey what's going on with you guys? What am I missing here?" Hermione snaps out of it answering "well he looked familiar, I think he was that famous violinist prodigy in the muggle world, my parents would always talk about him, they were big fans." I then continue speaking "ok.. then what about you Ron, why do you like you've seen a ghost?" Ron snaps out of it answering "oh.. It's nothing… just… what Hermione said" He looked suspicious so I asked again "Ron your not hiding anything are you?" Ron shakes his head muttering the words "it's nothing… only a myth." Hermione also looks at him suspiciously getting tired of the suspense and speaks up, "ok Ron spit it out, what is it?"

Fred and George seemed to of heard our conversation butting in they say simultaneously "we'll tell you, but only for a price that is" I reluctantly reply "what's the price" They both look at each other, then look back at me laughing replying "it's only a joke." They continue saying "well, the story is a myth, it's about the Starscourge we have a book about it, and our mother would read it to us as a bedtime story. It was Ron's favorite story." I see Ron go red in embarrassment and Hermoine snort holding back a laugh. I just shake my head asking, "so what is the story about?" They both look at me and answer "to put it short, the Starscourge is a legendary family that had the ability to manipulate gravity and they're mainly known for conquering the stars." In confusion I ask "and that means?" However they both just shrug and answer "no one really knows, but it has something to do with fate, although the story is a legend."

Back to reality, lying in my bed, I look over and see Ron snoring. Out of curiosity, I walked up to his bedside went through his belongings in his chest, and found the book. I pick it up reading the title, 'Mystery of the Stars.' I sat in my bed and read for the next few minutes. Upon finishing I could only figure out one new discovery which was that; It was during the age of King Arthur and Merlin. I put the book back in its exact spot so Ron wouldn't notice and went back to bed. Not long after I fall into dreamland.