
the orphan

On a rainy night the father and son found a beautiful young girl lying covered in blood.

They took her to the hospital, in thr hospital the doctor came out of the operation room and called out the patients gaurdian "THUS GIRL HAS BEEN TORTURED FOR MANY DAYS SHE HAS MANY BEAT MARKS ON HER AND HER BODY SEEMS TO BE WELL TRAINED FIR MARTIAL ARTS SHE'S STILL IN COMA WE HAVE TO OBSERVE HER FOR A FEE DAYS" Mr ou " THANKU DOCTOR , CAN WE TAKE A LOOK ON HER" the doctor "YES OFCOURSE" they entered the room to see the beauty covered in bandages lying unconscious. DAYS passed by the young master Mr ou's son ou hanting kept on visiting her because of his father's order after a month she finally opened her eyes and saw a young boy sitting by her bed side in the hospital , she stared at him he spoke up " ITS A RELIEF THAT YOU WOKE UP YOU WERE IN A COMA FOR ALMOST A MONTH " she still stared at him in silence and spoke up " WHO ARE YOU " an really sweet voice he was mesmerized by her voice he snapped out of it and said " AHH WE FOUND YOU IN AN EMPTY ALLY LYING IN BLOOD SO WE JUAT RESCUED YOU FROM THERE" she stared at him and again asked " WHO ARE YOU " the awkwardness in the room grew finally Mr ou entered the room and answered her question "NICE TO MEET YOU I AM OU WEITING THIS IS MY SON OU HANTING , SO WHATS YOUR NAME " she stared at the both of them and said " lele" in a very low voice they both asked her at the same time " what did you say please do say it louder" she said it again in a loud voice " my name zhan lele " they both in a shock " you are from the zhan's " she nodded Mr ou calmed himself and asked her if she would like to live in the ou's mansion she stared at them for a while and nodded in yes. After the discharge they took her to their home in the mansion Mr ou's wife and daughter welcomed them but they were unaware of that new girl Mrs ou asked who she was ou hanting replied " MOM SHE'S ZHAN LELE WE FOUND HER IN AN EMPTY ALLY WOUNDED SO FATHER SUGGESTED THAT SHE LIVE WITH US" Mrs ou's face paled by hearing the name zhan she asked lele if her mother's name was zhan you ' an lele replied in yes . Mrs ou in a shock hugged lele and started crying lele gave her a death stare and separated her from lele's body.