
Mystery in the city of Lumina

In the city of Lumina, which is full of mysteries, there is a team of detectives who have mediocre abilities in solving magical cases. The fantasy mystery genre novel "In the City of Lumina: The Detective's Adventures in Solving Magical Cases" invites readers to dive into their exciting adventures. The way they solve cases is unique. Those who look weak and underestimated by Lumina residents, apparently have a unique way to solve cases in the city. Stay tuned for the exciting story of Cedric and his friends. Enjoy Cedric's adventure in the mysterious city of Lumina.

Kayinkayinn · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

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Cedric sat across from Lyra's grandparents, their eyes filled with wisdom and knowledge. He approached Lyra's grandparents who were in the basement, a very unusual place in Lyra's house indeed. Cedric had come back to seek answers about the missing Silver Fairy Jewel, and he hoped they could give him more valuable information than they had told him before.

As they sat on a comfortable couch in the basement, Cedric began the conversation by expressing his gratitude for their willingness to help.

"Thank you for welcoming us into your home and offering grandmother and grandfather guidance to me and Gideon. I'm sure you have important information that can help us in our investigation."

Lyra's grandfather, a kindly man with a long white beard, leaned forward and began to speak. "Cedric, we have spent our lives studying the magical history of Lumina. We have a deep connection to the mystical world, and through our knowledge and intuition, we sense a disturbance in the magical energy surrounding this city."

Cedric listened intently, his curiosity piqued. "Does this disturbance have anything to do with the missing gem?"

Grandmother Lyra, a wise and graceful woman, nodded. "Indeed, Cedric. The Silver Jewel of Elves has immense power, and its disappearance has caused ripples in Lumina's magical currents. We believe someone with malicious intent has stolen the gem, and it is our duty to help you retrieve it."

Cedric's eyes widened in anticipation.

"Please, tell me everything you know. Any clues could be crucial in solving this mystery."

Grandpa Lyra leaned back in his chair, his eyes filled with memories of years of studying ancient texts. "Legend has it that the Fairy Silver Gem was created by the ancient Fairy tribe, known for their mastery of elemental magic. It has the ability to harness and amplify magical energy, making it a coveted artifact."

Grandmother Lyra chimed in, her voice filled with worry. "We suspect that the thieves may have stolen the gem to harness its power for their nefarious purposes. The consequences could be disastrous if they succeed."

Cedric nodded, his mind racing with possibilities. "Do you have any leads that could help us track down the thief and recover the jewel?"

Lyra's grandfather leaned forward, a glimmer of excitement visible in his eyes. "There's a story about an ancient underground lair hidden within the city. It is said that the lair is filled with traps and guards protecting precious artifacts. It is possible that the thief might seek refuge there. "

Cedric's heart raced. "Thank you for sharing this information. We will investigate the underground lair and follow any leads that may emerge."

Grandmother Lyra placed her hand over Cedric's, her touch filled with warmth and calm. "Remember, Cedric, the power of friendship and determination can overcome all obstacles. We trust you to return the jewel to its rightful place."

"You must also be careful, Cedric. Remember what Grandfather told you about Oskar?" Cedric nodded his head, "be careful, I'm afraid you'll run into the wizard who made Oskar come back and disappear."

Cedric nodded, a newfound determination burning within him. "Thank you for your guidance and support. We will not stop until the jewel is found and the thief is brought to justice."

With the valuable information provided by Lyra's grandparents, Cedric felt a new sense of purpose. He knew that their guidance would be of great help in his quest to solve the mystery of the missing Silver Fairy Jewel. Little did he know that their journey would lead them to uncover ancient secrets, face dangerous enemies, and ultimately bring them closer to the truth.

Cedric sat pensively by the window again, in the room Lyra's family had provided for him. His mind was filled with thoughts of the missing Silver Jewel of the Elves, after he was given an important piece of information by his grandfather Lyra moments ago.Just as he was about to give up hope, a knock on the door broke his reverie. He opened it and found Gideon and Lyra standing there, both wearing determined expressions.

"Perfect timing," Cedric said with a smile.

"I've just received some important information about this case. Come in, you two."

Cedric sat pensively by the window again, in the room that Lyra's family had provided for him. His mind was filled with thoughts of the missing Silver Fairy Jewel, after he was given an important piece of information by Lyra's grandfather moments ago.Just as he was about to give up hope, a knock on the door broke his reverie. He opened it and found Gideon and Lyra standing there, both wearing determined expressions.

"Perfect timing," Cedric said with a smile.

"I've just received some important information about this case. Come in, you two."

They entered Cedric's room, a room filled with books and maps that were suddenly there. In fact, when Lyra prepared this room for Cedric, the maps were not there before... Cedric motioned for them to sit down, his eyes sparkling with excitement.

"Lyra, your grandparents have given me some valuable information. It seems they have knowledge of the lost jewels."

Lyra's eyes widened in shock. "My grandparents? They gave you important information again?"

Cedric leaned forward, his voice full of intrigue. "They have a deep connection to the mystical world, just like you, Lyra. They sensed a disturbance of magical energy around the city and suspected it was related to the theft. They believe that the jewel has great power and can be used for evil purposes if it falls into the wrong hands."

Gideon crossed his arms, his brow furrowed in thought. "So, what are our next steps, Cedric? How do we find the jewel and catch the thief?"

Cedric smiled, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "We should form a team and investigate this further. Lyra, you have an incredible house full of artifacts and magical knowledge. It could be the perfect base for our operation."

Lyra nodded, there was a spark of determination in her eyes. "I agree, Cedric. After all, you guys don't have any other place to stay besides my house, right?"

Gideon and Cedric seemed to smile shyly, because what Lyra said earlier also had a point. They were suddenly dragged into a portal, until the two of them were now in the mysterious city of Lumina, and even had to immediately investigate the case of the disappearance of the jewel in the Silver Fairy palace as their first experience in the city of Lumina.