
Mystery: Arcana Minora

A disaster strikes in supposedly normal recruitment and gathering of newly made Beyonders in Elena, a small town in Intis Republic. Fleshes burning, ashes and smoke rising from the dismembered parts, discombobulated bodies of remaining people who still have sanity left on a spiraling endless madness they found themselves in before giving in. In a hopeless situation, a pile of flesh from a dead sequence 7 of Red Priest Pathway starts to move. Soon after, it takes a form of a young man with black jet hair draped with a streak of ashen gray hair, and a set of indolent blue eyes beautifully contrasting its hair, Damian, a young man appeared. From the pile of Beyonder characteristics in front of their eyes, he ultimately chose the pathway he thought best suited him. Knowing nothing but the remaining memories of the flesh he had taken shape, and the implications of having the remnants of the hunter pathway, he desperately tried to escape the grasp of this world's anarchic nature. ---------- The cover is not mine, so if the owner has problems I can take it down.

Gin_ts · Livres et littérature
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4 Chs


"That's the plan. Is it clear? Any questions?" Damian asked the woman for nth time after explaining the plan to her again and again.

"Yeah, yeah. We will observe first if the thing is still there, if it is, run as fast as we can. We'll forget everything that happened here. If not, proceed to the plan. You'll get the bag and the watch, I'll get the mirror. The beyonder characteristic would be sold and the profit is split 70/30. Seventy for you, thirty for me."

Reilyn is obviously pissed off by the tone she replied. It has been the fifth time they had this conversation.

She understood that it is dangerous to go back there and that is why she can't refute this "broken recorder" even though he is already irritating her to such degree that if he didn't stop, she probably slap him to stop.

But she didn't. She still needs him to protect her. Better safe than sorry, they say.

Even Damian sound tired from this already. He just thinks that one wrong move, both of them will die. He is just making sure.

With this back and forth conversation both person understood the other a little better.

He prefers to not confront the problem upfront, or better run from the problem. A scaredy cat. No back bone.

He also quite the greedy bastard for agreeing to "escort" her as he already has his eyes on the beyonder items and characteristics. Only a fool can't see beneath those slit face.

She on the other hand uses her beauty to sucked off favors from others. She accentuates her face to him to lower his guard. Talk about being leech. Getting what she wants anytime.

Those were the ideas they have on each other. It also didn't help that those two are on the edge for hours, fatigue started to caught up.

They were keeping their vigilance for hours while mapping the forest since the visibility is almost zero to none.

"To the left." Reilyn said.

Reilyn also keeps using her spirituality using two branches of trees performing a technique called dowsing rod seeking.

It is a divination technique for attempting to locate a target. It requires two dowsing legnthy things to properly work. The branches acts as a substitute for two straight metal wires tapered to an edge. Mettalic rods are best for this technique, but since they didn't have any equipment, she settled for wooden ones.

The dowser would hold on to the shorter side and the user will drop it. It will turn to a certain correct direction. Although she is quite used to this arts, she still can't perform it on an effective pace. Some expert practioners can even perform the technique without the rod on top of that instantaneously.

Reilyn can perform it to such a precise degree since the memories of Yasha is quite clear and this body's muscle memory really helps.

She really do like this new body since the curves really hit the parts that needed those while not being exagerrated.

She also judged it by the fact that the man glances on her body. She also understood that her face is quite beautiful base on her reactions.

It is tailor made for her.

One criticism she has about this body is that it is quite weak compare to her previous one.

She likes to exercise and move her body at least three times a week to stay in shape.

They stopped quite a few meters where they were before, and she again started to perform dowsing.

She guessed that she descended on Yasha's body when it was just only a few seconds after she died from the burns that's why the beyonder characteristic is still inside her.


"Okay" he replied.

Another thing on her mind is how suspicious this man is. He didn't even gave his name nor treated her like how they treat women on this era.

"This era is like more or less the victorian era of my world." she thought.

That is why she is suspicious of him. His actions and words doesn't contain any etiquette nor respect. Did he not went to school or teach some manners?

She even thought that maybe he is a gang member or something similar to that because only those type of people can't utter any semblance of respect.

"No, you can't judge someone like that." she corrected herself. She still is being affected by Yasha's memories and actions.

"I'm a woman of character." she assured herself.

Judging others by stereotype is gone old in my world.

She was amused by the fact that this girl, is such a judgemental person. She judge everything and everyone is suspicious.

It was followed by sadness.

She emphatize her for what she had been through. She can't trust anyone, only herself.

That's why she promised to herself that she will try to find the butler that made Yasha's life miserable. Only if it is safe of course.

While many things are going inside her mind, Damian is trying his new found powers. He realized that he recovers faster than normal humans, faster than a horse and his senses are significantly highten, that in fact he does not even need to focus too much on guarding.

But since this is going for hours already, his state of mind is not the best.

He is also quite knowledgeable about different type of traps and their uses, and how he also can confirm to a certain degree that they are going in the right direction since hunters are good trackers. He also has the talent to provoked others.

He also found out that he retained the fire related spells of this pathway, although the potency went a bit down from before.

In fact they were using the conjured fireball in his hand to illuminate and reduce the "none-visibility area".

The thing he just didn't like is that there is no on and off function for the enhanced type. His sense of smell can even detect the feces and unwanted pungent smell coming from the forest.

"Go to right." he heard the woman's voice.

He just nodded and went to walk to the east.

Luck and Misfortune seems to agree that they need more entertainment, as this went for another two hours.

Both look lethargic and the mental fatigue started to pile up.

They almost gave up when they started seeing a brilliant light flickering amidst the "gray sea".

Both looked at each other agreeing that this was the original spot where the notary shouted the Honorific name.

"I'll go, watch my back." Damian said.

Reilyn also readied herself. She hold the branch like a sword in her left hand, and pick up a rock in her right hand.

If Damian look back, he would laugh at her. She just looks like a kid playing sticks and stones, it help that her face look like she ate a shit.

Damian walk gently, yet his body is full of intensity. Fear and nervousness enshrouded the two as they went closer and closer.

Damian feel that any second his heart would jump out of his chest as its pounding is getting crazier and crazier.

Reilyn on the other hand, is keeping the gap between them small, not too far to him and not too close that if something happen, she can run as soon as possible.

He hissed at what he saw. A thing that has deranged body covered in scales, the pair of tentacles that moves on an awkward manner serves as its arm. Its head is a giant fish, the gills that supposedly in the area of ears are clasping for air.

"A rampager!" He thought in horror.

Rampagers die after some time. It is just usually taken down by the official beyonders to protect others and avoid loses since it has no sanity left. It only moves on instinct. It will kill whoever and destroy what ever it run through.

He started to back down, slowly and steady as to not alert the out of control beyonder.

Reilyn noticed something amiss per the movements of this man seems clunky.

"Is the eye still there?" She whispered, ready to run after the man confirmed it.

She didn't want to see that thing ever in her life again.

"No... a rampager." He murmured.

"Don't be rash, back down slowly and lightly." He reminded her to not run. One wrong move can cause everything.

Reilyn nodded. She turned her back and the very first step she made, produced a crack.

Both looked at each other. Fear drained the color in their faces.

Reilyn froze. She didn't meant to do it, it was just her bad luck acting again.

In her past life these type of occurence is the norm for her. Getting pooped by a bird, dropping her ice cream, being chose as a cleaner, getting her tire flat, train malfunction when coming for work. Basically getting the short end of the stick.

The rampager looked at them, growled and started to run towards Damian.

"Fucking branches! I'm gonna burn every branches I can see if I survive today!" He swear in his heart.

"Scram! Buy time, he'll die sooner or later." he shouted.

Both distance themselves from the rampager.

Damian zigzagged around the trees as to mess with its timing. It proved to be useless because it just whipped the trees like nothing.

"Comer here fucker! Your ugly fish head can't even be sold as a bitch's food!"


The taunting proved its effectiveness as the rampager even run faster towards him. Every swing of its tentacles has gusto of killing him.

"Damn, it seems like I touched a sensitive spot." he smiled wryly.

He run even faster seeing that it is decapitating every tree they passed.

He launched a couple of fireballs to the rampager but the scales covering its body took it like nothing.

"Tsk, this fucker really proving he's a hard headed idiot up until the end."

He remembered that he made Notre very pissed because he can't follow a single instruction when tracking the notary.

"Surround and cover his possible path." Simple as that. Yet this idiot still rushed forward like a sick shit making an opening for the notary.

"Make him tired first, push him to reveal what ever he had before attacking him."

This madman really wanted to die, the notary made a blinding light that temporarily blinded them making another succesful escape when he inched closer to him. Others followed since they can feel that they cornered him.

Because of that, he was also compelled to support them just in case something happened.

Oh boy how he was so right.

He turned around when he met a wall of stones standing tall, it was a mountain. He hit a corner.

He didn't panic. He propelled himself and used his momentum to pass through the monster.

It slammed on the mountain dealing the much needed damage to weaken and slow him down.

He still keep firing spells left and right ultimately igniting the whole forest. He knows it will alert the official beyonders.

He had no choice but to do it since he can afford to be cornered.

He went back where they split.

He can feel that the rampager is getting closer.

"To your left!!!" Reilyn warned Damian. She saw the giant turd of fish crashing everything starting from the left.

She throw the revolver to him that she picked up besides bag of the notary.

"My revolver!" he exclaimed in joy as he caught it.

To be honest, he didn't expect that the woman is still here. He thought that she will run away base on her attitude.

"Well at least she's useful." Acknowledging her.

He immediately went to his right, seeing the vines hanging from trees he had an idea.

"Get the vines! Looped it around the trees!" He ordered.

Without further ado, she followed him.

She picked the vines hanging around the trees, tied it on a trunk and run around it, and tied it on another trunk while Damian keeps the monster busy.

She repeated it multiple times that the vines ultimately form a wall between the two trees.

"It's not enough to stop it!" She shouted.

"Cough, I know! I just need it to slow down so that I can shoot its head!" He is now gasping for air as the smoke started to become thicker.

Yet he still keep firing fire spells to it, the potency of each is getting lower.

He feels that he still has enough spirituality left but he can't produced fire.

It feels like he's losing his power.

He keep hitting a spot in his chest. Soon it appeared to be completely burn.

It started to slow down as its body starts to crumble.

"It has started to disintegrate!" he said.

He will fire another couple when he can't generate any fire.


"It's ready!" Reilyn shouted.

"Thank God!" he praised God

in his heart, whoever God that may be.

No one knows, even Damian doesn't know.

He went close to the tree and used his momentum to jump sideways.

The thing can't fully stop and crashed into the wall of vines. Its tentacles got entangled, it tried to break free but it can't.

He took the chance to come close enough to shoot it on the "brittle" part of its chest.

When he was going to pull the trigger, he got caught up by the tentacles and crashed on a nearby tree.


He broke a few bones and ribcages from the impact.

The revolver went flying and landed quite close to where Reilyn is.

Maybe all the bullshit bad luck that she suffered was in exhange for this miracle.

Immediately, Reilyn ran. She picked the revolver and some stones.

She throw the stones to get its attention and buy time for the man to get up.

The monster gets weaker and weaker as the time goes by. It is evident because it is also getting difficulties in standing up when it can easily do it if it has still the power it had.

"Here Mermaid!" She shouted to get the attention of the monster as she throw some rocks again, Even rocks are making it harder for the monster.

Damian forced to stand up and finish the battle since the official beyonders would show up any time now.

"Hey, finish it!" She throw the revolver to him again. Running away and making space.

He caught it, pulled the trigger and shot all the bullets right into its chest.

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!

The rampager started to materialized until the only thing left was its beyonder characteristics.

"Sorry brother just needed to do it since you are a piece of shit." He said as he slumped from fatigue.

He only rested for a minute as he heared her voice.

It always irritating for him to hear it, but just this time, it sounded like an angel was singing lullaby to him.

"Hey let's go! I already got the spoils." Reilyn shouted.

She waved the bag full of characteristics and the ring is on her finger already, and the pocket watch is hanging on her neck.

He sneered. "Look at this woman, being true to her desires."

He stand up and walks like he got a shit in between his pants.

He got tossed like a rag, but-

"Definitely worth it." he said as he followed her. Looking on the grinning woman, he also smiled.