
Mysterious Queen Bee

Do you want to enter to the world that full of magical creatures? Make Friends with Vampires, werewolves, witches, and fairies! Have a life and an adventure like atheena’s? Atheena's life is like an angel living in heaven, She's rich, She's pretty, she's popular, she have the best and the strongest werewolf pack, she have the best and bravest vampire army, and she have the most beautiful soulmate.. Although atheena’s life is perfect she’s still missing something her parents love is missing. The field trip is fun but it will be the reason for the destruction of the Mysterious Forest and it will also be the reason for the existence of bad and new vampires and werewolves, Because of a field trip War of bad and good creatures will happen which will cause the death of a hundred werewolves and a hundred vampires.

Atheena_Kim · Autres
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14 Chs


Fast Forward: 8PM:

Jen POV: I wake up because of a loud shout, I open my eyes and saw my girlfriend shouting and cursing her enemies I sit on the bed immediately and asked "What's happening?? Is the evil vampires and the evil werewolves are here?!! Where are they?!" I asked panicking while looking around. "Hey Wifey, are you okay? You had a bad dream?" My girlfriend said while looking at me worriedly I didn't answer and she hold my shoulder. "No, I heard you shouting and cursing at your enemies so I panicked, Where are they?" I said then I look around and saw nothing so evil. "Oh.. I'm sorry Wifey we're playing online games.. I'm sorry for waking you up." My girlfriend apologize making me dumbfounded. "E-eh?" I said dumbfounded. "I didn't mean to" My girlfriend said. "You said "we're" so you?" I said then look at the squad who's looking at us, I got out off the bed and run outside the room because of the embarrassment.

Atheena POV: I look at my beautiful girlfriend who's running out of the room, I chuckles, she's so damn cute, "Come on guys let's continue our game" I said then play with them again. A few minutes after, We win! "Yes Victory!" Xyl shout happily "Yoo! Hooo!" Precios shout. "Good Game!! Nice!!" Arvy shout, I just laught at them. Auntie came from outside. "Atheena, here's your food and your medicine" Auntie said then she place the tray full of food on the side table beside me. My girlfriend came from outside. "Hubby, it's a potion Auntie made it for you" My girlfriend said making me shock. "What?! How do you make medicine?! Are you a doctor?!" I suddenly shout out of nowhere. "Hubby lower your voice, you don't need to shout" My girlfriend said while glaring at me. "Oh I'm sorry Wifeyy" I said cutely. "Hubby did you forgot that we are healers" My girlfriend explained, oh I forgot that they are witches damn so idiot Atheena. "Oh yeah.. I forgot" I said then scratch my nape because of the embarrassment. My girlfriend giggles so I pout.