
Chapter 30: Nelson Bush

The pretty smiling reservations clerk politely nodded for the next person in line.

“Welcome to the Lakefront Hilton, sir.”

Nelson Bush stepped up to the counter. He noticed her name, kaylin. Bright-eyed, bushy-tailed kaylin. He smiled back. Flirted subtly. He handed her a confirmation slip.

“First time with us, Mr.Bush?” The desk clerk asked in high-pitches chirp.

He smiled, let her know that it was.

As she punched in his reservation, he followed her movements, thoughtfully striking the rough hairs of his beard.

He wanted her to notice. To remember his face, maybe one day, when some diligent FBI agent came by with a drawing or photograph, he wanted this chirpy little squirrel to think back and recall this moment in a close and chilling way. He wanted her to remember everything.

As he had with the saleswoman in the Bridal Boutique At Saks.

Here for a visit to the museum, Mr Bush?”

Kaylin asked, as she typed.

“For the Maculan’s wedding,” he volunteered.