
Why run?

NOTE: This is just a short story


Our Sacrifice

A normal girl with her hands full, love is present, caring is there but all of it is contained in the deepest part of her heart and sealed it with regrets as she denied to make her parents feel special and loved before their lives was taken away from them as the accident approached and was never forgotten in her mind, how it goes is when she ran away due the depression she put herself into but she was loved enough for her parents to run right behind her calling out her name to come back to their loving arms but destiny has a different plan for them and little she did know that it will be the last time she ever hear and see them, the road collapsed making a big hole cars sunk and the buildings were cut in half. She was lucky enough to survive but was that luck be able to let her live in peace?

Nasreen's P.O.V

We were on the road going to North of the empire of Krusian, my relatives live there and they invited us to stay for a while so that me and my brother can settle down without parents by our side. To move on means accepting mistakes and making yourself a better person but I don't think that would happens any soon. Finally arriving at the place where my aunt lives right across their house that is built one storey and across it beside a mountain lied a castle that was built for 10 centuries ago. After settling down our things, we were on our way to the hospital where my uncle works but due to bad luck our car broke down without me noticing my little cousin followed me on the high way then a red sports car was passing and it tried not to hit him then it by avoiding him it then flew in the air, I saw the mom and the baby. I couldn't believe my eyes the car exploded. After the accident we checked the car if there were any remains then the family of the lady arrived they were searching and I saw the baby on one corner I grabbed the baby and checked it and my little cousin was gone too.  The mother and my cousin are dead. Was it all because of the bad omen I'm bringing making everyone's life in danger? My poor cousin who aspires to be a doctor like his dad is gone, the lady who is a mom to the baby who can't even walk is gone, how am I suppose to keep up? Can suicide be part of my option in moving on?

My brother, my aunt and my uncle arrived and they couldn't believe that their second son is dead, how do I explained it to them? Everyone was quiet, me and my brother were going back to the house and I was just silently crying and to cut my wrist to find any luck kill myself, I was trying to hold my breath but every time I do it, I see my parents and my cousin shaking their head and giving my an assurance smile, was that smile meant for to accept the accident?

I locked myself inside my room giving me the perfect view of the mountain. I found out that lady was a princess and her name was Princess Hana. The royal family did not try to sue me or anything since it wasn't entirely my fault but I saw the old lady piercing her cold eyes towards my brown orbs, the look can almost kill you but the brother who's name was Prince Zakar the soon-to-be-king was handling the situation politely but you can see it in his eyes that "if I was not a Crown Prince, I would slauther you."

I realized that locking myself will lead to nowhere and so I started the next day waking up early and prepared food for the family, everyone was shocked and I cooked my famous kebab, roast beef and made cheesecake. I baked extra for the royal family asking forgiveness. Where was my fault? I arrived at the castle as the guards let me in, I gave them the food first handed and I talked to the queen, even though she was still mad after the food tasting her face lighten up, I think this is a good sign, but as she said, " bringing the exquisite food would not let me forget about my daughter's death and so I forgive you, it was no one's fault as the kid was just a kid". I thanked her while I was crying, I tried to shake her hand but my whole body was shaking instead she grab me into a bear hug. She told me that my pain was unbearable and while we had a long talk I arrived to talking about my parents. She ordered my to enter the castle whenever I need someone. We both needed each other, she needed a daughter to whom she lost and I need a parent.

One day she called me for something and when I got there she was in the garden, how much I loved the garden, while we were talking I did not notice prince Zakar was starring at us. What would he be thinking?

I became close with the Queen and so with Prince Zakar, they're actually really nice and every time I go to the castle I would tell my brother but he warned me many times that he has a bad feeling about that family. Prince Zakar invited me to the castle weird only the Queen invites me, what would be the occasion. I stepped and there's the Prince waiting, we went to his sister's bedroom and showed me her stuff and we talked about her while I was playing with the little Prince Josh, poor baby I wish I could just turned back the time.

Prince Zakar told me that he never had a friend outside the castle and so he told me that I was someone special, wow I blushed and told him the same too except the fact that I don't live in a castle. We talked and eat and he brought me here to this open area and where , "splash", oh no I'm wet and when I turned he was already holding a water gun, he threw the other on me and we started the fight , well I was running towards the bush but to my luck there's a dog, don't run don't run and so I stood up and tried to walk away but the dog was really mad and ready to attack, okay I run but damn the dog was fast but before it could bite my butt but Prince Zakar was already holding the dog and shooed it away wow he was fast, okay I'm so tired and scared, He asked if I was fine I just want to forget, I told him that I'm going home, but he didn't want me to go yet and told me that he was going to say something but I told him that save it for later and so I left, he shouted that it was his coronation night tomorrow night and I was invited, okay let me look pretty tomorrow

I don't really care if I really look nice tonight, I was just wearing a black off shoulder gown. It was the Zakar's coronation night, he approached me while staring at me woah there. He took my hand and told me that he wanted me to put the ring on him but as when I was putting the ring on his finger, who am I to do this, did the Queen allowed this I looked at her and she nodded, I'm freaking out what's going on. As I took out the rings, but before I could put it in him, I saw his body was turning into a skeleton. I took the rings with me and run away but he was something else.

I run and with the help of my brother I got out their castle but he was not normal he was like more a vampire in tales and a wolf in legends. I took the rings with me and run off to the north.

Living everyday wherever you'll live or die is very hard, every people in the North is keeping an eye on me. I'm no citizen of this place, I live day and night farming my grandparents farm, this is simple life as I got off everyday. Depressed by the being alone and missing him.

How do I apologize?

Was my decision a wise one?

For how long will I'll be able to live like this?

If they find me what would be my action?

After a few weeks they found me but not the rings. The Queen was right behind the man who captured me. "I trusted you like my own daughter!, how can you you do this imposter!?", said the Queen. She drag me out of the house through my hair and I struggled with her pace. Zakar saw me and I can't even look into his eyes. I just looked down and tolerated the pain. Finally she let go of my hair and imprisoned me in the carriage for monsters, it definitely smells awful here.

We arrived back in Krusian and arrived in the castle, I saw my aunt and my brother, there were all tearing up, how do I gain there love back?

Zakar locked me up in the castle where everything is isolated from me. The Queen entered and asked me the location of the rings but I just shook my head, this was no use to her and so she left and do the searching herself. Torturing me was part of her option but I don't know what happened why she didn't proceeded to it.

The guard sent me a bag and it's was contented of a dress and a pair of slippers but before leaving he winked at me and I felt his presence near my back, it was cold a ice and freaky as a predator but he left. I change my clothes now I'm wearing a backless floral dress and I sat in one corner. Thinking about life but little did he now I don't want him get to the rings because he's gonna die and I love him with my life, now where did that come from? I would rather die so that he won't be able to find it. From no where I was distracted by a person was who was approaching me and poked my wrist, I was getting weaker and hallucinating about things. My body was completely lifeless and he was about to bite me when the Zakar caught him and killed him in front of my very eyes.

He brought me with him in looking for the rings and brought me to a room. He laid my down and bit my wrist and from no where I got consciousness back. What are they? Is he going to kill me too? The fear in me was evident in my eyes reflecting to his. He talked to me so sincere that I almost told him the location of the rings. I tried to tell him the truth but nothing was coming out from my mouth and it was like this the whole time. I sat on the bed with my legs folded sideways and I grab him by his shirt and kissed him so bad and he kissed my back. I don't care what is he or the things his capable of doing but right now I know that I'm safe and loved by him. He hugged me so tight that it was like he was more afraid of losing me. I ran out of breath and I whispered to his ear "please trust me".

And from my sweet prince, he blasted and threw everything around him and left. His mother "the queen" came and slapped my so hard and brought me to the cemetery, how did they know?. They started to dig up the dirt but Zakar was still not there and so I tricked them when one worker was digging I run there and hug the ground and "please don't get it, please",. I was begging for my life out here in the dark.

Never in my life that I would beg anyone but the queen pushed me so hard and I beg her and grabbed her leg but with her anger she grabbed me and punched my left side of my chest and I felt my bones reached my heart and was able to poke it. I was struggling to breathe, struggling to survive. I saw them dug up the hole but saw nothing and the last thing I saw was the queen screaming and his face running towards me and then my eyes closed.

I knew I was going to die but for him it'll always be worth it.

Zakar's POV

I saw my mother punched her chest and from North I run as fast as I could but I couldn't arrive earlier, her eyes were closing and I grabbed her but she's gone. She's gone from me. My life. She was the one who tamed me, my ruthless actions. The one I was suppose to marry.  How can I be king when she's gone. "I don't want to be the king!!! Without her I'm useless!!!". Being a king is nothing but being with her is everything.

I bit her arms, legs and her neck but nothing was happening and yes Im a Mandor, a half vampire and half wolf. At first I was thirsty with the power but now its just nothing more. Being a king needs love for his people not just power. I can't my eyes were crashing and my mother approached me and hug me tight she was apologizing, by being a Mandor, we don't cry but when we love so much we tend to die because of suicide. I was thinking of killing myself but wait my family and my people but what's the point of living now?

From no where from the corner two shiny stones rose but with no one was holding them. It was coming near me and I saw that it was the rings. It slipped through my fingers and I went to this empty place where there were so much light and I can see a person was standing in front of me. He introduced himself as my forefather the first of the first king among the Mandor history. He told me that he was only one who survived with the rings for a long time and the others just wore it for a while then die. I was the second with a pure heart and mind the rings will help you with your throne but the others wants power. He told me that the girl who hid the rings saw my future and so she run away and hid it. He told me that the same thing happened to him that his lover hid the ring but the others caught her and killed he while he was away. By the time he came back she was gone, he was sorrowful for ten decades and he only come to realize that he could have saved her if he accepted the truth that he loved her more than the power so the rings showed up but it was ten decades late. Too late for him to get her back, it was either the throne or my love a human cannot be with a Mandor. The last thing he told me was to always do the right things in order to be the greatest king.

I went back to reality and I felt the power over me and I hug her so tight wishing the she would still be alive, that moment I heard her heart beat again her chest was back to normal and I could see her breathing normally but her eyes were still close. I looked around and I saw my people bowed down to me. I had become their king and I will use it for the good.

I gave her back to her brother to their house and told him the truth he was still mad at me and I hope when she wakes up she'll be able to forgive me.

I knew what I had to do.

Nasreen's POV

I gained conscious but my eyes are heavy, the pain in my chest is gone but I thought I was gonna die already. I tried to open my eyes and I saw myself in my room with my comfy sweater on me. I saw my brother sitting beside me. I called him and asked about Prince Zakar and he said that he left already. I asked him about what happened and he told me that the prince is no longer a prince but a king. My eyes grew wider and I asked him if the prince is okay and my told me about everything. Then I realized that I was no longer needed.

I packed up my things ready to go back to Costian, where I belong my parents are probably happy now. We just came here for a vacation and now we have to go back to the reality. My cousin is buried now at the cemetery and up until now I still haven't heard anything about him. I guess everyone has to move on now.  It hurts my heart but I did what I had to do for my love and by now I bet he's getting married since he needs his queen beside him to live happily ever after.

We got home awhile ago and it was a semi break. There goes me ready to graduate high school and live my life in this town.

Few months later

I graduated and I gave my diploma to my brother, we head the news a month ago that the King of Krusian got married to the Princess of Bana. Well I was happy for him but deep inside I was hurted every night I would cry, winter came and so my my turned into stone, I never showed this side to my brother. Every night  the wind would blow my window so hard that's it would open. I got used to it somehow.

My brother handed my an envelope, it was a acceptance letter from a college near my house. Now I don't have to go far. Well this is my life now, I shall be happy too someday just not today. We went home and my relatives surprised me and these people are enough to make me happy. We ate and celebrated.

I took the cans out and when I looked up I saw him, he went near me and touched my cheeks, how much I missed him, I looked at his eyes and he just nodded and with a blink of an eye, he's gone forever but he'll be always near my heart. He chose his people because I knew he always wanted the best for his people and I accept that, I would have so much questions like why not me? Do you love them more? But I refused to go back because I know this decision is the best for all of us.

I'm Nasreen, I fell backwards so many times but life is just life, my parents and my cousin died, my brother protected me, my relatives accepted me and most importantly he fell in love with me and so did I. You see every stories has its happy endings and if it's not happy yet then it's just another chapter of your life. Here I am ready to write the next chapters of my life and I hope you get a good one too.


I hope you guys enjoyed and please forgive my spellings and grammar.

Thank you to all of you.