
Mysteries of the holy dragon

A very long time ago, the existence of other creatures was hardly believed. We(humans) thought that only our kind existed in the world, until a very life changing event happened. The vampires and demons reveled themselves to the world after centuries of hiding. It was said that a precious treasure was locked away in the human world and only the chosen one will be able to obtain the treasure. This treasure was none other than the Ancient Holy Dragon which has said to be asleep, waiting for its master to awaken it Warning ⚠️ MATURE CONTENTS AHEAD 18+

vanixxx · Fantaisie
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2 Chs

The palace 2

Elina's Pov:

I was left with Azrael while the prince was gone. I need to escape from here, what if I have been kidnapped, I don't understand how I ended up in such a place, wait…. He made mention of the 'realm of vampires'.. but that couldn't be real, could it? Different thoughts came accros in my head. I didn't realize that some ones eyes were on me this whole time, he looked at me with so much questions running through his mind.

"Hey… who are you, are you from the brothel or something"he asked with more of a disgusting look than a questionable one.

Elina was a good girl who never committed such acts, elina's parents died when she was just 7 years old now she's 23. She was raised by her aunt and uncle. She was very obedient and hardworking, most of all she was fearless. Things like clubs, parties, brothels were not her cup of tea, they're weren't her style. She struggled at times when she was in school, her best friend ella, more like her only friend supported her. Ella cama from an influencial family, her father own a company and so many other businesses round the world and she was the only child, her younger brother died when she was 16, it was really a painful period in their family. So she has been chosen to inherit her fathers wealth. Hold on

Did he just ask if I was from a brothel, what a jerk , do I look like that to him.

" sorry mister but I'm not from any brothel" I replied firmly, I really hate it when people judge my character and that was a defamation of character.

" Then what are you doing here, the prince doesn't allow anyone to his chambers, mostly women" he said.

" well I think I have been kidnapped" I felt shaky while taking to azrael, he has a darker aura than the prince but that wasn't the case, there was something about the prince that intrigues me.

Seems like he got an emergency call, the king had just collapsed. This is my chance to escape, I need to go back and away from wherever this place was. Azrael left right away leaving me alone in the room. I looked around and found a cloak I could leave this place undetected, I grabbed it and went off, the palace was very perturbed, everyone was in a very anxious state, could it be that the king died.

*whispers*'I heard the king has an illness and was going to die soon, could this be that day' a lady said as she was discussing with another.

'Yes I heard so too, that's why he's trying to get the prince married as soon as possible, the royal palace has already planned the next ball, we need to obtain the future queen as soon as possible' the other lady replied with a disturbed look on her face. They turned and notices elina who was by the corner eavesdropping on they're conversation.

"Young lady, who are you and why are you eavesdropping on our conversation" the second lady asked

I didn't know what to reply the top priority was to get out of this place. So I just waved and left. I ran as much as my two legs could carry. The palace was so big, I was almost there when suddenly I heard a dark cold voice.

"where are you going to" dante asked.

Dante is the closest to the king, he's a very trained guard with wonderful powers, he's one of the most powerful people in Vandronia(realm of vampires) and also prince davian's mentor.

"Are you dumb" dante asked again, "who are you and where are you going to,I'm not sure I've seen your face here before" said dante, the security at the palace was on a whole different level.

"guards!!! Grab her," yelled dante, first he didn't know who I was and I was trying to run away and at the same time the king collapsed. So I think I'm in a big mess now.

" please I don't know anything,i…" I mustered up the courage to say something but they grabbed me while I begged. I can't believe the state I'm in right now.

"what's going on here?" asked a very familiar voice spoke, it was the prince.

"Your highness, I found this strange looking girl about to escape from the palace just now and she seems really suspicious." Dante stated as he glared at me.

"its okay, let me handle this, you may go now, all of you." Davian said and they all left even though dante was hesitant.

"you..what do you want from me" I aksed the prince with a suspicious gaze, right then he stepped closer to me and whispered, "we have an unfinished business, or have you for forgotten, follow me" he said, I had to obey.

We went to his study and he offered coffee but I declined, I didn't know where I was, so it would be dangerous to accept anything." What's your name?" he asked

"Elina Norville" I replied

"Elina..Elina…that's a nice name." he said.

I tried to remove the cloak but it seemed the buttons where stuck to my hair, davian came to help but I refused to accept, he was just too charming and that wasn't good for me right now, I need to be at alert now.

"why are you being stubborn let me help you" he said, he came closer to me and unstranded the hair from the button, his scents so relaxing and filled with warmth, we looked at each other, he's eyes were so charming with his perfect jawline, apounted, and most of all this lips which seemed luscious and very kissable.

Davian's POV:

"Elina..Elina…that's a nice name" very charming, she seems stubborn but it's attractive.

She bit the corner of her lip, that really turned me on, there are so many things I can do to those lips now I don't think I can control myself infront of her, her sparkling hazel eyes are so intoxicating.

"hmm….*clears throat* "so let me guess you're human,so how did you get here, I thought the portal between the humans world and the other worlds were closed or has it been opened." I asked, trying to keep myself under control.

" I heard some stories about the vampires and demons, when I was little but I never believed it was actually true, I thought they were just mere legends, maybe the portal opened but I don't remember going through any portal."she replied

" Something must have caused your appearance here" I looked at her once more, more of a 'who is she' look, something was definitely special about her.

Prince davian, the most feared vampires in Vandronia, he's tough and scary on the outside but soft and kind on the inside. He takes after his late mom. Queen Aurelia was a wonderful queen and a true mother to the kingdom.

Really hope you guys enjoy my book.

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