

The date of the marriage was already decided as a day, one week after this indecent incident. The people of the Imperial Capital were both startled and confused.

Shocked because General Roman didn't pay any attention to Lady Senmira before. So why this sudden change of heart? As he had no problem in taking her as a concubine.

Did Lady Alexandria allow it?

Confused as, why a proud lady like Lady Senmira was ready to become a concubine, when she has the ability to have the position of a prestigious Prince Consort? Maybe it is love that made her muddle-headed?

The people, especially the ministers were no fool. They guessed that something might have turned out badly, that General Roman gave consent to this sudden illogical marriage. Otherwise, he wouldn't marry Senmira even in his dreams.

But what had gone wrong, nobody knew. The servants and maids who encountered the incident that night, were strictly warned to not breathe out a word regarding it. Hence they zipped their mouth and not a single word went out of the General's Residence.

Even Duke Kinsley had no problem with this course of events. The whole Duke residence was busy in doing the preparations with great enthusiasm.

Lady Alexandria shifted from the northern wing of the General's manor to the Eastern Wing. She refused to acknowledge Roman's presence and didn't participate in any of the activities of the upcoming marriage. Neither did she help with the preparations and locked herself in her new room.

She didn't visit the library or the gardens anymore as Roman would not leave a single chance to approach her and explain himself. She felt quite upset whenever she would see Roman's dejected and depressed self when she refused to talk to him.

But she needed at least two-three days to digest everything that had happened and accept what was going to happen.

On the fourth day after the incident, Roman barged into Alexandria's room with a face full of fury. She refused to even give him a glance and he has had enough.

If he wanted to make everything right, then first he should mend his relationship with Alexandria and work together to bring out the culprit.

"ALEXANDRIA! That's enough! I will not tolerate any more of this nonsense. You know that I didn't do this willingly and it was a trap! Still, you refuse to listen to me and ignore me all the time" Roman was in his General mode now.

"Then what do you want me to do? Hn? Forgive you, flatter you, talk to you? Do you think that I am an animal? If I had been at your place, then what you would have done would have been far worse than what I am doing now. I know that for sure!"

Alexandria yelled with a fury that matched with that of Roman's.

But Roman could think of only those lines that Alexandria said to him that night. She would have no problem in sleeping with that piece of trash, Alastair Crawford, who loved to poke his nose in his business and created numerous problems for him.

After this incident, Roman knew that he loved Alexandria with all his heart and could not bear the thought of her leaving him all alone.

His blood started boiling when he imagined that foolish Crawford with Alexandria, pleasing her and doing what he was doing with Senmira that night!

"No! You will never cheat on me! I will kill you if I ever discovered your intentions to love some other man than me!" Saying this, he took large steps towards Alexandria and locked her into his embrace with no intentions of letting her go.

Alexandria could not control her emotions and tears starting sliding down her cheeks carrying an immense amount of sadness and fear. Fear of losing Roman to that witch Senmira! She had already lost Roman's body to Senmira.

Roman was her husband. She had to spend her whole life with him. Separating from him was not an option as it would bring many problems, humiliation and taunting from the society who looked down upon the women who divorced their husbands or the other way around.

"Don't worry Alexandria, everything will be alright. I don't expect you to forgive me but I will do everything in my power to gain your love and trust even if it takes me this whole lifetime. This mistake is unforgivable but please don't try to distance yourself from me.

Give me three months time and everything will be perfect. Please co-operate with me to find the culprit. I will punish him in the worst way possible. I am so sorry Alexandria. I love you..." Roman soothed Alexandria.

The quest to search the culprit started that day and William also helped in it. William and Roman's bodyguards were the greatest suspects as well as the witness to the incident. But Roman already discovered somehow that William was not involved in this scheme.

After one week-The Wedding Day


Roman's lack of enthusiasm and participation, coupled with the fact that he was marrying only a concubine led to an extremely plain and low key wedding unlike his marriage to Alexandria which was no less than a grand occasion.

With some of his fast friends, Roman reached the Kinsley Residence, performed some marriage rituals, repeated his vows and brought Senmira back with him to his manor.

Duke Kinsley was exceedingly unhappy and unsatisfied. This was not how he thought her precious daughter's wedding would resemble. Even commoners have more grand marriage then his daughter's. But Roman had straightaway refused a grandiose and high-class wedding.

In order to not provoke Roman's anger, Duke Kinsley had no other choice and gave his consent to this cheap marriage.

By night, the bride and the groom reached the residence. On Roman's order, the residence was not at all decorated. Moreover, the residence looked gloomy with a dark aura surrounding it.

But Senmira paid no heed to it. She was so excited that she could hardly sit still during dinner. The anticipation of marrying the object of her affections was making her over-excited. Roman's body already belonged to her.

As long as she played her cards right, she could make Roman kick out Alexandria and she would become the official main wife rather than a mere concubine. She had to take away all of Roman's attention and behave like a docile wife.

Somehow she came to know that Alexandria was hard to please and Roman had to use various tactics to win her heart and get her attention. If she didn't act all high and mighty like Alexandria, then she could have her happiness in the future.

Though Senmira thought right, the only matter she took lightly, was Roman's affection for Alexandria. And those affections have long been transformed into a deep love.

The newly wedded couple entered the marital chambers which were located in the Western wing of the residence. Roman refused to let Senmira anywhere near his bedroom or Alexandria's. Alexandria was far more superior than Senmira in Roman's eyes.

Except for Senmira, everyone knew that the Western wing of the residence was once the resting area for the servants and maids. Though it had been converted into living quarters, the condition of the area was nowhere near the Northern and Eastern wing where Alexandria was currently residing.

The upcoming days in the General's manor would be interesting...

The maids thought that Roman would ignore Senmira but who thought that he would personally escort her into the bedroom. After an hour's time, the sounds of intense love-making started coming out of the thin walls of the chambers.

The maids were blushing due to the erotic noises. Who knows why, but during that time Alexandria came to the Western wing to see the new bride. But all she could see were the blushing maids and hear the sounds of uncontrolled passion and lust.

Her eyes became teary after hearing them.

[So, Roman couldn't control himself again. He is doing the same thing again. Roman, I would never forgive you in this life!] She then looked at the faces of the maids standing there.

The maids who worked in the manor were embarrassed whereas the two maids that Alexandria brought looked smug as if telling her that their mistress is the best. Alexandria paid no attention to them and walked dazedly towards her room.

The sounds continued till midnight. After ensuring that they were not needed, the maids also left slowly to sleep.

The next day Senmira woke up to an empty bed in the afternoon. A pretty smile bloomed on her face after remembering the last night and she could not control her happiness. Her greatest fear was that Roman would ignore her and she would have to work hard to get his attention.

But she didn't need to do anything! Roman came to her willingly.

Though she wanted to avoid having any arguments with Alexandria, she couldn't help herself. After getting ready in a beautiful red gown, she went to meet Alexandria and rub everything on her face.

[Hmph! A few days ago at the feast, she humiliated me but now it is her time to cry and live in my shadow.] Senmira was thinking about what she would say to Alexandria to make her feel dejected!

She found Alexandria in the garden sitting on a swing. She looked like she was deep in her thoughts.

Alexandria stood up when she saw Senmia approaching her and tried to leave.

"Sister Alexandria! Where are you going in such a hurry? Roman has not come home yet! By the way, I am surprised to know that Roman is so romantic and passionate. He made me feel like a queen.

You should learn to share him now!

And don't worry, soon I will become the main wife and you can get lost to the place from where you came!" Senmira had no filters in her mouth and she spoke whatever came to her mind.

"Only time will tell, the truth will surface out eventually!" saying this Alexandria went away.

In the next month, Senmira didn't come to create problems for Alexandria. It seemed like Senmira was trying hard to leave a good impression on Roman and the servants in the manor.

Senmira felt contented with her life. There was no one in the manor who would create trouble for her or anyone that she had to please. This act of docile wife was only till Roman was completely in her clutches.

She lived a life of luxury and comfort. Roman visited her every single night without missing out even a single day. Though she didn't get to see Roman during the day and she couldn't have a proper talk with Roman but she came to know that he was quite busy nowadays.

But she felt happy that he still visited her during the night. At this rate, she would soon get pregnant and after giving birth, her position could rise!

After one month

The Kinsley residence received sudden news. The servant who came to convey the message informed that a fight broke out between Senmira and the main wife Alexandria and Senmira was gravely injured by Alexandria. There were so many injuries that Senmira was unconscious from many hours.

Since his trusted servant informed him, Duke Kinsley had no doubts. He immediately got on his carriage and left for Roman's residence in the middle of the night.

When he reached there, he demanded to meet Roman. After hearing all the commotion near the gate, Alexandria rushed out with the guards to check everything.

On seeing Alexandria, Duke Kinsley's anger flared up more and he started blaming Alexandria-" Are you a lady or some demoness? How can you injure my Senmira to the point that she is not conscious yet? And where is Roman? How could he let his main wife injure his second wife so mercilessly?"

" I have no idea what you are saying, Duke Kinsley. There was no fight and Senmira is perfectly fine. She is in her room with Roman" Alexandria calmy informed Duke Kinsley and controlled her urge to roll her eyes at him.

"I don't believe you. Take me to her room. I know you are lying!" Duke Kinsley would never believe anything coming out of Alexandria's mouth.

"You are quite shameless! Wanting to go to your daughter's room in the middle of the night. But to pacify you, I will take you to her" without waiting for his reply Alexandria started moving towards Senmira's room.

When they reached outside her chambers, Senmira's personal maids were standing there and wished Duke Kinsley, ignoring Alexandria. Senmira told them to not wish Alexandria whenever they would see her.

Alexandria backed away and urged Duke Kinsley to go inside the room and calm his temper.

When Duke Kinsley went inside the bedroom, to his horror, he saw three figures on the bed doing the unimaginable!

He could only recognize Senmira. The remaining male and the female were unrecognizable. And there was no trace of Roman anywhere...

I am so uneasy when I write these scenes! xD

Senmira's part is coming to an end! You will get to meet little Rosella soon! :D

What do you think of this chapter?

Sorry readers! I won't be able to update this month! :(

Exams are giving me a serious headache. See you soon! :D

Sapphirechelsea237creators' thoughts