
Siege Against Growing Isle

The Hunter was Grade 4, a powerful one at that, Elias felt excited that he was facing some of this calibre.

After being sent away, Elias immediately looked from behind the shield, the man was floating, no, he had several bladed chains that twirled around him, one of them supporting him mid-air.

The man's face has a fake smile and fake confidence and he didn't step on Growing Isle immediately until he said, "You have a fine Island! Just tell me, you are the one that has a Gon!"

Receiving no answer, his blades pushed him forward and he stepped on Growing Isle, Elias was expecting Growing Isle to react but it was silent. 

And this wasn't a part where she became silent and allowed Elias to duck it out with the invader. Islands don't do that outside trial. Even in trials, they help their Islander however they can.