
My Zombie Game

Nate had lost his brother and mother after a brutal fight between his mother and his father. Nate's father killed both Nate's brother and mother, luckily for him, he was able to flee the scene in time before his mother and brother's feat would be extended to himself. Because he was afraid of going to jail for what he did, Nate's father jumped down from a building killing himself. After all, this happened, Nate was left in the world all alone. But soon, Nate found something in him that could keep him moving. And that is playing "Virtual Reality Games". Nate became so talented in playing VR games that he was nicknamed the Game Lord. But Nate had bought the wrong game this time around. Read and see how Nate was transmigrated into another dimension with Earth. This Earth was the same thing as the one he came from. But things are yet to get messy for Nate because in this dimension also, it happened that his father was still alive and he killed his mother and brother again and the worse was that his two school bullies, had transmigrated with him. Of all these problems, the highest one is that Nate all thought it was a game. ******* I would love to see your support as we journey together through the story and also I am planning to build up a fan base starting with Discord: link is below. https://discord.gg/gMXt7Uzu For my Ig https://instagram.com/jeffweikeson?igshid=OGY3MTU3OGY1Mw==  Thank you!!!

J_WN · Fantaisie
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Same aim 2.

Max, Zuni and Cab's shock could not be described in words as their mouth was wide open still in a dumbfounded state.

"Yeah, and so what? He was getting some boost from those weapons, if you think so highly of yourself, why don't drop them and let's fight hand to hand," Sin lamented at Nate. He hates the fact that Max and the other three were seeing him in his current situation.

"There is no need for any rematch, you will win if we were to fight hand to hand though but I'm not interested," Nate eventually acknowledged that Sin was indeed stronger than him.

In the fight, Nate has been getting support from the two king level weapon he had with him, but even at that, the fight has taken quite a lot from him because he has to use some of the skills repeatedly for him to put Sin the condition he was at this moment.

"You guys hear that, the boy knows that he stands no chance against me," Sin said to the trying to fix his pride.

"Besides, how did you know this boy that claims to originate from Panama City with great power even the matrix is after him?" Sin was asking this question directly to Cab.

"He helped us for days now, as for whether his from Panama City, Leo himself confirmed that to us," Cab answered a bit scared of making any mistakes.

Although Sin might be in a helpless condition, the fear and respect for him were still there in their heart. It was embedded in their heart.

"In which way did he help you guys?" Sin asked.

This time, it was Zuni who took it up to himself to explain how Nate has helped him. "First is that he saved Cab twice, and then has helped in increasing our strength by making supernatural weapons for us and then thought us how to absorb a beast crystal. He even turned Cab into a superhuman," when saying this, Zuni received a slight nudge from Cab.

'Here goes my surprise,' Cab thought but noticed that Sin was looking at him. Noticing this, he already know why Sin was looking at him. He started to turn his hand into the jigsaw hand and made a demonstration with the chain saw by slashing the air with it and recalling the chains back along with the saw.

Sin didn't need many demonstrations from Cab and started to think. Of course, he was to know that Cab was now a superhuman. He could remember that back in Panama City during the rainfall period, the rain created a vast opportunity for many to awaken their superpower, however, Cab was the only person Sin know that didn't benefit from this opportunity. However, seeing new what Cab could perform, Sin was surprised but decided to hide it.

Some of his bones have healed and Sin used this opportunity to sit up and leaned his back on the cave wall. "You did all this for them, for free? I don't believe that, what do you want in return?" Sin now said looking at Nate.

The other three were surprised to hear what Sin just said. Indeed Nate has given them power and taught them something they might not even have the opportunity to know for the rest of their lives, all this has been done, but what have they given to Nate for him to do all this? In short, the question Sin just asked had never crossed their mind while they were embracing the power and knowledge nate was distributing.

Nate that has been silent for some moment now has a smile on his lips. 'This just shows I'm dealing with the boss here, he can tell there is a reason I'm doing all this. I just hope we can cooperate,' nate thought before starting to speak.

"The point of this whole thing is the matrix," Nate answered before continuing. "Just like I have told you, the matrix is after, we both can work together, I know you are hell-bent to get your revenge on the matrix, they are seeking me and I don't like that fact they won't want me to rest. Together, we both can connive and plan a way to get rid of them once and for all," Nate said.

When realizing that they might have been tricked by Nate, Max, Zuni and Cab panicked because they have no idea the reason why Nate gave them all he did. There is a chance that he might be having something awful for them to do, but when healing his reasons and aim, they sighed in relief.

What Nate had said somewhat was something they already wish they could do. Of course, they wish to one day go after the matrix as they did to them. However, the problem is that they don't have the power to do that. "There is no problem about that though after all we were also planning to have revenge on them, we can definitely work together, right boss?" Max said looking at Sin for support.

However, their way of reasoning is not always the same as Sin. "I don't think so," Sin said.

"Although I don't know why but the matrix seems to be after you and not me, the problem I have with them is that they destroyed something that took me years to build in one night,"

"Of course, I can decide to forgive them and not go after them, I'm sure they won't come looking for me since I don't have anything much that can help them," Sin said. Nate felt bad about hearing this. At this point, he already know where Sin was heading with all this lamentation.

"Theoretically, we are more likely helping you to clear your problem and you made it seem like a win-win deal," Sin said.

Nate know Sin was right, if Sin was to refuse to help him, the matrix won't bother him, but Nate, it was initially the mission of the matrix to kill him, therefore, Sin was kind of helping Nate.

"What do you want, maybe I can buy your support?" Nate asked.

"This is getting interesting, do you think you have something wealthy enough to buy my support?" Sin asked Nate.

This time, Nate was thrown off guard. What Sin said was true, did he have something worthy enough to buy his support? 'His already a superhuman, not like I can offer him power and according to Leo, Sin somehow have a hand in the zombies roaming around Panama City, this means he must know one or two about the meteorite stones and the beast crystal,' at the end nate has concluded that he has nothing worthy enough to bring Sin to his side.

"What about supernatural weapons? I can make one for you," Nate suggested hoping Sin will accept that.

"Hahaha... You are quite funny, why should I take that when it's already mandated you will provide me with war materials," Sin said.

Hearing this, nate clenched his fist tight in anger, though he was trying to suppress it. 'Just what is worthy enough,' soon, an idea popped into nates mind that brought smiles to his face again. 'If this offer is not enough, then forget about it,' Nate thought.

"What about your base, I can help you build them back," Nate said.

"Really? And how are you planning to do that, they are all under the matrix command or are you planning to buy my service in credit?" Sin asked.

"No, when I suggest it, trust me, if I want your base to be back in existence today, I can do that," Nate said. What even surprise Sin the most was the confidence in nates voice.

"It seems like you have something worthy after all but I don't trust you. However, I will join you but at the main time that I'm yet to see the existence of my base, I will be needing collateral in case you were not able to do what you said," Sin said.

"A collateral?... What will you need?" Nate asked. He understands that Sin was trying to make the deal not only to fervour nate alone but he.

"That gauntlet will do," Sin answered.

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