
My Yandere girls in Marvel

It tells the story of an MC who has transmigrated in the Marvel/MCU world. With his loli-shaped system, he and that loli grow strong together in a dangerous world where there are super villains, mutants, aliens, gods and other races living in space. But this is not the kind of Shounen MC who only thinks about increasing his powers. This is a laid-back MC with action, comedy, and romance from the yandere heroines that surround him. Not only are there famous heroines from Marvel/MCU, but there are also heroines from the second dimension who will surprise the MC because it looks like the world he transmigrated to has deeper water than he thought. For example. Seeing a huge train that can travel in space without the help of rails and that seems to come from another universe. MC: Damn, why is a cosmic train here? Although I knew the Astral Express could cross universes, but this... Himeko: Excuse me, mister. Can you get into the carriage for a moment? I'd like to exchange information and make a deal with you. MC: ...is the tea from the other universe good? Himeko: Tea? Yes, we have the best of several worlds. MC: Okay, then let's talk over tea. MC: Just the two of us. Himeko: Eh, okay mister, please follow me to my private office. Jean: Dear, I've been waiting for you to come home for over 20 minutes. It turns out you're here, with a new girl? MC: Jean... How did you know I was here? Jean: ...You don't need to know, let's just say we're connected to each other. Even if you hide in space or another dimension, I can still find you. MC: This is why I like yandere girls. Gwen: Lynn! I'm here too! You like me too, right? MC: I'd say yes, so please put away your cosmic net. You know it's not strong enough to hold me. Wanda: Lynn, it's time to help me train. MC: You're already proficient with your Chaos Magic, why practice? Still not feeling strong? Wanda: I'm still not strong enough to make you think only of me forever. MC: ...I already said I like yandere girls, right? Himeko: Mister, you're very popular. World: - Marvel/MCU - Kaguya-sama: Love is War - Genshin Impact - Honkai Impact: Star Rail - Other Novels or Anime. - Get the latest chapters faster on my patreon. Support me on patreon to keep me motivated to write more chapters: www.patreon.com/DogLicker

DogLickerGods · Anime et bandes dessinées
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35 Chs

Attack of evil mutants

One day passed since the meeting with Gwen.

On Saturday, Lynn did nothing but stay at home and go about his daily routine.

What is his daily routine?

Of course...

Raising Koko, and practicing secretly.

But there was also a slight difference back then.

Because there was a new family member called Mao Chan.

A cat... No, it must be an alien cat.

Besides being able to change its pupils from normal to +_+ like Naruto's sage mode.

When playing with Koko, sometimes that chubby cat will do things that are impossible for any normal cat on earth to do.

For example, when playing with Koko, that cat once showed some super abilities. First, that cat can become liquid like slime, and second, she can grow a pair of bat-like wings on her back.

There may also be other abilities that she hasn't shown yet.

But alas, even when Koko urged Mao Chan, that alien cat was too lazy and preferred to spend her time sleeping.

Until now, Lynn still doesn't know what kind of cat Mao Chan is.

He was just a little curious of course.

As long as the alien cat was well-behaved, he tended to treat it like a normal cat.

And the other party, Mao Chan also seemed to like pretending to be a normal cat.

He would probably only show a little of his power when he was playing with Koko.

Right now, it's Sunday.

In the afternoon to be precise.

Koko was playing Nintendo Switch while lying on Mao Chan's wide belly

Lynn ignored the two for now as he had just received a call from someone on his cell phone.

Seeing the name of the person calling, Lynn smiled and accepted the call.

Then, a feminine voice soon sounded from the other side of the phone.


"Jean, what's up? There's still 3 hours before the movie starts. Can't wait to see me?"

"Bah! Who can't wait to meet you... I just can't wait to watch a movie!"

An elegant voice, but there was also embarrassment and excitement in it.

Lynn could imagine Jean's beautiful face blushing while holding her cell phone.

Made him grin.


In any world, when a guy gets a call from a pretty girl, many of them are bound to be very happy.

It doesn't matter who the pretty girl is who calls you, as long as it's not people in your family, you will feel excited and sweet in your heart.

"Okay, so you're calling just to say how excited you are, Jean?"

"No! Um... I actually called to ask you what color you like?"

Hearing Jean suddenly ask him what his favorite color was. Lynn was confused, what was up with this question?

With Herrcsher's super brain, he analyzed what color Jean most likely meant.

The result was several possibilities.

Whether it's about the color of clothes or the color of underwear, cough!

Ignore the latter, it's just one of the things he's thinking about.

But just answer: "I like the burgundy color very well combined with the fiery red color. It reminds me of a certain pretty girl with her beautiful red hair."

Lynn says this without blushing.

"...That's quite a detail."

Jean's voice sounded small, but he could also hear her chuckle.

"Okay, just that. See you at the place we promised!"

Jean quickly hung up the phone.

Lynn stared at his phone, he had no idea what Jean was planning.

But as long as Jean was happy, he just needed to wait and see what color the girl was referring to.

He was about to go to the kitchen to get some milk tea from the refrigerator, but suddenly, his cell phone rang again.

"Who else... Oh, Gwen?"

Seeing the name of the person calling him, he immediately naturally accepted the phone call.


The cheerful voice of the girl on the other side of the phone rang out immediately.

"Gwen, what's up?" Just like when talking to Jean, Lynn smiled, he also had a good attitude towards this blonde girl.

"Lynn, um... Do you have some free time? It's about compensation! I want to invite you to my favorite restaurant tonight!"

"That's... Gwen, tonight I don't think I can make it." Lynn smiled wryly, he had a movie appointment with Jean.

There was no way he would cancel a movie with Jean to eat with Gwen, right?

They were both heroines.

And Lynn likes both of them at the same time.


Is this what it feels like to be a bastard?

"Uh, why? Do you have an appointment with someone?"

Gwen's voice sounded a little sad.

Lynn answered honestly, at least moderately.

"Yes, I have an appointment with someone. Maybe some other time, how about it?"

"...Alright, then another time, Lynn!"

Gwen hung up the phone.

Lynn massaged his forehead, feeling guilty for Gwen.

"By the way, when are Gwen and her classmates going on a research tour to the Osborn laboratories?"

"It would be great if Gwen gets bitten by a radioactive spider as soon as possible. After she gets superpowers, I'll guide her and give the combat gear like a Honkai Warrior."

He could imagine how excited Gwen would be when he gave her those things.

Not just to increase her favorability.

He can also make her develop a dependency on him.

Seeing her host's sly smile, Koko could not help but say: "Host, manipulative."


Even Mao Chan, whose stomach was made into a pillow by Koko, meowed at this moment.


At Xavier School.

Jean who had just finished a phone call with Lynn. Packed her things in the teacher's office and was about to leave for the dormitory with a smile on her face.

She was in a good mood like a girl looking forward to a date with her boyfriend.

But after she left the teacher's office, while walking in the hallway, someone followed her and called out to her.

"Jean! Wait for me!"

Jean looked back, only to see the blonde girl chasing her.

"Emma... What do you want?"

"Oh, come on Jean... Don't be like that. You're so excited for a date tonight?"

Hearing what Emma said, Jean frowned.

"Emma, you were eavesdropping on my conversation earlier? You have a bad habit."

Emma smiled charmingly, she was not bothered by Jean's scolding.

"Sorry, it's not that I wanted to eavesdrop, it's just that I'm also an Alpha mutant, okay? With my super sharp hearing, how could I not hear your voice from the desk which is only 10 meters away from my desk."

"Right... It's my fault for talking on the phone in the teacher's lounge. I should have gone to a secluded place first."

Jean sighed, but still, what did Emma want from her?

Don't tell me this blonde girl wanted to gossip with her again?

If she does, sorry, she doesn't have time!

"So what? Emma, you stopped me not just because you wanted to tell me that you had been eavesdropping, right?"

"Of course not." Emma shook her head and then said: "I just wanted to remind you to be careful, Jean. It hasn't been long since you were attacked by a group of people before, so you should know how dangerous it is when you go out alone tonight, right?"

"I'm not alone, you know I'll be with Lynn. But thanks for worrying about me, Emma. I'll be careful."

Jean's expression softened slightly hearing Emma worrying about her.

"Right, with your handsome mutant boyfriend.

It shouldn't be that bad as long as you're not so unlucky tonight."

Emma patted Jean's shoulder with a smile on her face.

"Uh... Y-Yes, you don't have to worry."

Jean who was a little hesitant nodded.

Actually after telling Lynn to Emma in the teacher's office yesterday. She forgot to say that Lynn was just an ordinary human, she wasn't a mutant as far as she knew.

And Emma seemed to misunderstand that Lynn was a mutant!

To be honest after hearing the warning from Emma, she also began to worry that tonight would not be peaceful.

But hey, she wouldn't be so unlucky to be attacked by someone again tonight, right?

Jean consoled herself.

After saying goodbye, Emma looked at Jean's back which gradually moved away from her sight.

After a while, the charming smile on her face disappeared and was replaced with a cold smile.

She walked to the girls' bathroom at school. Then took out her cell phone to text someone.

The message was quite long, and it should be able to be said quickly if she made a phone call.

But Emma was so smart, she remembered where she was. At Xavier School, besides having to watch out for Professor X, she also had to watch out for all the mutants living there.

It would be bad if someone at Xavier School knew what she was doing right now.

Her identity was not what people knew on the surface.


At the same time.

In a European-style room with a red carpet. A man in a black suit with a thick mustache received a message from his cell phone.

That man was Jason!

Jason saw the message was from her, reading the content, he smiled in a good mood.

"Hahaha! Good job, White Queen. It's really the right decision to put you by the side of the X-men."

"With you as my right-hand man, not only can we get the Phoenix, we can also oust Shaw from his throne sooner than planned."

After speaking to himself, he also immediately contacted his subordinates to prepare for tonight's attack.

The target was clear.

The man who is dating Jean Grey!

Jason did not hesitate to deploy his strongest subordinates in this situation. In order to prevent a situation where Jean managed to save her little boyfriend, he had to send the strongest people in his group.


After finishing sending the information.

Emma, or the person with the code name White Queen.

She sneered at Jason's reply message praising her, and boasting that she would be his right-hand.

'Disgusting man. Just because we have the same goal, doesn't mean I want to be your subordinate.'

'Wait when the time is right. Not only Shaw, even you won't get what you want either.'

Changing her expression into a charming smile, she exited the girls' bathroom.

The passing mutants happened to see her, and greeted her.

Emma returned their greetings in a friendly manner.

On the surface it was friendly, but inside it was actually very cold.

None of the people at Xavier School knew this.

Emma returned to the dormitory and began to prepare. Knowing what would happen to Jean tonight, she had to follow the red-haired girl for her own plans.

"By the way, is Jean's boyfriend very handsome? Jean bragged that the guy named Lynn was very handsome."

With a flirtatious smile on her face while looking in the mirror in her room, she suddenly had another evil idea in her mind.

'If... If the people Jason sent failed. Maybe instead of letting Jean's favorite man die, I should snatch him away from Jean and let her see what I did to that man named Lynn in front of her eyes.'

For a moment, Emma felt that this idea was not bad.

It was worth considering after seeing how handsome the man named Lynn was.



Lynn and Jean met at a place they agreed on.

It was in a city park with a beautiful fountain.

There were many people passing by and hanging out there

Lynn and Jean's appearance naturally attracted a lot of attention.

They were mesmerized to see the handsome blonde man and the beautiful red-haired woman.

But alas, when they saw the familiar face of the red-haired woman. They immediately recognized her identity, and quickly moved away from the park.

This was a normal reaction, and Jean wasn't bothered by the people's reactions. Her gaze was only fixed on the handsome man in front of her who was already there before she arrived.

With a sweet smile on her face, she said: "Lynn, sorry to keep you waiting."

"It's okay, it was only 10 minutes."

Lynn replied lightly.

His eyes lit up at the sight of Jean who was dressed up beautifully in a burgundy colored outfit and tight black pants. Her current casual look was even more beautiful than when she attended the party a few days ago where she wore a formal ball gown.

Feeling Lynn's gaze staring at her appearance without blinking, Jean was proud and asked.

"What do you think, is it pretty?"

"It's so pretty that I want to take it home."

Lynn said straightforwardly.

Jean blushed, she stood up uneasily and took the initiative to hold his hand.

"Fool, what are you saying! Hurry up, isn't the movie about to start."

"Ah, right. Then let's go."

With Jean holding his hand, Lynn quickly took her to the movie theater. It was not far from the city park, and the two of them chose to walk there to enjoy the date atmosphere more.

This was a tacit understanding between them of course.

The movie they were watching was an action movie with a robot theme that had just been released in big screen theaters. It was called Transformers.

Lynn had seen this movie in his previous life, and initially when he bought tickets for this movie, he was a little surprised that the Transformers movie also existed in this world.

The plot and characters in it were also the same. Although he already knew the story, but for Jean this was something new to watch.

Jean had a great time watching the Transformers movie, and Lynn loved watching movies with beautiful girls. Even when they sat together, they linked arms and fed each other popcorn.

After finishing the 2-hour movie. Lynn and Jean walked out of the movie theater holding hands.

Jean continued to talk about the Transformers plot while walking with a sweet smile on her face.

Lynn made some funny comments that made Jean laugh a few times along the way.

But suddenly, Lynn frowned and stopped walking.

Jean noticed the change in her expression and naturally asked. "What's wrong Lynn?"

Lynn smiled wryly, he looked in a certain direction and knew there was a group of people with evil intentions hiding behind some trees in the park.

The atmosphere on the city park street that should have been bustling was also strangely quiet.

There was definitely something wrong with this quiet atmosphere.

With his Herrcsher perception, he could sense objects or living beings within a radius of 100 meters from him.

And according to him, the people who were hiding were not ordinary people judging from the energy emanating from their bodies.

They are all mutants!

"Jean, be careful. A group of evil mutants is targeting us."

"What! A group of evil mutants is targeting us?"

Jean panicked, her face becoming serious as she looked around. Judging from the quiet atmosphere in the garden, something was indeed wrong.

She used her superpowers to detect life around her, but she sensed nothing but herself and Lynn.

Maybe the other party was using black technology to hide their presence?

Then she thought of something.

She turned to Lynn who was standing beside her and asked. "Lynn, how did you know..."

Before she could finish speaking, she froze because Lynn, who she knew to be a normal human, was not as normal as she thought.

Behind and above Lynn's head, with him as the center. Dozens of purple energy masses like lightning cubes were created in the air.

The scene looked supernatural, especially with Lynn's blue eyes glowing with purple light.

Some voices began to be heard from behind the trees.

"Damn it, what are you waiting for? Attack!"

"Our whereabouts have been discovered!"

"Kill that guy and complete our mission as quickly as possible!"

Hearing the word "kill" from the black-clad people who came out from behind the tree, Jean's eyes narrowed, and she turned her head coldly at them.

It seemed that this time it was not her who was targeted, but Lynn!

"Want to kill Lynn? How dare you!"

As if someone had just stepped on her minefield, Jean, who heard these people wanted to kill Lynn, was furious and red-hot flames immediately enveloped her hands.

The group of evil mutants that Jason sent, they completely ignored the angry Jean and immediately fired various long-range attacks at Lynn with the black technology in their hands.

Although they were mutants with superhuman abilities, they still relied on guns to carry out long-range attacks!


Many laser attacks were fired from a dozen mutants.

All aimed at Lynn.

Jean of course panicked, her telepathy and telekinesis abilities would be useless to fend off the laser attacks. So she could only rely on cosmic fire which she couldn't really control properly.

Something inside her seemed to wake up when she was about to use the cosmic fire ability.

This is what made Jean hesitate, as she might lose control!

As she panicked, Lynn's calm voice sounded beside her.

"Calm Jean, you don't have to do anything."

"Leave this to me."


Author note

I want a super hero name suggestion for the MC. Can you guys help me?

Creation is actually quite easy, I just need motivation and ideas to do it. I would appreciate it if you guys support me by making reviews, throwing power stones or joining my pâtreon.

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