
My Yandere girlfriend keeps messing up my life (REMAKE)

Yato Kazuma, a nobody, but he likes it that way. His only problem: other people. Despite not enjoying their company, he is in desperate need of a girlfriend. However, when the clocks finally turn and he gets what he wants it's not the type of lover he was looking for. Will Yato ever find peace again? So I decided I would remake the story cause the plot was all over the place and the writing was sloppy, however cause I care about the quality the chapters will take a while to be released.

Sietist · Politique et sciences sociales
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1 Chs

I wish I had a girlfriend

Sweat crinkled the pretty, pink paper locked within my grasp. My breathing was slow yet my heart beat was ever rising with swirl of emotions. More sweat dripped down my face; past my darting eyes, past my trembling lips. This was what I had desperately worked so hard to achieve; hours of blood, sweat and tears finally taking form into this glorious reward crinkling up in my moist hands.

A love letter! Not just any old love letter! But one addressed to myself!

The moment was to die for; this happiness could not be faked.

I lodged my finger under the envelope, creating an opening to reveal the letter deep inside, one that looked as hypnotising and seductive as a Siren to a sailor. However, like the Siren's spell my happiness was short lived as a 'friend' wormed his way into a conversation that never existed.

"Hey! Whatchu up to, Yato? Oooo what's this in your hand?" before I could utter a word or resist Kofi snatched the letter from my hand and began to dramatically read it out to me. "Dear my beloved Yato, I write to ask that you join me on the rooftops after school as there is something I must confess as my heart can no longer take the ache- Aw give it back come on..." Kofi dejected with a fake sad voice as I stole back what was once mine.

"What were you reading?! It doesn't say any of that!" Kofi gave me a look as to say 'oopsies'.

What the letter actually entailed was just a time and place in neat handwriting: 'rooftops, after school'. Honestly, I was quite relieved that the letter didn't include any of the words Kofi spouted.

"So... does this mean you're gonna abandon me for a girlfriend?"

"We were never friends to begin with! I don't know what you're shit you're on." I lashed out another harsh comment before retreating to my classroom.

Inside I was safe; luckily Kofi is in the class next door and should have no business coming here (at least he shouldn't). Although my luck seemed to have been run dry with the love letter as another public nuisance strolled her way to my seat and immediately started an argument.

"Good morning, Public enemy No. 1, it seems that you have made many women fall to their knees just by your presence alone. It's honestly quite impressive that someone as ugly and unsociable as you exists in this plain of existence." The girl spoke in a highly authoritative voice full of egoism and narcissism, berating anyone beneath her.

"Good morning to you too, Irami. I almost didn't notice you, pipsqueak." A fake smile full of evil intent crept onto my face. " I don't suppose you could kindly sit down and shut the fuck up?" I asked politely, still smiling.

Irami, obviously, didn't take this too kindly but obliged nonetheless. "Fuck you too-" Now it was her turn to smile as she noticed the pink paper still attached to my fingertips. "Well, well, well. It looks like Mr. Asshat has been given a love letter! Don't you think that this might be a trap? A plot to send you into despair from the loss of fake hope? Didn't you know that there isn't a single girl who'd be willing to date you in existence? Hm? Or maybe that letter's from a guy? Wouldn't that be hilarious?"

"Okay, shut the fuck up. I don't remember ever asking for your opinion or whether I cared, so go back to your bastard friends and stop bothering me. PLEASE!" However harsh I was there, was probably nowhere near enough to stop Irami from berating me but at least I got that off my chest.

But before she could respond the bell rang, signifying the beginning of homeroom, and Irami reluctantly returned to her seat, not before giving me a teary-eyed scowl.

Did that really bother her that much?...

* * *

Morning lessons seemed to drag on for an eternity until lunch break. Heading down to the lunch hall, someone came slamming to my back like a bullet, almost knocking me over, setting me off-balance. Unsurprisingly, the man who had just pummelled my back with his fist was none other than Kofi.

"You almost missed me, mate, walking ahead to the lunch hall!"

"That was my aim," I remarked before speeding up.

Not before long, we had made it to the lunch hall doors where a group of people were waiting in line for the horrendous selection of school slop. It was amazing how the food they cooked was even edible for human consumption. Their menu offered various different foods like curry, chicken, spaghetti even with vegetarian and vegan options, however what they made was awful and undercooked and grey. Even though I thought all of that, I'd still rather eat this slop then consume the bento my mother and sister make for me.

At 'our' table, Kofi continued the conversation from this morning where I rudely cut him out. "So then..." he started before shoving lumpy mashed potato in his mouth, "do you know who this lovebird is?"

Don't speak with your mouth full, please! I begged in my mind.

"I have no idea, and could you kindly stop following me?" I asked politely before resuming braving down the school lunch.

"Aw come on... You know we're best buddies!" He spat, as chunks of his food landed like meteors into my lunch.

Seriously I don't know how this man is one of the most popular guys in our year; he's self-centred; he's annoying; he talks to people in English when absolutely none of us understand and the worst of it all; he won't leave me alone. The boy across from me just smiled as I slandered him in my head. I could see why he would be popular being the only African American transfer student, and that he's a handsome, muscly guy, but that would never excuse his unnaturally annoying behaviour.

Before I could rant about him any longer, Kofi finished his meal and was ushered over by another group of popular people.

"Sorry about this Yato, but it seems like I got to go." Waving at me goodbye, he turned to the people beckoning him from across the hall.

Thank god for that...

* * *

Finally, the bell had rung out for the last time signifying the end of the day and the start of a new romance - well, for me at least.

I packed my bag then set out towards the school rooftops, where I was to meet my girlfriend to be and revel in the fact I was no longer single; I could enjoy my ideal peaceful school life. The life I had been craving for. One where I could bask in the undivided attention of my significant other until the end of days; a beautiful life filled with endless love and affection - one stooped in the best tropes known to man. Here on this rooftop, I would finally achieve one of my lifelong goals.

My internal joy was cut short, with the sight of my biggest fears - the student council president - Nanami Tsubasa. She was stood mere metres away from the end game, her bountiful chest raised proudly; a look of triumph on her beautiful face; her deep purple hair flowing from a draught.

"Hello Darling." She said in her deep seductive voice, filling my ears with sweet death. "You can't be up here without permission from me or a teacher."

"R-really now? First time I've heard of that..." I nervously laughed, avoiding eye contact with this monster in front of me.

"Oh you poor thing! Trying to sweet talk your way onto the roof? Luckily for you I'm here and can entertain you better than the fool on the roof ever could." She licked her lips as she spoke, her eyes dilating, focusing all her energy on me like a predator hunting their prey.

"Why is there someone on the roof? I thought people weren't allowed up there? Also why are you even here at this time anyways-"


Huh? What the hell was that?


Where is that coming from?

I looked at Nanami's expression which had turned incredibly sour as she marched over to one of the cleaning lockers by the door to the roof. She swung the door open revealing a tied up (and quite happy) boy.

"Why did you have to make noise Takamaru-san? I tied you up here cause you were begging for it, yet here you are, ruining this moment between me and Darling!" Nanami looked incredibly pissed at the boy in the locker who didn't retaliate but started wriggling joyously.

The boy in question was none other than out student council vice-president Fuji Takamaru, who was (as you can guess) extremely masochistic, which made for a great combo with our sadistic president.

"Please shout at me more Nanami!" Fuji replied before receiving a mouthful of shoe.

"Address me as President Tsubasa-san, you lowly pig! Don't you ever be so casual with me again!"

Fuji then screamed with either pain or pleasure as Nanami pushed him back into the locker while slamming the door shut - locking it to make sure Fuji really learns his lesson.

"Now then, where were we?" Nanami said before coming in close; stopping mere inches away from my lips. "How about you forget about that little love letter of yours and return home with me?" She asked with laced lies.

"Firstly, how do you know about the love letter? Secondly, it's none of your business. Thirdly and finally, let me through!" I exclaimed as I pushed myself past, hand outstretched towards the door handle. It opened easily and my face was hit with the sudden chill of a spring evening; the half submerged sun still able to cast its light on my face.

A figure was stood at the edge of the rooftop, her eyes drifting along the crimson spilled skies, her own hair reflecting that light into the atmosphere. It felt like a dream. A dream that I would find myself to never wake from again. A dream so beautiful and vivid that you could mistake it for reality. But this dream was all too real. And it was ready to pounce.

"I'm glad you're here, Dar~ling..."

Honestly I'm probably gonna be writing a lot more so expect the second chapter sometime soon.

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