
Angry Words

Jun was waiting for me to compliment him.

It was obvious.

Just look at his eyes.

-Kevin, can I speak to you for a sec?


We stepped out of the room.

I don't want Mr. Park or Jun what I was going to say.

-Are you out of your mind? What type of song is that? He is just a kid!

-I don't see what's wrong with the song. This kind of song is very popular these days.

-I will never let a kid sing this kind of sh*t

-You have nothing to do with the lyrics. Your job is to make the music video-

-I know what my job is, thank you.

We will see.

-I don't understand what the problem here is.

Jun is not a kid and the lyrics aren't that problematic!



-Jun? What are you doing here?

You heard us?

Jun was there standing next to

Mr. Park.

Everyone heard us.

P: You, kids, have an issue with the song?

Jun: My debut is…I don't understand...Kevin wrote it, it is perfect!

K: Jun, calm down. Jessica is doing her job, let us trust her, for now…

J: For now? What do you mean by that?

P: Let is call it a day, we will see what we can do. Thank you Kevin for trusting us with Jun's debut song.

And you, Jun, you did great!

J: But sir!

P: Jessica, we don't have a say in this matter. It doesn't concern us.

J: He can't sing that!

P: Just plan the damn video!

J: I understand. This will never happen again.

I left quietly.

Tomorrow is Wednesday.

Should I take the day off?


Am I scared of the truth?

Mr. Park was right.

We don't have a say in the lyrics.

But they are not suitable for a kid's debut.

I find it very disturbing and toxic…That's the type of thing that a madman like Kevin can write.

He didn't change a bit.

Is that a relief?

I don't know anymore.

I didn't realize it but I am now in front of my office.

Did I walk here?

I was carried by those thoughts.

Today was hard.

Talk about a way to see Kevin again.

I started laughing.

I must have lost it.

My phone's ringtone interrupted my hysterical laugh.

It was Park.

I did nothing.

"Missed call:Mr park "

I watched silently the notification fade.

Our company is not doing well.

I guess that's what Mr. Park wanted to tell me over the phone.

But it was obvious.

He was probably going to apologize because the person I know would never say that about someone's future.

No way in hell.

But what went wrong?

I couldn't figure out how an agency like ours can be this empty after a big hit!

We produced the best music video last year and got a lot of fame and money.

I wonder.

I grabbed the phone and left my office.

Will I be here, tomorrow?

I wonder.