
Wedding Invitation

Late at night when Arabella finally reached her home. She first took a bath and while applying her skincare products she forgot that she actually turned off her phone.

'Omo... I forgot I turned off my phone. Riz must have been calling me incessantly. What if she misunderstand it and think that I still haven't moved on from him?' Arabella worriedly thought as she rest her head on her vanity table.

The moment Arabella's phone turned on she instantly saw about more than twenty missed calls from her friend Riz. Not only that her best friend also bombarded her with messages in almost all her messaging apps.

But what catches Arabella's eyes the most is that one message from her Instagram account. It's from someone whom she knows too well that even before clicking whose it is she already know. Who could it be other than her first love?

Arabella stared at her phone who knows how long. With shivering fingers she slowly tapped the message plucking all her courage she accumulated from who knows where.

'Hi Bella... Uhmm actually I don't know how to convey this to you properly, but I've heard you finally came back to the country. I wanted to meet you and ask you a lot of questions whether how you've been doing and some stuff, but you might've actually know this I'm currently busy as I'm getting ready for my wedding. I'm writing you this message since I want to invite you. I actually want to say this personally but we'll... Elisia is also expecting you to come and give us your blessings but if you don't want to we understand. -Kael'

Staring at his message I don't know what to feel. It's been seven years and I can totally say I'm fine living my life on my own without him, but what I'm still confused of is wether I still love him.

Kael has been my childhood friend since I'm five until we reached highschool. That time when we're in tenth grade he confessed to me and just like me dreaming for a fairy tale love story I agreed. Our relationship lasts for almost three years and I can totally say it's pure bliss. But everything has an end, during summer break before we start going to college he became cold to me. I hardly got to see him even if it's summer break, it took a week for me to notice and the way I did is quiet hurtful. The thing is I found it out from Riz, him going out with another girl. Riz saw him and the girl eating out in me and Karl's favorite restaurant. Everything is fine I thought not until Riz told me that the girl kissed him and he let her do so even hugging her. I asked Riz if she knows the girl but she said she doesn't the girl just look familiar to her. As I am still young at that time I don't know how to face him. I distanced myself and he didn't even notice and Riz continue to tell me everything she notice from him. During those times I didn't face him, his actually enjoying company from some other girl. Riz can't take it anymore and pushed me to settle it with Kael saying it's better if I end it with him. I did, I confront Kael calling him to my favorite cafe.

'Hey Bella it's been so long since you last contacted me, have you forgotten about me during those days?' Kael questions. I scoffed this man really I never knew there will come a day that I will be totally furious with him. 'Am I the one who forgot? You didn't contact me Kael even if you knew I'm avoiding you!' I calmly said. 'I guess you got too busy with someone else's company you forgot about your GIRLFRIEND... Who's the girl' I straight forwardly asked. I can see Kael's caught off guard by my question, he looks down avoiding my eyes looking all guilty. I don't need his guilt I need his explanation. 'Tell me' I asked feeling a lump on my throat, holding my tears back. He answered me a while later 'Elisia' one word from him and my hurt crumbled breaking into pieces. It's Elisia his first love my other childhood friend, to be precise me and Kael's childhood friend. Actually Elisia is his childhood sweetheart, I clearly remember it the girl whom he promised to marry at the age of five. I finally understand 'So she's back?' he nods. 'Bella I'm sorry...' 'You don't have to' I cut him off 'Do you still love her? So much?' I question feeling numb all over. He straighten up looking at me with so much emotions not for me but for the girl he loves, he nods 'I still so much' 'Then go, go to her and never look back to me. Kael let's break up. I'm letting you go.' I stated with uneven breathing. I know for so long he haven't moved on from her, long ago I can already feel it, he is just focusing his love to me but that love is not for me. He knew I liked him, I loved him not just a friend and I guess he took comfort from my love in order to temporarily forget her. He stand up from our table and left saying his last goodbye and his last sorry. He didn't even look back but it's better because if he did look at me I would have begged him to stay.

In that small cafe where no one's inside, I finally gave out to my emotions crying my heart out. Thankfully I have Riz, she's there to comfort me enough for me to get through that day. After I and Kael's breakup I decided to continue my studies in Spain, architecture had always been my dream and I don't think I can do it in my country not anymore when all I can only think of is Kael.

Still learning and improving... hope this chapter is not that bad.

Ara_hhhcreators' thoughts