
Handsome Client

In the middle of the afternoon where the sun is shining brightly. A vintage styled mansion stood proudly. Somewhere inside that mansion, a beauty can be seen sleeping peacefully in her own room. But of course just like a fragile glass that peace is broken by a loud ringing sound of a phone.

"Ring...ring...ring". The phone continues to ring for minutes before a body jerked awake from the bed.

"Ughhh... Who's calling at this hour." The person who got awakened from the loud sound fumbled on her bed looking for her phone.

When she finally found it with a ruffled and annoyed voice she answered "What?"

"Arabella Sinclair wake up!! Have you heard about the news?" With an excited voice her best friend stated.

"Of course I haven't you just woke me up from my sleep Riz . And can't you tone down your voice? I might end up in the hospital with a broken eardrum from your shouting."

"Huhhh... Whatever, actually I received a wedding invitation from Elisia. You know what I mean right?" With a soft worried voice Riz questions Arabella.

"You don't have to sound so worried Riz, it's been five years. And good for them they're finally ready to write another chapter about there love story." Arabella said as she force her body to go the bathroom.

" Well how can I not worry when he's your first love and up until now you still haven't got a new boyfriend?"

"Not having a new boyfriend doesn't mean I still haven't moved on Riz!!! I'm hanging up now, I remembered I still have a client to meet" With annoyance and anger Arabella hang up the phone.

Arabella stared at her bathroom mirror with mixed emotions in her eyes that instantly disappear after she blinked. She finally turned on the faucet and washed her face.

After freshing up Arabella change into a black maxi backless dress and got her car keys from her bedside table hurrying to her car as she mumbles "Gosh... I'm late"

If it weren't for Riz calling her earlier Arabella wouldn't have woken up and remember that she still has a client to meet. Arabella drove fast getting frustrated that this is her first client after coming back to the country and she's already late.

Today she will be meeting her client named Rafiviel Wolfe. Although her client came from an affluent family, he still chose not to rely on them and made his own name. Now he is a successful and renowned lawyer already having three private firms located in different cities. Not only is this man very successful but it's also known that his very handsome making him one of the most desired bachelor in the city.

Arabella finally arrived at her destination. She stood outside for a moment and took a long deep breath. She first fixed her hair and put her fake professional smile before finally taking a step forward inside the restaurant.

A polite waiter greeted her and asked "Are you Ms. Sinclair?" "Yes its me." she answered. "Then please follow me Ms." Arabella nodded and obediently followed the waiter.

The waiter lead Arabella into a private room. As she follows and finally arrived inside the private room she saw that her client has already been waiting patiently for her.

"Ahem... Mr. Wolfe I'm so sorry for my tardiness have I..." "SIT DOWN" with a cold voice the man commanded, cutting what she's supposed to say.

Without Arabella noticing she followed the man's order. 'What's wrong with me, why did my body instantly follow his orders?'

"You should have heard I don't like people who are not professional with their work right, Ms. Sinclair?" Arabella snapped out of her trance when she heard the man talk again. "Yes Mr. Wolfe I'm sorry again." Arabella apologetically answer as she bows her head looking at her fingers feeling guilty.

"Well, let's not dwell on that anymore have you finally made the blueprint for the mansion I want you to design?"

"Yes Mr. Wolfe, here you can look at it. It's actually still not the final design since we only talk about what you want online. If there are still some things you are not satisfied with I can change it to your liking." Arabella instantly answered finally getting serious with her job.

Moments later after talking about the changes Rafiviel wants, their order finally arrive. "Ms. Sinclair I think I already stated about the changes I want you to do." "Yes Mr. Wolfe" Arabella answered. "Then we should start eating before the food gets cold."

As they ate Arabella can't stop sneaking glances at Rafiviel's direction. 'Wow how come this man be so attractive? He is just eating but I can feel that he is born with a golden spoon, dignified and elegant. From his cold eyes to his pointed nose, especially his red plump lips. Ughhh I want to take a bite and get addicted to his taste'

"Am I that attractive?" Rafiviel stated catching Arabella sneaking glances at him. "Cough... Uhh...ahem" Arabella choked up from the food she just took a bite from. "What do you mean Mr. Wolfe?"

"You... you've been staring at me for a while now." he said pointing at her. 'Gosh Arabella what are you doing after all these years not having a boyfriend your now lusting over a man like a slut?'

"Well I just want to ask you something Mr. Wolfe" Arabella meekly answered. "Speak." "Uhmmm... what is the story behind the mansion you want me to design a blueprint for?"

"Nothing much, I just want to have my own mansion." he said. "Ohhh" Arabella answered absent mindedly. 'Sigh... this client of mine is handsome but his too frugal with his words. It's not like there's a limit for how many words you can say in a day.' Arabella complained and rolled her eyes inwardly.

After there dinner Rafiviel and Arabella parted there ways. "Mr. Wolfe if you have more questions and request just message and call me. We'll meet a week later then if there's nothing more. Goodbye."

Waaaah first time writing a story. I'm quite overwhelmed and excited at the same time. Hope the flow of the story is not too bad

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