
Chapter 5

A pink hair female wearing pink top and blue miniskirt appeared- "hello there reader's sorry for late updates, i am having some network problems last few days, that's why i couldn't update so i will give some crazy updates as my sorry gift in coming chapters "

The Story:

Kenrir, Isabelle and Annabelle enters the forest, they walk deep in forest and stand in middle of the forest.

Annabelle- "why we stop here" she asked

Isabelle- "shh"

Annabelle- "why"

Suddenly a pair of elves appeared from all four sides and surrounded them "i never encounter elves in my previous life" Annabelle thinks in her mind,she was distracted as on her left side two elves attack her but as saved by kenrir, he pushed back as he stop elves attack, Annabelle got unbalanced and fell on ground "ouch that hurts:" she said

Kenrir ignore her- "why are you attacking us" he asked as elves change glances, Isabelle gives a hand to Annabelle to help her stand

Isabelle- "are you ok annie" she asked

Annabelle- "yes" she answered as she take Isabelle hand and stand, they turn and look Kenrir

Kenrir- "where is your leader" he asked as elves stayed silent

"I am the leader" a dark brown hair female with long sharp ears jumps from a tree and come in front

Kenrir- "you are the famous bloody hunter who killed many our wolf clan members, why are you attacking us'

Elf Leader- "you have no wright to ask" she said with cold tone as she take out her sword and put towards kenrir

Annabelle- "when did she take out that sword" she said in low voice

Isabelle- "elves are mastered in magic" she whispered to Annabelle

Annabelle- "but why i never saw them in my past life" she said in her mind

Kenrir stays calm- "i am crown prince of alpha and mega clan" he said

The leader- "so you are so called crown prince who don't even what his clan did" she said with serious expression on her face

Kenrir- "yes so can you tell me what my clan did"

"why we tell you" one of the elves said

The Leader-'shut up"she said as she stare in kenrir eyes, kenrir stare back "i can see you are sincere" she commented as she withdraw her sword back 'and also hurt" she said in low voice enough to make kenrir hear,kenrir keep stays clam "our little princess was kidnap thirteen years ago and we were informed that some from your clan took our little princess"

Isabelle- "that's impossible" she said with eye widen as she interrupted them kenrir and Annabelle stare at Isabelle

The leader- "why are you so shock"

Isabelle- "duh of course i will be shock not just me even kenny is shock too right kenny" she said while pretending to be clam

The leader- "why are you calling your prince with his name"

Kenrir- "she is my childhood friend"

The Leader- "oh but i heard in wolves royalty only the life partner,wife or fiance only have the wrights to call prince or king with the name not childhood friends"

Kenrir- 'it was in past now time has changed and besides ash is my fiance"

The leader- "oh i thought the girl with black hair is your wife" she commented

Isabelle- "she is my best friend and she made a promise to me"she replied as she walk back towards Annabelle as she stand next to her and put her arms around her neck

female leader f elves stare at Isabelle silently for few minutes than she turn and walks a few steps and paused "little girl don't do the same mistake what you did in past" she said as she disappeared with other elves

Annabelle- "what does she mean" she said in her mind

Isabelle- "phew she finally left" she commented as she sighs

Kenrir- "you shouldn't be harsh" he said as he turn and walk towards them

Isabelle- "who said i was harsh i just said what's the truth"she replied as Kenrir got silent and start walking, Annabelle and Isabelle follow him

After An Hour:

the three stop at very beautiful place. Annabelle stop "....why.."she said in her shivering voice as her eyes got widen and face turned pale

Isabelle-"what is this place kenny" she asked as she look around her

Kenrir put his hand in his pocket and took out something from his pocket as he knee on ground towards Isabelle.

Isabelle-"what are you doing" she asked

Kenrir-"will you marry me ash" he said coldly

Isabelle-"seriously kenny that's how you propose a girl"



Annabelle-"you are a woman, he is proposing you so according to that you are his woman now:"

Isabelle-"yeah wright"

To Be Continued