

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 9: Who did I offend?

Ose ran to embrace her mother on arrival. She scanned her mother from head to toe, without making her childish babbling as she usually does, she held her mother's hand and they both walked together into the house. She came out alone looking at the sky quietly without expression on her face, seconds passed into minutes and minutes into an hour until evening meal was ready did Eseiwi went outside and took her in.While they were having dinner, as usual Itoya eat with her husband while Ose struggle to feed herself. After eating Ose didn't cry she just walked into her room that is opposite her parents room climb up her bed and slept off. After some minutes Ifada , Itoya and Eseiwi started looking for Ose ; they checked their compound and even went as far as searching the compounds around them .they were confused until Eseiwi entered Ose room and found her sleeping in her room. "Everyday Ose have one new behavior to show" Itoya said "I must commend her, she is growing fast" .Ifada said coldly. He was still sad that his wife was so bent on aborting his child; he was so confused on how to tell his wife not to abort the pregnancy, he had promised himself that he must look for a way out.At exact 12 am Ose screamed making her parents to run into her room curious. "What" they asked in unison". Itoya carried her child, her body was very hot and she was convulsing. Itoya was looking at her baby speechless. Ifada held shoulder and said "put yourself together, remember you just had an abortion" she tried to comfort her self, but it was not easy for her, her throat suddenly became dried. The scene of her swimming in the flood of blood flashed on her view and she fainted. Ifada was shocked everything is happening so fast, as a flash his wife got pregnant again , aborted it ,his baby is convulsing and his wife has lost consciousness he was confused who to help first "who did I offend that has pleaded with the gods to deal with me" he cried sorrowfully , within seconds his face was filled with tears. Eseiwi ran out of her room shocked, seeing her adopted mother in a pool of blood and her younger sister laying on the bed in an uncomfortable position, made her more confused on what was wrong but when she saw Ifada crying comprehension hits her that all is not well because what will make an African man cry must be able to compress heaven and earth together. She couldn't help but to cry sadly because the family that was keeping her warmth is facing storms of life. Where will she go to if this situation worse? Who will treat her with love like this family? "Why am I so unlucky" she cried quietly not knowing if to comfort Ifada or if to be comfortedOn arrival at the hospital Ose was pronounced dead while Itoya was rushed to the emergency room, Ifada stood at the door panicking while Eseiwi sat in the reception crying silently, so many things was running through his mind, he prayed silently for the baby to still be in his wife womb, because he was not willing to lost this baby not now that Ose is dead, he will not be able to accept any other bad news now. He prayed silently for his wife and unborn baby to be fine. When he saw his friend coming out of his office he quickly ran him "please save my wife and my baby" he said like a little child that is begging for the last food for survival"Don't worry I will always do my best to protect them" he said firmly and entered the emergency room. After the doctor entered the emergency room Ifada waited at the door patiently confident that his remaining family is in good hands, after about thirty minutes Itoya was rushed into the operation room. As they were taking her away Ifada was so curious about the changes. The doctor walked pass him with a file not waiting to tell him anything when he got to the door of the operation room he stopped and turned to Ifada , walked slowly to him , he looked into Ifada's eyes giving the file to him and said "take sign this papers""Why am I signing the paper" Ifada asked confused"This is not the right time to explain, all I have to say is that your wife is in danger without this operation" he said"Please give me a clear view of what is going on so that...." "The more time we waste the slimmer the possibility of saving your wife, please be reasonable" he cuts in Ifada took the biro from his friend and signed the consent form, immediately Ifada signed the paper the doctor walked into the operating room without any more wordWhat is going here he thought to himself? He tried as much as possible to wave off any negative thought in his mind why was I given a consent form to fill; I hope my wife will be fine, his mind kept running to and fro for about two hours. He was so confident in his friend and didn't bother to read the heading of the consent form to talk of reading the details, he just went straight to the colon of signature and put his signature on it. Ifada's bloodshot eyes stared at the door of the operating room, only God knows how long he spent waiting for the door to open. The doctor walked out of the operating room sad and beckoned for Ifada to follow him to his office. On his way to his office they were silent, immediately they entered the office the doctor asked Ifada to sit opposite him, the doctor does not know how to initiate the discussion after about twenty minutes the doctor cleared his throat said