

"Your first husband is your only husband,no other man can treat you better than him , you either return to your first husband or remain single all your life" Itoya was short of words because she had visited her pastor to advise her on if to get married again after the last episode of her marriage clashed that almost took her life

Ebire · Fantaisie
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27 Chs

Chapter 27: Send Ason to her room

After listening to Ifada she turned to Ason who had been watching silently and asked

"Ason or whatever you call yourself can you tell me how you got pregnant for my son".

She looked at Itoya with the side of her eyes and said "thanks mama for asking"Mama Ifada rolled her eye, when have I ever considered this demon as my child that she now referring to me as mama.

She placed her hand on her tummy and continued "mama that very day, I saw Ifada roaming about the street , when I asked him what the matter was as a good Samaritan, he told me that he wants someone to drink with and…." "You are ….."Ifada cuts in, he was so angry that Ason was lying against him with ease in front of not only his mother but also in front of the woman he had loved so dearly but was interrupted by his mother.

"When I asked you to narrated you refuse to talk so why are disturbing her, Ason please continue".The sitting room fell into silent, after few seconds Ason continued "I followed him there hoping he will drink one or two bottles of bear and relax but I did not know that it will end up in the opposite. He opened one bottle after the other and down everything." Ifada opened his mouth down unable to speak or close the mouth, he was shocked on the way Ason placed the events of that night."I took him to my house when I discovered that he had no place to pass the night, immediately we entered the house and locked the door, he pushed me to the wall and started kissing me like a mad man, the nest thing was tearing my clothes" she said not caring about the eyes that were starring dagger at her. Ifada knew that he was doomed. Itohan and Itoya knew at once that the story was fabricated; the Ifada that they have both loved is never rough in sex and will always ask before going further in it. Mama Ifada was already tired of listening to the story the young woman was narrating she just wants to get to the end of the story and say what is in her mind. "Continue, we don't have all day" she said hissing. "After that you know what happens to a young man and a woman when they are naked in the same room, happened to us" the last part of her narration made Ifada angry at himself because he remembered kissing this demon passionately. Looking at Ifada that did not show any sign that the story of having sex with Ason was false Itoya and Itohan were so disappointed, they were looking at Ifada with a blood shot eyes. The sitting room was so quiet as a grave yard, everyone was waiting for mama Ifada to give her final verdict cleared her throat an face Ifada saying "my so our people says that you cannot tell a child not to have big teeth but he must be told that he must have enough flesh to cover it" she paused to allow what she had said to sink in, scanning through the sitting room she frown and continued "Ifada you have disappointed me, you were well brought up , how come you put yourself in this situation" she quarried. Looking at Itoya she asked "what do you have to say in this matter". "I have no say in this matter mama". Turning to Itohan she asked "what about you Itohan" "Mama it is not in my power to decide what will happen in this house mama" "Ok now to the player that can score so many goals in one shot what do you want to do with Ason, now that she is carrying your child because I will need to settle this matter before going back home?" "Mama she can stay in the house opposite my compound so that we can care of her because I cannot accommodate her" "You cannot what, she is carrying your child so she must stay here with you and you will take care of her here, you cannot run away from your responsibility" Ason was happy that even if mama Ifada does not like her she was still fighting for her. I need to act pitiful she told herself, the next minute she swung into crying, she held her bags dragging them towards the exit door. "Am sorry I should have aborted this baby why am I so unfortunate that my child father does not want it. How I wish I can turn around the hand of times" she said pitifully. On hearing Ason cry mama Ifada was sad because Itoya went for an abortion and lost the baby in the womb, her daughter, and her womb she was not ready to see her son child to be aborted again. She quickly held Ason to stop her from moving out of the house "Please don't go you belong here and no one can send you out, my grandson will be born and taken care of in this house" Itoya was not surprise because back then, she was only accepted into the family when she was pregnant. The next she heard was,"Itoya send Ason to her room" What? Itohan shocked beyond measure is she still going to accommodate this woman, she had only be on friendly note with Itoya because Ifada only have eye for Itoya what he has for her was respect and pity. Itoya did not know what to do she looked at her husband bluntly waiting for Ifada to give a go ahead sign, she only carried Ason bag and strolled to the room she had prepared for Ason. Mama Ifada was angry when she was the interaction between Ifada and Itoya, even if she no longer has womb Ifada still dots on his first wife.

Itohan was shocked that Ifada did not stop them; she went back to the kitchen.