
My Wife Suddenly Turns Into A Gangster

Synopsis: Xu Ming knew that the place he should belong to was 6 ft underground. That's why finding himself safe and sound inside the hospital after reopening his eyes was utterly absurd. Knowing that something was incredibly wrong with his situation, Xu Ming looked down at his body and immediately fell into silence. Xu Ming: "..." Looks like he had accumulated a lot of bad karma while living as a gangster in his previous life. Otherwise, he would not be waking up inside a woman's body whose name was also Xu Ming. To make things worse, this woman has already been married for 5 years to a certain President Xu. Fortunately, his new identity did not get along well with her husband and in-laws. The first meeting between the couple. A certain husband coldly said, "Don't interfere with my life." A certain wife indifferently answered, "Okay." With this development, a certain wife thought that after getting a divorce, the two would never get entangled with each other again. Contrary to his thoughts, their fates seemed to be intertwined with each other since a long time ago. Like a ball of tangled red threads, it was hard to undo them. The conversation between the couple after some time passed. A certain husband affectionately said, "Let's have more children." A certain wife answered icily, "Stop interfering with my life." A gender-bender love story. Please beware that MC is a man being trapped inside a woman's body. MC will always consider himself a man regardless of his outer appearance. Therefore, this novel can be said to be one part BL and one part BG. The picture is not mine but unfortunately, I do not know who is the owner as I found the picture from Pinterest. I apologize for being unable to credit the owner.

B1ackDiA · Urbain
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19 Chs

Daddy Was Wrong. She Is actually Getting Worse

Xu Ming has never tried to hide the fact that he was not Su Ming.

It was a waste of his time trying to pretend to be someone else.

Rebirth indeed sounded bizarre. It would cause countless trouble upon being discovered.

Still, how many people truly believed in this supernatural occurrence?

Rather than thinking of another soul possessing Su Ming's body, it was more logical to think that he was another personality of Su Ming.

That's why Xu Ming was not surprised by Xu Qin's question.

The only unexpected thing was that Xu Qin confronted him head-on instead of turning a blind eye toward his change.

Albeit interesting Xu Ming had no intention of being familiar with Xu Qin.

"What's the point of knowing?"

Xu Qin's eyes flickered at her words. She didn't avoid or refute his claim which amounted to indirectly acknowledging.

He knew that this person was brazen but was not to this point. She was never afraid of being caught.

Or should he say that she wanted to get caught rather?

Even though Xu Qin had heard of this particular case, he never met one in real life. Therefore, he felt a bit incredulous after confirming the truth.

"... What's happened to Su Ming then?"

It has been over a day and she didn't seem to change back to the previous her.

To deepen the misunderstanding, Xu Ming replied in a light-hearted tone.

"Most probably, she is gone."

Xu Qin's heart went chill at this answer. It was true that he hated her but he never wished for her demise.

After hearing this news, instead of feeling relief, he felt somewhat regretful.

Xu Qin involuntarily clenched his fists at the thought that Su Ming might still be saved had he noticed her predicament and toned down his prejudice against her.

While Xu Qin was in his deep thoughts, a mocking voice suddenly floated over snapping him back to reality.

"What? Missing your wife?"

Xu Qin lifted his eyes to look at her but he did not answer.

Heard nothing coming from the other party Xu Ming was not discouraged. He continued with his lie, "Are you also implying that I should not exist?"

'It would have been better had you not existed in the first place.'

Xu Ming's eyes deepened as this phrase involuntarily resurfaced in his mind.

That's right. If possible, he would rather remain deceased than come back.

It was ridiculous how he was brought back to life for no odd reason.

He was not even a good person who deserved a second chance to start a new life...


Xu Ming's thought was instantly interrupted by this light but firm voice. Refocusing his gaze on the approaching figure, he was a bit perplexed as to why the man was coming closer to him.

What happened next caused Xu Ming's pupils to dilate. His expression abruptly darkened.

He dares to touch his head? Doesn't he want this hand anymore?

In the meantime, Xu Qin mistook Xu Ming's stormy face as being awkward so his expression noticeably softened.

He was in no place to comment since he did not know her circumstances or when she developed this problem.

However, for this Su Ming to emerge it only showed that the previous Su Ming created another identity to protect herself from the trauma that he did not know of.

In other words, the Su Ming before him seemed to have never experienced good memories whenever she was conscious.

Probably being a detached person was her only way of 'living' and 'protecting' herself.

That being said, it wouldn't do her justice if Xu Qin were to dismiss her existence when she has already gone through so much.

"You came to be because your existence is needed."

Giving that soft hair a light rub he continued, "Now that you are here, live your life to the fullest."

Xu Ming who was about to brush away that warm hand suddenly halted his action.

He knew the man was not talking about his real self but for some reason, his chest suddenly felt constricted.

Seeing her did not struggle Xu Qin felt that he was thinking in the right direction and felt even more sympathetic toward her. Knowing his limits, he took back his hand and retreated a few steps to give her some space.

He calmly shifted the topic, "Mei-er woke up a while ago but I didn't bring her with me since I didn't expect you to be here early."

Xu Ming promptly curbed his emotions and expressionlessly turned to look away, "That kid woke up early."

Xu Qin's voice was full of pride as he praised his daughter, "She said the early bird catches the worm. She likes to go to bed early and wake up early."

"Good habit."

Xu Qin gently smiled hearing her praise. Recalling his daughter's excited face, he softly said, "Can you wait for a bit?"

To his response, Xu Ming gave him a slight nod.

The distance between Xu Ming's location and the main building was a bit far away so it took some time for Xu Qin to come back with his daughter.

Xu Mei was initially glad to meet her Mom. However, as time passed and the distance between them shortened she began to become anxious.

Tightening her hands onto her Daddy's neck, Xu Mei worriedly asked, "Daddy... What should I say when I meet Mom?"

Xu Qin looked down at her with a doting smile, "How do you greet others first thing in the morning?"

"Good morning... " Xu Mei replied with a small voice but she was still not reassured, "What to say after that?"

Xu Qin's smile did not falter. He continued to appease her, "You will know what to say after meeting her."

His daughter was not a shy kid. She did not have trouble interacting with strangers and did not even cry on her first day at school.

She only became like this with her mother.

Xu Qin did not expect anything to bear fruit after this meeting.

He neither wished for their mother-daughter relationship to improve or turn sourer than it already had.

He only wanted his daughter to meet her mother one more time before she left them.

After all, this Su Ming was no longer related to them.

Nonetheless, seeing her unwell face, Xu Qin worriedly suggested, "If you are too worried, how about another day?"

"No!" Xu Mei instantly rejected his proposal.

The little girl knew that this was a rare opportunity to see her Mom up close, therefore, she did not want to lose it.

Even though she was still afraid of talking to her directly, she put on a brave front and decided not to back away.

"Mom is waiting... I need to meet her as promised."

Xu Qin's eyes softened. He gently rubbed her little head as a compliment for her perseverance.

Shortly after, Xu Qin arrived where Xu Ming was waiting.

Just like the previous time, the other party knew of his arrival even without him announcing it. This time though she slowly stood up and turned around in their direction as if to welcome them.

The moment Xu Qin saw her frontal profile he abruptly halted in his steps and his expression was somewhere between flabbergasted and horror.

Xu Qin: "..." Can somebody tell him why is there a menacing-looking Hello Kitty here?!

In the meantime, Xu Mei who equally shared a horror expression subconsciously shook her Daddy's shoulders. She stammered, "D-Daddy, didn't you say that she is getting better?"

Xu Qin: "..." Daddy was wrong. She is actually getting worse.

Not knowing her Daddy's complicated mood, Xu Mei continued to ask, "Why is Mom suddenly wearing a Hello Kitty mask?!"

Xu Qin: "..." Ask your Mom. Daddy also wishes to know the answer.

Just as the father-daughter were having an emergency meeting, they suddenly saw that Hello Kitty had taken a step forward in their direction.

Xu Qin unintentionally took a step backward.

Xu Qin: "..."

Xu Ming: "..."

As if wanting to confirm something, the Hello Kitty took another step and so did Xu Qin.

Xu Qin: "..."

Xu Ming: "..."

Seeing their bizarre reactions, the person behind the Hello Kitty mask seemed to be a bit puzzled.

Shortly after, a low unhurried voice came from the Hello Kitty who didn't even have a mouth making the situation even stranger.

"What's wrong?"

Xu Qin was at a loss for words after hearing her genuinely confused voice.

Finally finding his voice back, Xu Qin asked in disbelief, "What are you doing?"

Xu Ming momentarily went silent before justifying his act, "... Don't I look friendly?"

Almost immediately, Xu Qin replied speechlessly, "Thanks to you I finally realize that a Hello Kitty can be as intimidating as a psychopath."

Xu Ming: "..."

Xu Qin was not joking. Presently, Xu Ming was wearing black from head to toe adding to her intimidating presence with unhurried gestures, the image was seriously terrifying!

She only missed a weapon and the image would be complete!

Seemingly realizing something, Xu Qin questioned in a hesitant voice, "...You, how old are you?"

The Hello Kitty leisurely folded her arms on top of her chest. Her voice contained a hint of appreciation toward his question, "I'm glad that you asked."

She made a slight pause before answering in a serious voice, "I turn 34 this year."

Xu Qin who was listening to a person wearing a Hello Kitty mask claiming to be 4 years older than him, "..."