
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

Death_Monarch_1 · Fantaisie
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72 Chs


Lucius stood alone in the aftermath of his encounter with the goddess, the weight of newfound knowledge resting solely on his shoulders. As the flames flickered in the distance, he pondered his next move. "Let's try it one more time, maybe I can create a bigger flame or even summon a fireball," he mused to himself, determination glinting in his eyes.

Gathering his resolve, Lucius repeated the familiar steps, channeling mana with increased intensity while envisioning a fiery orb. "But I want to explore other forms of magic too," he thought, his excitement palpable.

However, his enthusiasm was abruptly cut short as a sudden headache gripped him. "Why does my head ache so fiercely? My vision... it's fading, and my body feels leaden," he muttered, staggering towards his bed before succumbing to unconsciousness.

Meanwhile, Elina, ever watchful of her son's well-being, made her way to Lucius's room. Concern etched her features as she observed him peacefully slumbering. Silently, she departed, her worry lingering like a shadow.

As dawn broke, gentle rays of sunlight roused Lucius from his unconscious state. Blinking away the remnants of sleep, he winced at the lingering ache. "Did I lose consciousness due to exerting too much mana? The books did mention such side effects," he reasoned, resolving to be more cautious in the future.

Descending to the training ground, Lucius found it deserted. "Where is Mother? She should be here by now. If she's not, I'll go find her," he resolved, setting off in search of Elina.

"Mother, where are you? It's time for training," he called out, his voice echoing across the empty grounds. After an exhaustive search, he encountered Noir. "Have you seen Mother Elina anywhere? I can't find her," he inquired anxiously.

"She should be at the library. I'll show you," Noir replied, guiding Lucius to his destination.

Entering the library, Lucius found Elina surrounded by a multitude of open books. "Mother, what are you doing here?" he asked, puzzled by her presence.

Startled, Elina exclaimed, "How did you get here?" before embracing him tightly.

Explaining his search, Lucius queried, "What are you doing with all these books, Mother?"

"I'm trying to understand why you couldn't use incantations yesterday," Elina confessed, concern etched in her voice.

Drawing strength from her embrace, Lucius summoned a small fireball effortlessly. Shocked, Elina gasped, "How did you do that without an incantation?"

"I couldn't use incantations yesterday, so I tried non-incantation methods, and it worked," Lucius explained matter-of-factly.

"Show me again," Elina requested, her curiosity piqued.

With a flick of his wrist, Lucius conjured a larger fireball, showcasing his newfound ability.

Alarmed, Elina asked, "Have you told anyone else about this?"

"No, Mother, you're the first," Lucius assured her.

"Keep it that way. Only your family must know," Elina cautioned, emphasizing the need for secrecy.

"I understand, Mother. I'll keep it hidden until the time is right," Lucius promised solemnly.

Pleased with his response, Elina praised him, "You're a smart boy, Lucius. This will be the third secret you must safeguard."

Confused, Lucius questioned, "What are the other two secrets?"

"I am sorry I forgot to tell you Your mother Noir is a dragon, and Athena is half-dragon. Additionally, you, Leona, and Athena have awakened your mana cores prematurely you know about all this but you have to hide it from outsiders."Elina explain Lucius

Wide-eyed, Lucius absorbed the revelation, his mind reeling with newfound knowledge. "I'll remember, Mother," he vowed earnestly.

Exhausted from his exertions, Lucius nestled into Elina's lap, seeking comfort and solace. As sleep claimed him, Elina contemplated her son's future, resolved to protect him and his siblings at all costs.

"Non-incantation magic consumes more mana and drains one's stamina. I must train him to increase his mana reserves and build his endurance," Elina murmured, stroking Lucius's hair gently.

With a steely resolve, she vowed to safeguard her children, knowing that their exceptional gifts would draw both admiration and envy from those around them. As she watched over her slumbering son, Elina's thoughts turned to the daunting task ahead, determined to shield her family from harm.