
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

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Science and magic

The next morning, Lucius headed to the library, eager to delve into the realm of non-incantation magic.

"Alright, where's that book on Non-Incantation magic?" Lucius scanned the shelves, his eyes darting from title to title.

"Over here, Lucius!" A voice chimed in from behind a stack of dusty tomes. Lucius turned to see who called him , Throne, waving the book in the air.

"Thanks, father. This looks ancient, like it's been untouched for ages," Lucius remarked, taking the book from him.

"The World of Non-Incantation Magic, Part 1," Lucius read aloud, inspecting the cover.

Seating himself comfortably, Lucius began to peruse the contents of the book. Suddenly, his eyes landed on a bold statement on the first page.

"Non-Incantation magic—a magic fueled by a caster's imagination, with endless possibilities, yet limited by the authority of the Gods. Only they can create and wield new magic through this means, while humans are restricted to what is permitted by the divine." Lucius paraphrased, absorbing the information.

"Wait, so humans are banned from creating new magic? That's a bummer," Lucius muttered to himself.

"Well, rules or not, I've got the power to push boundaries. Let's see what else this book has to offer," Lucius resolved, flipping to the next page.

After hours of reading, Lucius closed the book with a sense of determination.

"I'll tackle Part 2 tomorrow. For now, let's put this newfound knowledge to the test," Lucius declared, rising from his seat.

Exiting the library, Lucius made his way to an open field where Elina was instructing Leona and Athena.

"Lucius, what brings you here?" Elina inquired, noticing his arrival.

"I've come to practice the non-incantation magic I just learned about," Lucius replied, a hint of excitement in his voice.

"Well, feel free to ask for assistance if needed. I'll be here," Elina offered with a smile.

"Thanks, Mother," Lucius nodded before focusing his attention on his training.

"Alright, let's break down the magic further," Lucius muttered to himself, eager to master each elemental magic.

**Water Manipulation:**

Lucius extended his hand, focusing on the moisture in the air. Instead of laboriously gathering water molecules, he opted for a more direct approach.

"Hydrogen and oxygen reaction... make water," he murmured, as he catalyzed the formation of water molecules within his grasp.

As droplets coalesced into a shimmering sphere, Lucius couldn't help but marvel at the simplicity of his method.

**Wind Control:**

Turning his attention to the wind, Lucius closed his eyes, feeling the currents swirling around him. Drawing upon his mana, he shaped the air into a controlled vortex, a miniature cyclone spinning in his hand.

"By manipulating the flow of mana, I can command the winds with precision," Lucius noted, his confidence growing with each gust.

**Earth Manipulation:**

Grounding himself, Lucius focused on the earth beneath his feet. Releasing a surge of mana into the soil, he felt the ground respond to his command.

"With a sufficient influx of mana, I can shape the earth as easily as molding clay," Lucius observed, crafting intricate formations of soil and rock with practiced finesse.

**Frost Creation:**

Turning his attention skyward, Lucius conjured a sphere of water in his palm. Concentrating on the molecular structure, he began to manipulate the heat within, extracting it until the water crystallized into ice.

"By controlling the temperature, I can induce the transition from liquid to solid," Lucius explained, admiring the glint of ice in his hand.

**Thunder Magic:**

Although absent from the book, Lucius couldn't resist the allure of mastering thunder magic. Closing his eyes, he visualized the crackle of lightning, the raw power coursing through the atmosphere.

"Thunder is simply the result of rapid expansion and contraction of air due to intense heat... I just need to replicate those conditions," Lucius reasoned, his mind racing with possibility

"Lucius truly is a prodigy," Elina remarked, pride evident in her voice.

"He's pushing the boundaries of what's possible," Leona added, admiration gleaming in her eyes.

"And he's doing it with such ease," Athena chimed in, a hint of envy in her tone.

As Lucius continued to experiment, his determination and ingenuity left a lasting impression on those around him, inspiring them to reach for greater heights in their own pursuits of magic.