
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

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Mana Aura and Chakra

After Leaving the training ground Lucius, Leona and Athena went to Meet with Noir

Noir was sitting in her office surrounded by the mountain paper' and documents

"Mother " Athena Voice echoed in the silent office room

"Oh my baby what brings you all three here " Noir asked by suddenly seeing The kids

"Well It's just that you said we will be recieving Martial arts training from you So when are we going to start " Lucius said

"Well You see baby I am very busy with work right now we will start training from tomorrow today you can ask any any questions regarding training you have " Noir said

"Mother I have a question " Lucius said to Noir

"Go Ahead baby " Noir said

"Mother What's the difference between Mana and Aura and What is Chakra " Lucius asked

"That's quite a good Question but It will take time to explain you in detail so why not we have some tea and snacks while I answer you question " Noir said

Nor Ringed a bell placed on the table

A maid come "what can I do for you my lady "

"Bring some tea and snacks for the kids " Noir asked the maid

Maid left the room

Some minutes later see brought tea and some cookies and placed on the table in the front Lucius

"Now let's start with Chakra "

Noir said

"Chakra are basically present in everyone but not everyone can use them they are like locks placed on a person body and you need the right to unlock the lock to release the true potential of a body there Are seven types of Chakra in human body and each one is different they go from bottom to top "

"Let tell you all types and uses of chakra " Noir explain

1. Root Chakra : Represents stability, security, and survival instincts. It governs our basic needs, such as food, shelter, and safety.

2. Sacral Chakra : Associated with creativity, sexuality, and emotions. It influences our relationships, passions, and ability to experience pleasure.

3. Solar Plexus Chakra : Governs personal power, confidence, and self-esteem. It affects our sense of identity, willpower, and ability to take action.

4. Heart Chakra : Represents love, compassion, and emotional balance. It influences our ability to give and receive love, as well as our capacity for empathy and forgiveness.

5. Throat Chakra : Associated with communication, expression, and truth. It governs our ability to speak our truth, express ourselves authentically, and communicate effectively.

6. Third Eye Chakra : Represents intuition, insight, and inner wisdom. It influences our perception, imagination, and ability to see beyond the physical realm.

7. Crown Chakra : Associated with spirituality, enlightenment, and higher consciousness. It represents our connection to the universe, divine guidance, and the realization of our true self.

"Balancing and aligning these chakras is believed to promote overall well-being, harmony, and spiritual growth.chakra enhance your body and Make a complete New self of you but only few can you do that"

"Now let's come to next one aura "

"Aura is a subtle field of energy that surrounds a person or object and It's often described as a colored emanation surrounding the body, and it's said that an Aura reflect a person's emotions, thoughts, and overall state of being. " Noir explain

"Now let me Show you what Aura is and what it's feels like " Noir said

Noir close while sitting on her office chair and slowly open her eyes and release her aura Lucius Leona and Athena become afraid they feel like they can't breathe They saw An big black dragon was ready to eat them noir close her eyes and remove her aura

" Why was there a dragon what just happened" Lucius aske while Leona was still afraid and Athena was calming her down

"I am sorry for scaring you what you saw just now was my aura or my true self when a person release there aura they show there true self and you all three are not connected with your own aura so you felt like you can't breathe " Noir said to the kids

"Then how can we connect with our aura " Lucius asked

"Well that's simple all you have to do is unlock your all seven chakras " Noir said

"I didn't get that how is Chakra and Aura connected " Lucius asked

"Then let me explain The relationship between chakras and auras lies in the idea that the energy flowing through the chakras which can affect the aura. when the chakras are balanced and energy flows freely through them, it positively influences the aura, resulting in a brighter and more vibrant aura. Conversely, blockages or imbalances in the chakras can lead to disturbances in the aura, manifesting as dullness, cloudiness, or fluctuations in color and intensity. Therefore, ones your all chakra open you can easily feel your own aura "noir Explain

"Then what is use the use of aura and what is the difference between Mana and Aura " Lucius asked

" Aura is something that is used by a swordsman For a swordsman, the concept of aura might have a different interpretation . In martial arts and swordsmanship, "aura" could refer to an individual's presence, focus, and energy during combat. the way a Swords man aura are .

1. **Presence and Intimidation**: A skilled swordsman might cultivate a strong aura or presence to intimidate opponents and project confidence during combat. This can influence an opponent's perception and psychological state, potentially giving the swordsman an advantage.

2. **Focus and Concentration**: Maintaining a clear and focused aura can help a swordsman stay present in the moment, enhancing their ability to anticipate and react to their opponent's movements effectively.

3. **Energy Management**: Cultivating a harmonious aura can facilitate the flow of energy throughout the body, improving stamina, power, and overall performance in combat.

4. **Mindfulness and Awareness**: Being attuned to one's aura can heighten awareness of the surrounding environment, potential threats, and openings for attack or defense. This heightened perception can improve a swordsman's ability to read their opponent's intentions and adapt their strategy accordingly.

5.**Aura weapon**: covering the weapon with the Holder Aura one can enhance their Weapons durability and sharpness and damage done by the weapon.

"This thing combine makes A person Aura Knight "Noir Explained in detail