
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

Death_Monarch_1 · Fantaisie
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72 Chs

Mana , Aura and Aura Domain

"If you've grasped the basics of Aura, let's delve into the differences between Aura and Mana," Noir said to Lucius.

"First is Mana. Mana is seen as a resource that allows a person to cast spells or perform other magical actions. It's like a pool of energy that fuels magical abilities. Mana replenishes over time or through items, and different types or colors of mana may be associated with different spells or abilities. If someone's mana core breaks, they can't use mana again. Also, if someone dies and is reborn, their mana core changes," Noir explained.

"Auras, on the other hand, are usually energies attached to a person's soul. They can provide buffs, debuffs, or other enhancements or hindrances. Auras can affect various aspects, like boosting strength, weakening enemies, or altering the environment and creating an Aura Domain. Auras are connected to the person's soul and don't run out energy, even if someone dies and is reborn there aura remain same," Noir continued.

"Do you understand the difference between Mana and Aura?" Noir asked Lucius.

"Yes, but what exactly is an Aura domain? And what about Auras inside items and certain places?" Lucius inquired.

"For Aura domains, you should ask your father. But for Auras inside items and places, I can explain," Noir replied.

"When a blacksmith creates a weapon with great craftsmanship, it gains its own will and soul, acquiring an Aura. Sometimes, a weapon left in the world for centuries may be inhabited by a lost wandering spirit, thus gaining an Aura. Similarly, when a spirit remains in one place for a long time, it can imbue that land with its Aura," Noir elaborated.

"I have one more question," Lucius said.

"What is it?" Noir asked.

"What type of weapon do you use?" Lucius inquired with curiosity.

Athena and Leona's focus also shifted to Noir.

"I use a fan as my weapon," Noir replied.

"I want to see it!" Lucius, Athena, and Leona exclaimed in unison.

Noir retrieved a black fan with a golden dragon imprinted in the middle and sharp needles protruding.

"Wow, so cool!" they all exclaimed.

"Thank you for your time, mother. Now, I should take my leave," Lucius said hurriedly after thanking Noir.

"Now I want to see father's weapon and get my own," Lucius muttered to himself as he left.

Lucius entered his father's office.

"Father, please show me your weapon," Lucius requested.

"Why?" Throne asked, surprised by the sudden request.

"Just show me already," Lucius insisted.

Throne instructed the butler to bring his sword. The butler brought Throne's sword—a red blade with intricate words and a black handle shaped like a winged dragon.

"I want a weapon too," Lucius declared.

"You'll get your own when you've mastered them and completed our weapon training," Throne replied.

"Wait, I forgot something important, father. What is the Aura Domain? Mother Noir said to ask you since she couldn't explain," Lucius said.

Throne closed his eyes, releasing his Aura. A black knight appeared behind him, slashing its sword, enveloping the room in darkness and an intense bloodlust.

"Did you like my Aura Domain?" Throne's voice cut through the darkness as he dispelled the Aura.

"It was quite frightening," Lucius replied.

"Domains are used to weaken enemies' minds," Throne explained.

"What exactly is an Aura Domain?" Lucius asked.

"It represents the owner, covering the surrounding area with the user's Aura, turning it into their domain. It reflects the user's desires. My domain is complete darkness with a sense of bloodlust and intimidation. Everyone has their own unique domain," Throne elucidated.

"Your Aura is like a knight. Why does it slash its sword in the air?" Lucius questioned.

"The knight represents my true form. It slashes its sword to release my Aura more efficiently, and, well, it looks cool," Throne replied.

"So, you're just showing off?" Lucius teased.

"Don't say it like that. Every Aura Domain user has their special moves. I'm not alone, and let me tell you, out of thousands of Aura users, only a few can use Aura Domain. It's not to be taken lightly," Throne explained.

"I want to learn it. I'll create my own world," Lucius declared.

"Sure, come to training starting tomorrow. Work hard, and you'll surely achieve your desires," Throne encouraged.

Lucius left the office to begin his magic training.