
My Wife is Goddess of Reincarnation

Synopsis: In a world where gods and mortals walk among each other, one man's extraordinary journey begins when he sacrifices his life to save a girl, only to find himself face to face with a goddess in the afterlife. Lucius, a reincarnated nobleman with a burning desire for immortality, strikes a deal with the goddess: if he can fulfill her conditions, she will marry him. But failure means eternal servitude. As Lucius navigates the challenges set by the goddess, he discovers that his heart yearns not only for immortality but also for the love of his divine counterpart. Alongside his family, whom he cherishes deeply, Lucius must confront his past and forge a new destiny that balances mortal desires with divine responsibilities. With each page, "My Wife, the Goddess of Reincarnation" weaves a tale of epic proportions, blending romance, fantasy, and adventure into a captivating narrative. Join Lucius as he embarks on a quest for immortality, love, and the true meaning of eternity.

Death_Monarch_1 · Fantaisie
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72 Chs


After Talking with Head maid Lucius went to His Father and ask him to get the adoption documents ready

Lucius leave the His Father office And ask Maid To bring Kaira and Amy to his room

After some minutes maids bring Kaira and Amy to Lucius room

" Take a seat you two " Lucius said

" Do you want something from us " Amy Asked

" What do you think about adoption what do you think about getting adopted " Lucius asked

" Don't joke with us on this topic And If there is who wants to adopt Some one like us Then will be really happy " Amy replied

" There is someone who wants to adopt you that person is a women she is a single lady in her 30 and have a noble title And You have already seen her " Lucius said

" Are telling The truth right someone with noble title wants to adopt us both Thank you thank you so much for taking out of that hell"Amy said while shading tears of happiness

"What about you kaira do you want to meet your new mother" Lucius asked

" Yes " kaira replied

Lucius called head maid inside

"Let me introduce Mr Maria St.Clair the only countess of this duchy And also the head maid of duke house And From now on she is going to be your mother " Lucius introduce the head maid

" It's nice to Meet you again I hope You will accept my request And become my daughters " Maria request both the girls

" Would you mind If I hug you " Amy asked

" Come You can give me a hug as many time as you want " Maria said

Amy run towards Maria and give her a hug

" This warmth this sensetion when was the last time when somebody hugged me so warmly I wanna this sensetion my whole life "Amy thought to herself

" Come here kaira " Maria call kaira near her

As kaira went near Maria she gives a thight hug to kaira too just by feeling the warmth of Maria body and first time getting hugged by someone else other then Amy Kaira started to cry By seeing kaira cry Amy can't hold up herself and start to cry while hugging Maria

" Mother Why didn't you come sooner I was afraid " Kaira said

" I am sorry for not coming sooner I promise you that I will never leave your side now " Maria said

The next day

"Here The paper are ready now we need the blood fingerprint of both girls and Maria" Thorne Said to Lucius

Thorne tell the butler to call Amy and Kaira and Maira to his Throne office

After a short while Everyone enters the Throne office

Maria bow down and greet the duke

"I called you three here because The paper of adoption are ready all you need to do now Is just print your thumb fingerprint with your own blood" throne said

" But why does it have to be printed with our blood" Amy asked

" The print of your Fingerprint with your blood represent you in front of god The blood acts like your identity proof " Throne explained

After hearing throne everyone was ready to put there fingerprint of documents

"Here I won't hurt I promise and Maria you can use healing magic then please heal the girls after I make small cut on there finger "

Throne make small cut on the finger next to Thumb on the girls and Maira hand They cover there finger with thumb with blood coming out of the finger and stamp there fingerprint on the Document after that Maria heal them

"Now it's done from today onwards you are Amy St.clair and Kaira st.clair " Throne said

A smile was on everyone face

" Duke I need a holiday for a month I want to bring them to the count house and spent some time with them " Maria requested

" Sure your have not taken a single leave till now so you deserve this Holiday go and enjoy you holiday " Throne said

While everyone was enjoying there time inside the duke there was someone plotting about them on the other side of the world

A far away land Known as Gehenna kingdom surrounded with darkness and No vegetation

Demon and monster residing in this land disconnected from light and God's rules by Demon lord

Demon lord mansion

" We greet you majesty the 5 demon lord Xarathrul The lord of eternal night" The demon Greets the demon lord

The demon lord sitting on the king Seat the demon lord A handsome men With dark Long hair with Two colour eyes One is like red moon and one is like blue moon and a sharp face and a build body

"Give me the report of outside world" Xarathrul asked

The demon minister in front start to give his report

"The first one is from Our demon territory Some high level Demon Nobel wants leave the Demon Empires and create there own empire And they are planning to kill you And take your position" Demon reported

"Tell Drak and Mona to finish them off and bring there head's to me "Xarathrul ordered

"Yes My lord The second one is from the Empire of Celestial Rex The land of Divine beast and high Elves The spy sent there to Investigate got killed before they could enter the Empire " Demon reports

" Are you an idiot You know that land Covered in Devine Blessings no demon can Survive in that It's easy for them to die There from now on don't Send any demon to Celestial Rex " Xarathrul ordered

" Forgive me for my mistake lord Next is from the kingdom of Thalassar The land Of Demi human They don't want to join our side know They will continue there trade with us but they Won't join us and they will not stop supporting human either " demon report

"The Demi human Are important for both Human and Demon If they stop supporting one empire that empire will fall so leave the Demi human as they are they are still Important to us But ask them to increase the quality of meat And weapon" Xarathrul ordered

"Next one is from The ocean Empire Nautica The area of Mermaid They Are still planning to play neutral Thay Don't want to support any one They have rejected joining proposal from both demon and human " demon reported

"Mermaid and there mermaid queen seraphina they are still planning to play there old game Act as a viewer and wants to continue enjoy watching uus fight stop making fool of our self don't send any letters to Nautica from now on "Xarathrul said

"Yes Demon lord the last one is from The Empire of Aresia the land of humans The first duke is absent from front line from many year we got the news that duke second wife had given birth to a twins thay are of the same age as Princess they will attend the Academy with princess " Demon reported

Ha haha ha ha Xarathrul laugh

"Now that's a good report throne I will teach you a lesson soon for what you did to Me in Academy I will Take my revenge from your children" Xarathrul said And continue to laugh