
1.An heir

"Mother,mother, how could you leave me?You have been the brave wife of the Monarch but why did you leave me? why? They all say you had a dalliance with another man ? I do not believe it , I , Monarch of Roman empire refuse that your character were not as they represent."

When Leroi woke up he could hardly remember what he dreamed except the tears on his face.The tears on his face told him he must have had a horrible dream otherwise he , a man who had learnt not to cry even in dire situation would not have cried.

He sometimes had dreams like this very horrible but he never cared because he had so much work he could not waste time on dreams of unconscious,he had real dreams on which he was working.

He got ready after a long shower and went downstairs for breakfast. His father mr.Roy Kinsella and mother mrs.Jessica Kinsella greeted him.

'When have you decided to get married?'he was fed up with this question everyday his father asked him this question whenever he saw him.

'Dad,why do you want me to get married? he asked

.'I wanna see small children in my house.'

'Then why don't you go to orphanage there are children and children.Just don't.scare them,they are kids.'

'I want my family's child but I don't have problem adopting some.'

'Then produced yourself.'

The time the sentence launched from his mouth his legs fleet .

'I am a child and they want a child of their own, they really want me to do that' Leroi muttered as his car sped off in his car to his company . Company was one of his burden he was given when he had chosen being vice president than getting married.

Royal Moon villa

In brightly lit room a lady in a shorf red dress with a cream dress claded lady stood together .

'I want you to have a child.I want an heir thus you must marry.'the lady in a cream dress said with authority.

'Mother,I am married.' Eric said with nanchalance like what they said was all useless.

'But,your wife has died. So you are not married but a widower and for a child you must marry.'mrs.Nia Night ,Eric's mothet explained.

'Who told you she died,she has woken up .'he replied in an even tone .