
My Werewolf System

What would you do if you were to wake up one day to the message? [You have 5 days until the next full moon] [Your bloodlust is increasing] Gary Dem is a person with a secret. While coming back to school appearing as a whole new person, he does everything he can to keep this from the people he cares about. For his path is one that led him to become part of the underworld. The world has changed, and gangs rule the streets sponsoring big corporations. Bribing politicians behind the scenes and controlling the decisions people make without them knowing it. Using a new breed of humans called the Altered, a mixture of man and beast. It was only meant to be a side job, he was never meant to dig in too deep, but on a mission for his gang, something went wrong, something changed him. [You have 5 days until the next full moon] [Your bloodlust is increasing] The lone wolf... is about to go on a hunt!

JKSManga · Fantaisie
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947 Chs


It was an all too familiar sensation for Gary who had been on the receiving end of those electrified batons. However, the pain wasn’t quite as bad as he remembered, which he took as a good sign of him having improved. Nevertheless, the electricity running through his body caused his movement to be sluggish.

Gritting his teeth, he wanted to lash out at whoever had attacked him, though before he got the chance, the Werewolf felt multiple sharp objects attempt to pierce his back. Fortunately, he had been smart enough to use Controlled Transformation on his back the moment he had been attacked, though he still suffered the after effect of the shock.

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

[-1 HP]

The amount of damage this attack did was negligible, especially since he had increased his Health pool recently. However, there was one thing worrying him. Though he did not receive a system notification, the Werewolf noticed that his Energy was dropping as well, which was a first for him.