
My vimpire husband (he's a devil, she's a seductress)

I don't believe in love neither do I do love Lena, Lucas said, you would only be my girlfriend for three months and once the three months is over we would go our separate ways meet Elena Gomez,a young lady in her twenties with a twist of fate, she has a sick grandma who was diagnose with a heart disease that needs to be treated, but she doesn't have a dime luck came to her and she sold papers worth her grandma's bill but she needs more money. meet Lucas Wilson a wealthy tycoon in country A in England but he has a sickly problem about love, Elena happen to come across him for help and in return she has to be his sex toy. they have different similarities Elena known for her bright smile ; Lucas known for his hard rock face, someone that lost his smile long ago Lena known for her kind behavior; Lucas known for his ruthless character. Lena known for her warmth ; Lucas known for his cold aurora. Lena was stigma as an angel in distress ; Lucas as a Cold devil. Lena from a very poor background ; Lucas a multi trillioner. join me with this enticing Novel I hope we all love it.... NOTE: mature content included

Astra_knight_ · Fantaisie
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Devil in human form

Sir I have the files with me, the old man said and then brought out a file and showed Lucas.

So miss this are the content in the file read them carefully before signing.

Um never mind .Owen read the content in the file out.

I can see clearly Lucas and I would read and would definitely understand stop all this thing it doesn't make any sense at all.

You won't be the one to tell me what to do is that clear to you.

Read Owen

Yes sir....

The content states it's a contract relationship.

There would be a relationship between, lady Lena and lord Lucas, that would only Last for three months, and there would be no feelings attached to this relationship,if lady Lena has feelings for sir Lucas then the contract would be terminated and lady Lena would have to pay for every dime lord Lucas spent on her, and she would return whatsoever gold or silver he gives to her and would leave with nothing, that the punishment if lady Lena decides to have feelings for sir Lucas.

The butler read loud and clear for everyone to hear.

WTF this guy is too cute and really handsome his cold face and devilishly self made him really handsome,he looks like a handsome devil in human form calling, and manipulating her to go into hell with him.

I'm as broke as nothing, how do I pay this guy back if any of these mistakely happens, Lena thought.

But wait come to think of it when the butler was talking he only called my name about falling In love what about Lucas isn't he also a human,he would also be in love.

What happens to Lucas once he falls for me what would be his consequences,I asked.

Smirking wickedly at the other side of the room I read her thought already and I knew she would ask something like this.walked up to them and replied her from behind cause I knew the butler won't be able to do or say anything.

Nothing Lena, nothing would happen there would be no consequences for me if it happens, but nevermind it won't be able to my heart is as strong as a rock even stronger than and it can never be broken.

I'm not human Lena I don't have conscience, my hobby is killing, when I see my enemies and frenemies in pain when there blood is in my hands I'm happy, it makes me glad and that the only thing I love I don't want anything again I don't love anything apart from it so it not possible for me to be in love with a lady, especially you.

Fuck is he really dangerous I almost wee on my pants but I still need to find my tongue,I don't care about anything let my grandma just be fine and live just like how normal humans live.

But don't you think you ain't being fair here no now how would you say something like this to me and then no punishment for you if it happens.

That's because you are human and a fragile lady, your emotions are weak so it won't take you time to be in love with me, so while I'm still polite back off, Lucas said.

At a point I got scared and wanted to back off but remembering my grandma's condition I had to keep my cool, and continue with the flow.

Nothing as such would happen besides it just three months and I would leave,I said with confidence.

Do you know imma fuck your brains out, your going to be my sex toy whenever I want you and wherever.

Yes I know and I'm willing to do so I said.

Okay sign the contract and hand it back to the butler, Lucas said.

Wow finally thank goodness,woahhhhhhhhh, Lena shouted jubilating over her success.

So tell me when do I start being your girlfriend? Lena asked "

Now came Lucas reply"

Now you mean right now huh' Lena asked rehotical question.

You ain't deaf miss Lena.

Hold can I ask you for a favor.

What that, came Lucas reply.

You go to the company early morning, and I can't just stay at home all day can I also go out to do my daily routine and I promise to be back before twilight, Lena said "

Meaning,my answer is no,we already signed a contract I would give you anything you want but you would be here at home in my house all day,and if it isn't okay by you it not too late to back off, Lucas said.

Okay I had what you said ,I would stick to that I said with a disappointed face ; what do I tell grandma how would she know that I'm here if she wait for too long and don't find me she would become worried, and she's too fragile to be worried, but Lucas didn't look at my face he just went upstairs, but I still need to talk to him.

Butler Owen, please where is Lucas room I asked the butler.

It's in the third floor, there are two rooms in that passage the one with a golden door and has LLY at the front of it is his room but may I know why you are asking this , the butler questioned.

I want to talk to him I said "

Oh I'm afraid you can't go in there to talk to him, the butler said.

Why I said with furrowed brows,why can't I go in there,I said rising one of my brows.

Sir Lucas doesn't like anyone in his room,non of us the workers have gone in to his room before even his girlfriends.

Wait are you being serious now, you mean nobody has ever entered his room apart from himself then who cleans his room then.what could even be in the room I thought thinking.

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