
My vimpire husband (he's a devil, she's a seductress)

I don't believe in love neither do I do love Lena, Lucas said, you would only be my girlfriend for three months and once the three months is over we would go our separate ways meet Elena Gomez,a young lady in her twenties with a twist of fate, she has a sick grandma who was diagnose with a heart disease that needs to be treated, but she doesn't have a dime luck came to her and she sold papers worth her grandma's bill but she needs more money. meet Lucas Wilson a wealthy tycoon in country A in England but he has a sickly problem about love, Elena happen to come across him for help and in return she has to be his sex toy. they have different similarities Elena known for her bright smile ; Lucas known for his hard rock face, someone that lost his smile long ago Lena known for her kind behavior; Lucas known for his ruthless character. Lena known for her warmth ; Lucas known for his cold aurora. Lena was stigma as an angel in distress ; Lucas as a Cold devil. Lena from a very poor background ; Lucas a multi trillioner. join me with this enticing Novel I hope we all love it.... NOTE: mature content included

Astra_knight_ · Fantaisie
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7 Chs

commanding tone

from my perspective he doesn't do love but he give me what ever I want as long as it not love be it money or so.

isn't this a sign grandma only have this year to leave and in the next three months the year would be over if we can't get a donor.

the main reason is cause we're poor it hard cause they think we can't pay.but with this man it would be possible, he's an influencer and a wealthy business tycoon Mr.popular I'm sure if I could stick to him as his girlfriend and ask him for his help and once he has grant me my request I would give him what he wants and we go our separate ways yeah that's what I would surely do.

before he could leave I shouted from behind, I'm sure he knew I was watching but he didn't bother, and walked away and I had to call his attention myself.

Wait!!!!,I shouted from behind before he could leave.

Lucas POV

I knew someone was watching but I didn't bother cause it isn't any of my business, but I never expected the person to call me, and it was actually a girl,or I'll say a lady.looking at the person through my shoulder,I saw her approach me, what does she want I thought.

Good day sir;Lena greeted, I'm Elena, Lena for short form.

Miss maybe you don't know me then I would tell you who I'm I hate delay I like to get things done once and for all so stop beating around the bush,I never asked for your name so speak, Lucas demanded with a commanding tone.

truth be told i'm scared of this man but I need to put my fear aside and get what I want this is my only chance I can't misuse it.

I'm sorry sir I didn't see that coming,Lena apologized.

what do you want, the man said.

Can I be your girlfriend,Lena said not wanting to beat around the bush.

An evil smirk came up on Lucas face, little fruit are you one of them, your still a baby to do that, Lucas said while smirking devilishly.

Lena was confused with what he said and raised her brow up with a questioning look on her face, that shows what do you mean.

Lucas smirked again and said, little fruity why do you want to be my girlfriend.... nevermind you can't be my girlfriend I don't do children.

But sir...no Lucas, Lucas corrected

oh sir Lucas the lady who just left now what was she, I'm twenty I'm not a kid, the lady that just left is just five years older than me,I would give you anything you want but I just need your help.

Okay what do you want, money how much do you want nevermind, get me my check I would....

Yes I need money but I still need you Lena said.

you need me for what, Lucas asked confused.

just lemme sign the contract I promise to do everything you want, please just lemme be your girlfriend Lena begged.

Miss I don't do love, cause ion know why you are so desperate, Lucas said.

yes I know I don't need your love I just want to be your girlfriend.

alright follow me I'm going home now, come with me, Lucas said.

he hasn't agreed but he's saying I should follow him home in as much as I want him to be my boyfriend,I can't go with him like that besides he looks dangerous what if he harm me; no come off it Lena you are just being worried over nothing I said reassuring myself.

what happened what are you thinking, Lucas asked.

nothing I'm just thinking of why you want me to come to your house when you haven't said anything to me yet.

Would you come with me or not Lucas said.

I do want to come with you, Lena said.

then fucking come with me Lucas said.

having no other choice I went with him


The drive was a long one but eventually we got there the car pulled over in a big penthouse with one story building, the building was massive, and elegant.

The driver went to park the car at the parking lot before we came down from the car.

Getting out of the car I saw Lucas move straight upward and I followed behind not until we got to the front of his door,he pressed somethings and the door flung open,I think that should be his passcode.

He walked in and I followed him behind like a lost dog following it master after some time we came to a halt in the dining room the dining room is really wide just how much does this man have like seriously.

Owen Lucas called.

sir good day a man in his late seventies replied so obediently and dicoile , to Lucas, the dude didn't even look at him and just snapped his finger and used his eyes to look from the man to me like he was telling him something indirectly.... the man nodded and then and then walked away going to the second floor..... after sometime he came back with a file in his hands 

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I don't plan on locking any of the chapters so just do me a favor like the Novel, comment your thoughts, make a review and follow me up that all I ask for i promise to update atleast one chapter a day,I have been busy for sometime and I didn't get a chance to write to you all I'm sorry about that do well to comment your thoughts please readers 

sorry if you find any errors this chapter wasn't edited

Astra_knight_creators' thoughts