
My Viewpoint as a Dreamer

We all see dreams, but what are dreams? Our Mc saw dreams about a world. He found his dreams to be too real. One night he went to sleep but when he woke up he was not in his bed, he found himself on an isolated island. Read the journey of a dreamer as he found himself in a world he saw in his dreams. His advantage? He has been dreaming about that world for ten years and he knows about its past, present, and future.

blank2711 · Fantaisie
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78 Chs

Vision 7 - What is this? (5)

It was absurd. How can someone like this exist? I have never known about him.

Inside the holding cell, a boy approx of my height was sitting on the bed. His head was down, looking towards his own feet. He was wearing clothes with long sleeves attached to the back.

He looked like a psychopathic criminal sitting inside a cell with his head down, but his details said otherwise.

[ Subject:90

Race: Human ]

I activated my Skill.

[ The Active Skill 'Prescient Description' is activated. ]

[ Name: Wynfor Ducas

Age: 113

Blessing: none

Active Attribute: Very Holy (Hero)

Active skills: Self-Defense Lvl.4, Sword Dance Lvl.4, Spear Handling Lvl.3, All Weapon Mastery Lvl.4, Camouflage Lvl.4...

Passive skills: Confidence Lvl.3, Battle Knowledge Lvl.5, Rationality Lvl.3, Sense of Balance Lvl.4, Loyalty Lvl.3

Overall Stats: Strength Lvl 179, Stamina Lvl 175, Agility Lvl 176, Magic Power Lvl 177

Description: A person with a great foundation, but no one to associate with. He is a person with high loyalty, but he never found anyone to give his loyalty to.

** Currently under a high hypnotic effect. ]

What the hell is up with his skills and stats.? His all stats is already above a hundred. Mostly all important people of the world I know have stats above a hundred, but it is not easy to raise up to that level without any blessing.

He is definitely a scam character. He looked around of my age but he is way older than me. He is already past total of four hundred stats, so it is obvious.

How did anyone able to capture him? That was my question

He is currently under a hypnotic effect which explains his weird condition, someone like him could be dangerous to anyone who captured him.

He might become someone great in the future. Since I did not know anyone like him that means he will obviously die inside this facility someday.

" Why are you looking at him so intensely? "

I was looking at a person for too long, and Persephone called me out.

I used chatbox.

-This person is strong.

"hmm? this person? Then isn't it better to leave him here? Or do you want a soldier? "

I could leave him here. If he lives, he can cause problems for the future. And wanting him as a soldier? No way. I do not want people that scary around me when I am weak myself, and why would he work under me? But-

-I want neither of them, but he will be useful.

After almost three years, there is gonna be an overload and the world will change. At that time people like him are needed. Someone who can fight 'Scripts' and someone who is not a sociopath.

He is perfect.

I need more people like him to exist. So that I do not have to step up to fight employees and Nubeculas.

I took out some items from the storage ring, I got from the vault. I have already stolen all the wealth of the church which is already different from what happens in the future, and Now I am creating chaos too.

This might cause some changes but it had to be done, if I do not use the things I know to my convenience, then what is the point of knowing them?

[ Item: Normal grade bomb. ]

[ Item: Super grade bomb. ]

[ Item: Attack hammer. ]

I took out several normal grade bombs, if I am going to release someone, it is better to go wild, the super grade was two levels higher than the normal grade. It was for my escape and the attack hammer was a buff item.

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "Woah, those look interesting". ]

[ 100 points donated ]

[ Some Nubeculas are curious about what are you going to do. ]

Nubeculas are getting curious. It is entertaining to see someone blowing up a whole facility he stole, right? For the audience liked that, it was great content.

I picked up a normal-grade bomb and went towards the cells. I attached one bomb to each glass wall of every cell. People inside looked at me and they moved their gazes.

They all might have been in here for a long time. They must have spent every night and day hoping someone will come and save them, but no one came. They had lost hope. They didn't even realize what I was doing.

After attaching all the bombs, I used Persephone flight skills and attached the super grade bomb to the ceiling of the holding cell, and set it to laser mode.

I went back to the cell of the scam character, Ducas. I picked up the hammer and activated its effect.

[ Item 'Attack hammer' has been used. ]

[ You have gained an increase in your attack power by 50%. ]

-Share strength stats with me.

I also asked Persephone to share her strength stats. I have Zoe's heart now, so I do not have to worry about fatigue anymore, and it will much easier this way.

[ The Benefit of the Soul Contract has been used. ]

[ The high existence 'Persephone' has shared her stats with you. ]

To be honest, I often thought that these messages does not have to be that long. If I could control the system I would shorten this. I should talk to employees about it.

Because of this, my stats increase greatly. I only wanted to increase my strength stats, that's all I need anyway.

[ Strenght Lvl.19 -> Lvl.61 ]

[ Difference in stats is too high. A time limit has been placed. ]

[ Time: 9 minutes. ]

Strength Lvl.61. It was higher than before. 'Zoe's heart' skill must have improved my tolerance. I felt some strain on my body.

[ The Exclusive skill False awakening has nulled the strain on your mentality. ]

Now I am all good to go. I felt amazing, the strain on my body was taken care of by Zoe's heart and my mental stress was taken care of by false awakening. I clenched the hammer tightly.

I felt a surge of energy in me. I lift the hammer and swing it hard. The hammer connected with the glass wall of the cell.


A loud bang noise was heard. It attracted the attention of some people inside the cell. The glass wall vibrated but there was no scratch, it was harder than I thought, but it was holding someone with stats above four hundred. I again lifted the hammer and smashed it on the wall again, and again.

Bang!... Bang!... Bang!... Bang!...

By now people inside the cells realized what I was doing. They came closer to the glass wall of their own cells. They started banging on the walls, but I couldn't hear them. The cell seems to be soundproof. I could not hear them, but it was obvious they were asking for help.

I started hitting the glass even harder, now Scratches started to appear on the glass wall but the person inside still didn't move a muscle.

Screech... Screech...

The scratches became cracks and it started to appear like a spider web on the glass wall. I put my strength into the hammer. This time I wanted to break the glass wall with a single hit.

BANG! ...


With a loud noise, the glass wall broke and all the glass fell to the floor. I looked toward the people. They were looking at me. I saw hope in their eyes.

" Stay back. I attached a bomb to the glass walls. "

People stopped banging as soon they hear my voice, and then their eyes went towards the bomb attached to the glass walls of their cell. All of them paled and went away from the wall. I walked inside the cell I just broke.

I went in and stood in front of the person sitting with his head down. I lifted his head. The person looked quite handsome. He had silver hairs, but his eyes were hazy.

I picked him up over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Then I activated the normal grade bombs.

boom. smash. boom. smash. boom. smash.

Several bombs and the breaking of glass were heard, then I went out. All the glass walls of the cells were broken. People were coming out of their cells. Some of them had tears, some had a smile.

" I am free. "

" Am I really out? "

" I can get out of this place. "

" Thank you. Thank you, god. "

I ignored the people chanting gibberish. They had a hopeful expression, and now I can get out of this place.

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is satisfied. ]

[ 400 points donated. ]

He better gave me that. If it wasn't for him I would have just ignored the whole place.

" Hey. You are the one who saved us, thank you. "

A woman came to me with tears in her eyes. Others heard her and looked at me as well. I waved my hand and went inside the cell again to take the cover.

" Go inside for now. "

" What? "

They might have not understood me, but it was not my concern. I did not save them out of goodness of my heart. As soon as I went inside, I activated the super grade bomb.


" What is happening.? "

" GO Inside a Cell Now! "

The facility started to shake. The woman realized something and told others to go inside to take cover.

The bomb started to act up. It shone brightly and then it shot a laser towards the sky. It was even brighter at night. I thought people must have seen it from outside, but most of them were sleeping so they will only know about it tomorrow morning.

The laser was shot and after a few seconds brightness dimmed and then the device fell to the ground, It was useless now. I went out and I could see the sky above. There was a hole in the roof.

Beep... Beeep... Beeeppp...

The security device of the facility went on. The whole place was now lit with red light. The red light started to go wild.

[ The shared skill 'Flight' has been used. ]

[ The Active Skill, 'Flight Lvl 1' is activated. ]

I used the flight skill and floated above the ground, Ducas was over my shoulder and Persephone was floating beside me. I was going to fly through the hole when someone spoke.

" Hey! You! "

I was floating so I turned around in the air. An old man was shouting at me.

" Where are you going, mask man? You made a mess out of this place, and now your leaving. Save us too. "

What is this man barking about? Isn't it different from how things should be? Instead of thanking me, they are accusing me.

" Yeah. Save us too. "

" Please take us with you. "

" Save us. "

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' scoffs. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' is disappointed with people here. ]

Others started to join as well. It was annoying. I do not care what they say or want. I looked down at them, I tried to imagine them like ants.

'How should I reply?'

I thought it was weird that 'that' thought crossed my min. Why should I be thinking about that? I should reply with what I actually think.

" Who do you think you all are? I am not here to save anyone. "

I spoke seriously. I tried to imagine myself as some Main Character. I should save them? what a joke. I am weaker than anyone here. Why would I do anything?

" You are all-powerful yourselves and now you are free. There is no one in the facility right now. Use your own capability or help each other. I don't care. "

" What? "

" Hey come back. "

I ignored all the people shouting and flew through the hole on the roof. Alarms are already going on, I should get out of here as soon as possible.

[ The Nubecula 'Whose Heart Bleeds For Heartbroken' likes your fair nature. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Who Like Cigars And Candy' comments "Typical hero speech". ]

[ The Nubecula 'Gumiho' comments "That speech will go viral". ]

[ The Nubecula 'Hwang Jini' like your indifferent nature. ]

[ The Nubecula 'Raziel' is satisfied. ]

[ 900 total points donated. ]

Nubeculas showed different reactions, but I got a good amount of points. SO it was all good. As for people in the facility, they will be able to get out. There are only some guards that will be able to come in such a short time.

I flew towards Bob's house and landed in a park near his house. I placed Ducas on the bench. I took off the coat and mask and placed them inside the ring. It will be a problem if someone saw me like that now.

I also took out a hypnotic releaser tonic. The church had all sorts of things.

[ Item: Mesmerism untie tonic. ]

It had a fancy name. I placed the bottle in his mouth as soon as he had the first drop, he started to drink the tonic on his own.

[ Mesmerism untie has been used. Target has been released from hypnosis. ]

Item worked and he regained his senses. As soon as his eyes were focused. He stood up and started to look around moving his head like an idiot person.

" What?"

" Where am I?"

" What happened?"

He was confused. I was having a headache, he was asking too many questions.

"Those people."

" Where is this place? "


In the middle of all the questions, a slapping sound was heard. It was me, I slapped the guy asking too many questions at once.

'Don't judge me. It had to be done'