
99. Failing the quest


[A king tier blocking ring]

[When used on a vampire, it will completely block the effects of sunlight, as long as the ring is worn.]

"WHAT!" shouted the system. "There exists a ring that completely blocks the effect of the sunlight. Why do I not know anything about this? I have tried my best during my time to make the best blocking ring but the best I could have done was the advanced tier blocking ring which is found in the system shop."

Compared to the advanced tier which allowed the user to walk in the sun for only 3 hours without being affected by the sun, the one on Abraham's hand did not have a limit. Seeing that just the king-tier blocking ring has achieved the goal, there was no need to create a higher tier blocking ring.

"Now show me the rest, are they all at the king tier. Maybe it is a full set." The system was eager to know what the rest of the blood armor had as stats and abilities.

"Be patient old man, let's reach the top of the tower first. There is another piece. Then we will see them all together." Of course, Abraham knew what they were, but even in the original story, there were never the exact stats and all the abilities they provided.

On saying so, Abraham left the room and continued to ascend the stairs upwards. As always, he would switch between his normal eyesight and the wireframe to see if there existed any hidden room.

Finally, after a long walk up, Abraham reached a platform. It was the final platform as Abraham noticed the ceiling above. The ceiling also had several pieces of blue crystals sticking from underneath providing the right amount of light to illuminate the platform.

Using his Inspect skill on the crystals, Abraham saw that they were at the basic tier same as the crystals found in the tunnel leading to the settlement.

On the final platform, was another large, arch-shaped double door like the one before. It also had no lock and all Abraham needed to do was push it open with their two hands. The sound the door made as it swung open was like a thousand whispers all at once. Just like every room they had entered before, the lights started to light up one by one, revealing what the room looked like.

Abraham stood in the doorway for a moment, taking it all in. From the door to the center room, was a large red carpet...

It reached the center where there was a very large circle on the ground. The pattern on the circle was similar to that on the door they had first seen. Only there didn't seem to be anywhere for the blood crystal to be put in. Past this, was more red carpet on the other end of the circle, which continued forward until it eventually reached a large chair.

When looking at the large chair, or throne.

It looked like only a person of significance would be allowed to sit in such a place.

That was when Abraham spotted something while looking at the throne. The walls were made of smooth polished stone. There was no furniture, no decorations, and no sign of life anywhere. But just behind the chair a little bit above the throne, there was a clear glass pane, and inside was a large sword-like weapon.

On seeing it, Abraham had the brightest smile on his face. Abraham started to walk across the throne room, his footsteps echoing off the walls. As he got closer to the glass pane, the clear image of the sword came into view.

The sword didn't look regular, for even though it was locked away behind a glass casing, it seemed to have several black chains wrapped around it, from the hilt all the way up to the tip of the blade.

'Why would a sword need to be chained up when it isn't being held by anyone?'

The handguard seemed to be quite scaly and rocky. Red in color and pattern which matched the armor seen earlier. Between the hand guard and the bladed part was a red gem. It looked very similar to the crystal that Abraham had obtained after defeating the king tier beast.

From the crystal, inside the sword, a single red line ran up the blade until the tip. It looked like a bar of some sort, but both the crystal and the red line running up the sword seemed to be void of any power.

Just as Abraham took a step forward to come closer to the sword, the room seemed to slightly vibrate.

"Quickly get the sword!" shouted the system in fear that the sword was going to be blocked just like from the five previous podiums. But Abraham did not move as he was aware of what was happening next.

In front of the sword... A podium started to rise. It wasn't large and it rose up until about waist height to where Abraham was standing. The vibration stopped in the room and so did the podium. On top, was a diamond-like shape hole. As Abraham gently ran his fingers over the top of the podium another message appeared.

[Would you like to insert your blood crystal?]

[Once inserted the blood crystal may not be removed!]

[Yes] [No]

I suppose I should tell you, you will have a tough decision ahead of you." The system said. " The blood crystal can be used just like a beast crystal. They are used to either create armor or weapons. For certain reasons, these crystals are a lot rarer than beast crystals."

The Unique thing about a blood weapon is it has the ability to evolve and grow stronger. However, depending on the crystal used, there is a limit to its growth and its starting point.


Choosing the option from the system, Abraham had already made his choice before coming to the tower. In the canon story when Quinn saw the option, he thought that by inserting the blood crystal, the reward would be the sword. Sadly that was not the case. There was another reason why Abraham did not choose to insert the blood crystal. That was because the crystal would wake the owner of the tower.

The room started to shake slightly once again, and the podium started to sink into the ground slowly. Eventually, the whole podium was back on the floor and the vibrations had stopped.

[Quest explore the tower failed]

[No penalty for failing the quest]