
My Vampire Saviour

Fay Winters, a witch who's been dealt a bad hand in life meets a Vampire who will throw her for a loop but will she resist the allure and not fall in love? Find out

Whovian698 · Fantaisie
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6 Chs

Chapter 4-Contact

Adrian looked at Fay who looked a little scared and dropped the other man, his eyes and fangs went back to normal.


Fay ran up the stairs and into her room where she closed her door and sat on the floor leaning against her bed.

"Fay?" said Adrian from the other side of the door "Are you okay? I...I didn't meant to scare you"

Fay wasn't scared of Adrian but seeing his anger brought back feelings from when Daniel would lose his temper and take it out on her, she was feeling it all again. Fay pulled her knees up to her chest and covered her ears with her hands.

Fay didn't hear the door open and she didn't see Adrian walk up to her and sit down in front of her.

"Fay are you okay?"

Fay didn't reply and she was still sobbing.

"Fay listen to me, you're okay, your safe here"

Fay looked up at Adrian, he had a worried face, Fay didn't like to worry people but her feelings were too overwhelming for her.

"Fay listen to me, listen to my voice, its okay, just breathe, you're safe, you're okay"

After a while Fay calmed down and saw that Adrian was still sitting in front of her looking worried as hell.

"I'm sorry Fay I did not want to scare you"

"It wasn't you"

"Then what?"

"Seeing you hold him like that brought back old memories....Of Daniel"

"Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't know"

"Its okay, Thank you for helping me"

"Of course, you should get some rest, your heart is still beating irregularly"

Fay looked at him confused

"Vampire hearing"


Fay stood up but her legs gave out and she was about to fall when Adrian caught her without thinking, he sat her down on her bed and backed off.

"I'm sorry I didn't think, are you okay?"

"I think so" she said clearly shaking from the contact.

"Get some rest Fay you've had a busy day"

The men brought in her bags and left them at the end of her bed and left the room along with Adrian.

Fay rummaged through her bags and found the pyjamas she bought and walked into her bathroom and had a warm shower. She put on her pyjamas and went to sleep.

The next day she woke up and changed into some skinny black jeans and a light grey hoodie which was obviously a size bigger, just the way she liked it. She brushed her long Black hair and walked down to the main floor where she saw Adrian once again sitting at his desk but this time there was someone sitting in one of the chairs on the opposite side.

"Fay could you come here a second?"

Fay walked over to the desk and smiled at Adrian

"Fay this is Jacob, Jacob this is Fay"

"Nice to meet you"

"And you"

"I need you to perform a locator spell, Jacob here has managed to lose a new born"

"It wasn't my fault, New borns are really strong, she took down three of us"

"Do you have something of hers?"

Jacob held up a heart shaped necklace and gave it to Fay. Fay held it in her hand and closed her eyes, when she opened them again she saw the girl, she was terrified, she was in an abandoned building that looked like an old recycling plant. Fay blinked and she once again saw Adrian and Jacob, they were both watching her.

"She at an old recycling plant, but I'm not sure where exactly"

"I know that place, its a few blocks from here, Thanks Fay" he said patting her shoulder and getting into the elevator.

Fay obviously was uncomfortable with the contact but didn't let Jacob see it.

"Are you okay?" asked Adrian

"Yeah I think so"

"I'm sorry about last night I..."

"You don't have to apologise for my freak out" she said walking to the kitchen and opening to the fridge and making herself a sandwich.

"You had a good reason to react that way, I'll try to keep my anger away from you"

"You don't have to change your life for me" she said leaning against the counter

"I shouldn't have lost my temper in the first place, Joseph has a knack for bringing that part of me to the light, its not something I'm proud of"

"Everyone has that one person who pisses them off so easily"

Adrian looked at Fay and noticed that she was wearing his ring.

"You're wearing it"

Fay looked at the ring and then back at Adrian.

"Yeah it's nice, thank you for the laptop and phone as well"

"Of course, there something we need to discuss"

"Why do I get the feeling I'm not going to like this chat?"

"The annual Vampire ball is in three days and as the New York Vampire Lord I have to attend and I want you to come with me as my date"

"A ball equals dancing which equals touching I don't think I can"

"If you're willing we could use the next three days to work on it, even if we just get you comfortable with me touching you"


"I don't want to push you but I think it could be good for you, getting back into the world"

Fay hesitated for a while before saying "Okay"

Fay finished her sandwich and joined Adrian sitting on the couch facing each other. Adrian placed his hands, palm up, on his knees and looked at Fay.

"Put your hands on top of mine, whenever your ready"

Fay hesitated for while, she tried she got so far as to be mere centimetres from his hands, all the while Adrian's hands didn't move an inch, he was very understanding.

"Could I try something?" he asked

Fay looked a little worried but nodded.

"Put your hands as close to mine as you can"

Fay hovered her hands over Adrian's and looked at him.

"Okay look at me, not your hands, okay?"

Fay nodded as she felt Adrian's hands touch hers, she flinched a little but soon got used to it, after a while it didn't really affect her. Fay smiled all the while still looking at Adrian.

"You did it"

Fay looked down at her hands touching a mans and laughed a little with tears in her eyes, she didn't think it was possible.

"I'm proud of you Fay"